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Ocheme James

    • 6 months ago

    I have studied associate degree in computer science in Pakistan. Is there any pathways to get admission in us to pursue my degree

    • 6 months ago

    Hello, I need help.
    So I applied to a few schools in the U.S., I planned to apply for a loan since the schools were not giving full scholarships for nursing. I have submitted my application and now they are asking me to fill out the financial information form and submit a bank statement so a decision can be made.
    I do not know how to fill out or what information to fill in the form. I am supposed to have at least $33k apart from the scholarship they are giving in the statement I am going to send. Please does any know what I am supposed to do? How do I fill out the form? How do I get the statement of account to send? Or do I just say I intend to take a loan and do not have any money?
    Please anyone can suggest.

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