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More Perfect Union

    • 2 months ago

    My wranglers felt appart after almost half a year. I spent 85€ on them.

    • 2 months ago

    It’s becoming inescapable. I love thrifting but most of it is just shit from SHEIN. I don’t even buy it because the fabric isn’t breatheable I feel like I’m sweating in a plastic bag lol

    • 2 months ago

    The more I see things about corporate greed like this, the more I realize that nothing has changed. Go back to the 1800's or so, whenever the industrial revolution happened. What was going on then? Companies trying to get every penny they could through tons of underhanded tactics, and it took a lot of work to set up these laws and stuff we have now. It seems like there was a time when this wasn't the case, but its all repeating itself now.
    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    • 2 months ago

    I have a cardigan/shrug from forever21 circa 2011 or 2012. It’s a little thinner, but I still wear it occasionally. That almost feels like a legend compared to forever21 these days

    • 2 months ago

    Even Walmart stuff I remember was higher quality.

    • 2 months ago

    This is why Im into shopping vintage 80s. Not only was the style awesome but the clothes will last.

    • 2 months ago

    As an individual without an auto, nor bike, nor scooter etc.. I prefer AFFORDABLE FABRICS THAT KEEP MY BODY COOL, ALSO APPEALING COLOR, LIGHT ON MY BODY etc.,

    Sadly, every time I managed to find a good piece of clothing it always gets stolen.,

    I prefer NOT to wear shorts, nor mini skirts, no short dresses etc.. Because of dirty, filthy streets, germs, bacteria, airborne community diseases, perverts, freaks, weirdos, STALKERS etc.. ,

    • 2 months ago

    This is part of the reason I've started making my own clothes. If I make them, they'll fit me well, they'll flatter my figure, I'll know the fabric content, AND they'll suit my unusual style

    • 2 months ago

    Amaerican Giant is one brand that is trying to bring clothing production back to the US. All of their products are made in the USA from start to finish.

    • 2 months ago

    What is there to be done, though? Every brand is sourcing from the same place. Sustainable and ethically sourced brands are overpriced, even thrift stores are implementing high profit mark ups. What do you think the future of fashion is going to look like? What's going to happen?

    • 2 months ago

    I remember my mom had clothes from the '80s and '90s that were still in great condition even after 20 years, as if they were bought just a month ago! Now, I find myself buying clothes every two months because they wear out so quickly.

    • 2 months ago

    68 new clothes?! I cant understand that 🙊

    • 2 months ago

    Very interesting and concise!

    • 2 months ago

    The AVERAGE American buys 68 pieces of clothing per year? Regardless of all of the quality issues, that is an outrageously high number. And that's an average so it's being brought down by the many people who don't buy anything. Given the financial state of the average American there is no way the people buying this many clothes can afford them. So many of our most pressing societal problems seem to boil down to a large segment of the population just having no semblance of self-control.

    • 2 months ago

    I would argue that the consumer is in part to blame. Its called research and biting the bullet of the cost of an item because "SURPRISE" a higher wage and quality will always cost you more (why wouldn't it. You don't put hard labor and effort for a low standard of living!). The market is doing what its always done, appeal to the masses and increase efficiency, but it needs an ethical and humanist correction. Yes, Support companies that comply with ethical and quality standards just know that it will cost you 100-250 dollars for a well made shirt or jean.

    • 2 months ago

    its because all the clothes now are made out of the same shitty child labor factories, just slapped with a different lable

    • 2 months ago

    Buy US made!!!

    • 2 months ago

    Question for women, i am a man that wants to dress more feminine, mostly sweatshirts tshirts and such nothing hyoerfeminine, if i was to do that would you find me less attractive or be uncomfortable around me?

    • 2 months ago

    I would love to see a video that compares mens and womens clothing over the years. Today's men's clothes still seem much higher quality than women's (e.g. they all have pockets), even IF both have dropped in quality.

    • 2 months ago

    This is why I buy clothes at big department stores like Ross and Burlington. I buy a simple shirt for $10 and then use my be dazzle machine or add some cute iron on decals and bam, make a shirt that’s pretty and in store would cost like $60

    • 2 months ago

    I remember the JCPenney or the j.Crew catalog that came out for the fall season that's how I got most of my school clothes.

