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Wolters World

    • 4 days ago

    North Korea dangerous? Lol, imagine being this brainwashed…

    • 4 days ago

    I am thinking about visiting Bogota Colombia but I hesitate because I also want to request a visa to visit NYC…and as a single middle age Hispanic guy… I don't know if it will affect the process.

    • 4 days ago

    Thank you very much for sharing! Great information!

    • 4 days ago

    Travelling is fun.

    • 4 days ago


    • 4 days ago

    LMAO is this video for real? I was so surprised when you said you won’t go to ACTIVE WAR ZONES. LOL

    • 4 days ago

    So I take it Myanmar is off the list

    • 4 days ago

    “Politically unstable” “overly dangerous places” that rules out the US and it’s big cities… starting with Chi-town!

    • 4 days ago

    by the way, Wolters, i am from north Somalia called Somaliland and its the safest place probably safest than the USA. You can search for it.

    • 4 days ago

    Just now noticing you reached a million subscribers; congratulations!

    • 4 days ago

    North Korea is very safe. You not have good informations from cnn😂😂😂

    • 4 days ago

    Antarctica trip coming up then?

    • 4 days ago

    Fair enough, but I do hope you'll be able to visit my home country one day, which is currently on this list.

    • 4 days ago

    I went to Afganistan last month and Syria 8 months ago … as a USA citizen. As long as you’re in a tour with a reputable company, you’re okay but be very cautious

    • 4 days ago

    There is nothing to brag about in f. Chicago…

    • 4 days ago


    • 4 days ago

    rules out most of the USA

    • 4 days ago

    I woild advise coming to Kashmir.

    • 4 days ago

    May I NOT recommend going to France at the moment? (I'm French).

    • 4 days ago

    Not me thinking he was about to put three countries on blast all over the internet lol

    I'm like, what's he gonna say? North Korea, Eritrea, and….Yemen????

    • 4 days ago

    I would only like to visit Japan, Switzerland and maybe Norway. Safety is important to me.

    • 4 days ago

    Whenever a low fat meal alternative is offered.

    • 4 days ago

    As a military family, two former officers, one who still works for the government, our do not go list is probably even longer.

    • 4 days ago

    I want to see Walter’s world go to o block! According to google reviews it’s very family friendly and everyday is Fourth of July!

    • 4 days ago

    I always remember comments of Rwanda being related to the “Singapore of Africa” these days, it is that great a place to go to and talk to the locals!! 🤔😁 However Burundi, it has often been considered the MOST DANGEROUS NATION on the continent!! 🤬🤬, so I wouldn’t liken going there!! 😝😝

    • 4 days ago

    It also depends the areas you visit in a country, have been to Lebanon and Algeria, the capitals are VERY safe, the countryside though, it can be unpredictable.

    • 4 days ago

    Hi Wolters World, I’ve been a big fan of your channel for at least 13 years. I remember the first video I watched was of you sitting in a snowy park outside an Austrian palace in Vienna! I also happen to be Somali (raised in Britain, which I call home) and just wanted to say a big thank you for covering Somalia with decent sensitivity and in a mature manner (as you always do). Cheers!

    And maybe, Somalia will soon turn things around and possibly be able to welcome you and your beautiful family! Until then, thanks once again and safe travels, fellow traveler!

    • 4 days ago

    Sounds very wise. I personally would also not want to go to anywhere that doesn't have say adequate plumbing, or cleanliness.

    • 4 days ago

    Hey Wolt. I’m so looking forward to my trip to Cartagena, Colombia. From what I have seen and read online. It’s the Marrakech of South America. I promise to keep you posted.❤

    • 4 days ago

    I’ve been to North Korea. It wasn’t dangerous at all.

    • 4 days ago

    Syria is beautiful this time of year.

    • 4 days ago

    Does Mexico count as warzone because of the drug war?

    • 4 days ago

    Loooooooooooooove this approach! Having a family and travelling with it changes things completely, vs just going solo
    Appreciate your words and like someone said, the diplomacy!

    • 4 days ago

    My sister likes to tell us brothers to go to the moon sometimes. Could you go there for us so we don't have to?

    • 4 days ago

    If you need to tell some creatures this OBVIOUS TRUTH, then perhaps these sorts SHOULD GO THERE. There is no saving some “blanks”.

    • 4 days ago

    Russia, North Korea, China, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jamaica, etc.

    • 4 days ago

    What are the least 'Racist" countries to visit and travel?

    • 4 days ago

    Come to Somaliland. Its very safe

    • 4 days ago

    I went to a war zone because of my girlfriend. She needed to evacuate some stuff from her apartment. You know the one in Europe. It was a nightmare, at the end of the day we had to evacuate immediatelly and drive back to the border with Poland during a bombing raid. Not fun at all, especially when your girlfriend get absolutely mad berserk, screaming out out of fear, among the sound of air raid sirens and distant bombing sounds.

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