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Government of Dominica

    • 3 months ago

    In light of all the nice talk on environmental protection, and consideration and respect for our environmental laws, “the first climate resilient nation in the world” etc, when is the Prime Minister of Dominica going to lead the way honestly in that regard and visit locations such as the collas plant in Layou and the nearby river as I have, and examine the pollution of the surrounding lands and water from the activities of companies and from the abandonment of their vehicles within the river? When this issue was raised with the head of Planning and the Environment, she claimed that she had visited the site and had found no reasons for concern despite many obvious issues. Does this Government have any interest in or intentions of acting on the concerns for the villagers living at the river mouth and the effect of this pollution on their water and food sources? WHEN WILL EFFORTS BE MADE TO REMOVE THE VEHICLE FROM THE WATER AND TO CLEAN UP THE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT AND HOLD RELEVANT COMPANIES TO ACCOUNT IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR EXISTING LAWS????

    • 3 months ago

    ❤ marry me love the look ❤

    • 3 months ago


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