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    • 22 hours ago

    I think it is a personal choice. She is 24 years old. She doesn’t need to be with Mom, Dad, and siblings all of the time. She may have had to work.

    • 22 hours ago

    Love Anna & Jonah

    • 22 hours ago

    I stand behind Anna Johnston and I believe what Anna says above every person in the family !!! Anna is the only Johnston family member who has been successful in each and everything that she set out to do but yet the entire family still cuts her down especially her wicked witch mother and Liz who still isn't a Registered nurse and the rest of the family follows Amber's lead in making Anna's life a living hell. 🤬🤬 Now Amber should be happy because everyone is living back at home including Brice and the baby but remember at 18 Anna was forced to move out, wasn't allowed a roommate, was going to college full time, holding down 2 full time jobs which 1 is her own very successful business, she's graduated college now, and bought her own beautiful home all on her own without any financial help from her parents AND ANNA STILL CAN'T PLEASE HER FAMILY ??? Liz and Brice were living together but Trent and Amber were paying the majority of the rent because they didn't want Liz to far away from them, Brice couldn't handle Liz's attitude and mouth because it's just like her wicked mother's, so no wonder you never saw Brice without a beer in his hand and he finally had enough of Liz and moved home !!! Brice wouldn't be around right now if it weren't for the baby and now the entire family is running his life too !!! Then you have Jonah who is so LAZY that he flunked out of college twice, was doing drugs and drinking so they made him move back home??? I don't call that punishing Jonah, I see that as Jonah getting to move back home and not working for over a year, and his parents making up every excuse in the book for their baby Jonah !! 🤬🤬 Then you have Emma and Alex who are spoiled rotten and why aren't they getting kicked out of the house at the age of 18 like the 3 older kids were ?? Alex still cries like he's 5 years old and he has a girlfriend?? 😂😂 Then we have Emma who now thinks she's America's Top Model 😂😂 I guarantee that Emma will be the next one pregnant !! Trent and Amber don't need to be a part of the show but they've realized that without the kids at home that the show was failing but Amber fixed that real quick because everyone is living at home except Anna the one who they should be most proud of !!! Now the entire family doesn't approve of Anna's boyfriend because he's African-American ??? I thought that is what the show is about is it show the world no matter what everybody is to be treated equally and Emma and Alex are not Caucasian so why should it matter if Anna's boyfriend is an African-American man ???? I just hope they don't run Anna off the show because she is my absolute favorite cast member on it !!! I don't want to watch a show about Liz and her baby while Amber acts like the baby's mom instead of her grandmother. Amber says the baby sleeps downstairs with her beyit makes it easier for Liz ??? Well then she shouldn't of gotten pregnant if she can't take care of her own child !! I see some pretty big fights coming up between Amber,Trent, and Liz because Brice's parents see he has absolutely no say so over HIS baby !!!

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