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Journey To Grace

    • 2 months ago

    ANU … IS SATAN ,

    also named Amun in Egypt , Zeus by the Greeks , JESUS by the jews , starting to get the point here ?

    another little fact you probably didn't know ,

    when people finish with their INCANTATION / SPELL / prayer ( all the exact same meaning ) , what do they say after it finishes ?

    AMEN >>> which is just another name of SATAN or Amun

    Amun / Amen / Amin / Anu / An / Zeus / Jesus / god / all the Hindu gods …

    why would an all-loving god need religions that DIVIDE US ? or would That be a tactic … of the ''other guy'' , people think ?

    take a minute … i'll wait …

    Satan IS your lord and creator , there is nothing else , just an alien that called itself god and Satan , both are the same character

    always has been , it even says it IN the bible itself , people know that , right ?

    he had three brothers , that's why the bible says gods with an S at the end , when they translated it they cut the S of GODS …
    people know this is the truth , EVERYBODY knows this is the truth , but nobody seems to care …

    all stories of the world are created By Satan , it's his program , you have no idea what these aliens can do ,

    when WE OURSELVES can turn on and OFF your belief in a god with the flip of a switch ,

    let you feel that overwhelming love people talk baout in NDE's , we can give you that while you're awake , with the flip of a switch

    so you think , aliens that have been studying us for millennia or longer , Couldn't make us feel and see things like that , EASILY ????
    we are all caught in a trap and WE are the diner on the table of the overlord and his minions ,
    all wrapped in a neat little story to KEEP US HERE , at our own will even … not even a struggle to fight ,
    just being born to be milked as a cow that's being fattened up to be slaughtered …

    • 2 months ago

    there is no such thing as a 2000 yr old Bible. doesn't exist. impossible

    • 2 months ago

    The book of Enoch is not true…

    • 2 months ago

    The poker Enoch is a big fake that everybody's pedaling right now.
    And why does that replace the rest of the bible

    • 2 months ago

    #FREE PALESTINE ## Dear God keep us safe from the evil that we can see and the evil we can't Ameen .Dear God I didn't vote for killing Palestine people .Lord have mercy take this cup away from the people of PALESTINE. Lord end this TYRANNY in Jesus name Ameen.

    • 2 months ago

    This reminds me of my religion – Islam

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