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Sailing Joco

    • 1 week ago

    it looks like you were rolling through a 90 degree arc, that's brutal!

    • 1 week ago

    That’s a nice looking boat . I like it .There’s one in Rio Dulce on Yachtworld with no teak on it in the pictures . It looks naked

    • 1 week ago

    You guys are the best, Kristen, I always appreciate your narration.

    • 1 week ago

    Sorry for misspelling 🤡

    • 1 week ago

    That sucks you need to learn how to pull you anchor chain around to your jib winches to angle Joco ito the swells to ride mor comfortable

    • 1 week ago

    You need some Flopper Stoppers

    • 1 week ago

    They're called "swells" because they suck like your ankle does when you twist it really bad. That ensign does not look like a nice new one that someone may have sent to you… 🤔 And a sandy bottom is probably better than a muddy bottom. 😂

    • 1 week ago

    Just remember that, instead of enjoying the swells, you could be living in New York City, LA, or Chicago. Maybe the swells are not so bad? 🙂 You guys make the best of paradise.

    • 1 week ago

    Question, why not put your sail up and settle the boat down?

    • 1 week ago

    Well done doing the provisions in Guadeloupe, you were well informed because it is expensive over in Antigua. Got some of the best beaches out there tho😊. Be safe out there guys. I am enjoying the Antilles through your videos thank you soo much keep em coming 😁

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