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Trip Bitten

    • 3 weeks ago

    Unregulated morons who think socialism is the answer.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Rather hypocritical that the "Land of the Free" has the highest proportion of its population in prison. The US is number 1 in imprisoning its citizens.

    • 3 weeks ago

    The Newsroom. Scene 1 , Epsiode 1, Season 1. I don't need to comment any further, suffice to say, it's over 10 years old but still holds true.

    • 3 weeks ago

    President Musk and Vice President Vivek would like to fully deregulate the US economy.

    • 3 weeks ago

    The US never had democracy. The US is a Republic.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Videos like this are good, however more Americans need to spend some time living outside the country. Hearing about how people outside the US live better lives is one thing, experiencing it for yourself can actually lead to change.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Brainwash the uneducated. Planets biggest bully, but weakest. Greed. Narsacist mentality. Free- dumb.
    Being hoodwinked is ending.

    • 3 weeks ago

    "The American dream" is another one of those myths.
    The idea that the social ladder in America is one of best is a joke.
    That also isn't even in the top 10. Not even close. The chances to succeed when you are poor in America are quite slim.
    The thing is we show a lot of those new fortunes in the media but, ultimately, they are an insignificant fraction of the entire population. Way less than many other countries.
    It has been put forward for so long that people ended up believing it, even though the evidence shows the opposite.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Note that the USA was demoted to a 'flawed' democracy in 2017 under the first Trump administration. We can only guess what level it will hit in 2025. I suspect it will be officially re-classified as an oligarchy.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I really like this, and I’m glad that you have come to these conclusions.
    However, I find it slightly irksome that you have undermined the point you are making slightly because in the table where you compare (accurately I believe) Norway democratic socialism to the USA’s unfettered rampant free market neoliberal capitalism you haven’t listed your sources for the data.
    I understand it may be too difficult to update the video now, but could you at least put them here in the comments?
    Otherwise: outstanding work and congratulations for throwing off your programming 👏👏👏

    • 3 weeks ago

    The tipping point has been reached. We were meant to be a Federalist Democratic Republic. We are witnessing the change into a Feudalist Oligarchy. Donald Putin will make sure that no one else will be seated to oppose this change. Well, that is my personal prediction. No need for rebuttal.

    • 3 weeks ago

    America used to be great then it elected an idiot felon as president.

    • 3 weeks ago

    This video is being released earlier for members and will be published to everyone after. If you aren't a member, consider supporting my channel and getting early access, priority replies and sometimes Special Codes!

    • 3 weeks ago

    I'm 64 years old. I remember that EVERY election we were told "This is the most important election ever!" and I also remember being told in school that if I don't pass tomorrow's test I won't get into university and my life will be over.

    • 3 weeks ago

    What drives me nuts is when I hear ''only in America'' This phrase is used all the time to mean no other country has the ability to allow its people to work hard and rise to a high level. My country Canada and many others offer the very same opportunity. A major part of this ignorance is simply that most Americans dont even have passports and use them to travel the world. They are stay at home and know nothing about geography. Most Canadians and other countries have passports and travel and see the reality.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I would add under the Democracy part: USA is a pseudodemocracy. When people think they are voting for a president they are in reality voting for people that are appontng a presdent. The electoral system is NOT democratic as it doesn't reflect the true votes of the people. USA hasn't got a proportional election system and is therefore not a democracy in its true meanng!

    • 3 weeks ago

    I've found the vast majority of people that would disagree with you are people who have barely left their own state let alone their own country.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I have to respond to the last myth. I was just on an Alaskan cruise and ended up meeting in Aussie. He had just spent a month in the United States and this cruise was his fifth week. We were talking about life between in the two countries. We started talking about the Olympics and he said it was impossible to find coverage that wasn't the USA. He said in Australia you can watch all of the Olympics not just the Australian athletes. I jokingly said, "well that's because we're the best country in the world, you didn't know that." He laughed and said, "you said it not me." He said something to the effect that we believe everything is just so much better here than any other country.

    • 3 weeks ago

    American dream will continue to be “a dream” while other countries woke up long ago and deliver efficiency. The US Administrations instead of making for the population affordable life by partnering with other countries, they want to fight at the cost of the consumers who are already suffering from huge inflation, high taxation, high interest rate, crimes, homelessness, poor education, poor medical. What is the point of calling USA a rich country if the people don’t benefit from its richness.

    • 3 weeks ago

    You don't have a free market if you have FRB and a central bank imposing the interest rate (these 2 affect the price of money) and subsidies (this affects where money is invested). I would venture to say there is no country that had, in the modern history of humanity, a free market system.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I don't need this

    • 3 weeks ago

    Britain is not a country nor a democracy

    • 3 weeks ago

    Another myth is — you have to travel around to understand this — I hardly ever leave my house and I knew all this.

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