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CNC3 Television

    • 2 months ago

    In another incident, Devon Foster was denied bail when he appeared before the San Fernando Magistrate’s 1st Court on Friday 13th October. He will next appear on 16th October, 2023. Foster was charged with three counts of Larceny by Trick by PC Jammet of the Fraud Squad, on the advice of Superintendent Ruben and Sgt. Bassarath on 12th, October, 2023. The charges arise from reports of victims who allegedly paid sums of money totally $91,000.00 to have their application for state housing at the Housing Development Cooperation fast-tracked. A report was made to Fraud Squad and the matter was investigated. Devon Foster was then arrested on the 12th October, 2023 by officers of the Fraud Squad during a joint exercise with the San Fernando Gang Unit. ACP Lucas, Head of the White-collar Crime Division, commented on the arrests, stating, “The White-Collar Crime Division has taken a zero tolerance to fraud offenders and will be unrelenting in their efforts to prosecute them”. ACP Lucas also praised the continued good work being done by Senior Superintendent Groome and his team at the Fraud Squad…


    • 2 months ago

    How many human controlled job will become redundant?

    • 2 months ago

    KMALA and d unc took it latrine water you now know that missing you knows who hands it went to

    • 2 months ago

    I saw a report abroad that TRINIDAD righr niw is the most dangerous place due too Rmed gangs. Terrorist. Kidnappings, rapes. Its not good. As a Trinidadian living abroad. I'm not going anywhere nesr TRINIDAD. GOVERNMENT dont care. "HAITI "2.O

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