    • 2 months ago

    this is why i thrift almost everything i own😭

    • 2 months ago

    16:44 please fix your captions !! it says 'weavers' instead of saying 'uyghurs' !!

    • 2 months ago

    Fast-fashion= nanoplastics in EVERYTHING. 😡

    • 2 months ago

    Excellent video. Wonderfully presented project.

    • 2 months ago

    Socks and underwear especially?? I had the same underwear for the longest time… now I feel like I have to replace it once or twice a year??? And it’s expensive!

    • 2 months ago

    Cheap nasty materials, horrendous design..no thought goes into any of it and the saddest part is the child labour that produces the stuff in sweat shops and worse, especially designer clothing… anyone who buys designer want their head examining, its expensive trash.

    • 2 months ago

    Very knowledgeable and inspiring video! I believe everyone has noticed the trend of more affordable but less quality clothing, the video has explained the root causes and problems well.

    • 2 months ago

    To sum this up, SHEIN SUCKS!!

    • 2 months ago

    I'm a hobby photographer it drives me nuts that a lot of clothing looks cheap and nasty these days, you notice it a lot more when your post processing images from model shoots. Looking at T-shirts from larger famous brands the quality is the same as cheap shops. Looking at denim in jeans and you can see through a pair of jeans if you hold them up to the light showing the fabric is thinner. The one thing I will say that has improved is Shoe Laces! as a Kid and teenager my shoe laces used to always break and get worn down pretty quickly, nowadays I cant remember ever seeing a set of laces deteroriate……..possibly because they outlast the footware.

    • 2 months ago

    I've got clothes from the 90s I still wear. Quality over quantity is important for me. No worries here.

    • 2 months ago

    I'm not sure whats worse at this point, communism or capitalism.

    • 2 months ago

    It’s so frustrating to me about the sizes. As someone who wears uncommon sizes, it’s nearly impossible to find shoes in my actual size, or petites

    • 2 months ago

    Where do you recommend shopping for new clothes?

    • 2 months ago

    lol finally someone did video on that…for sec i thought i was only one sounding as boomer complaining about quality

    • 2 months ago

    I'm a charity shop rat (thrifty shops in Ireland/uk), 10 years ago u would get great quality stuff at dirty cheap prices. But its getting harder to find good stuff at good price.
    I buy new too, but look at labels.

    • 2 months ago

    I can't wrap my head around the fact that the average clothing items bought per-year per american is 68. I'm a brazilian and that just makes no sense to me. I don't know a single normal person who would do this.

    • 2 months ago

    Okay but WHERE DO WE SHOP THEN can someone give any advice (I haven’t watched the whole video yet so if there’s an answer in here don’t come for me)

    • 2 months ago

    I only buy second hand or from brands like Patagonia. Fast fashion is a crime and should not be supported. There is no need whatsoever to have new clothes every other week. Not even every other year. Only when the old stuff cannot be repaired any more.

    • 2 months ago

    "Nothing fits sproperly. It's not you, you're great", but if you're obese or fat, you're not great, hit the gym and watch you calory intakes, then it'll fit more times than not.

    • 2 months ago

    i reject fashion altogether. i wear black t-shirts i buy in 12 packs that last me years and black sweat pants. that is it. in the past 20yrs i have spent about $50/yr on clothes. fashion is pure materialistic, superficial self destruction. the environmental impact of all this crap is alarming. we have been brainwashed to be hyper-consumers that is destroying the planet. reject the manipulations and corporate takeover of your life!

    • 2 months ago

    I've never been prouder of wearing second hand clothes.

    • 2 months ago

    Not only are they worse but not true to size.

    • 2 months ago

    🤔mind set from car companies, “obsolescence” to keep people buying☹️

    • 2 months ago

    F*ck you, I ain't paying 100$ for some jeans. And no, I ain't gonna sift through piles of garbage for 7 hours to find a t-shirt from 2005 just to "be good to the planet". Tell that to the billionaires. What this species needs is wealth distribution, and a max wealth cap.

    • 2 months ago

    Because profit! Why else?

    • 2 months ago

    Great video, definitely my observations. Stuff is so crap now that my 'cheap' H&M pieces from mid to late 2000s are quality over today's offerings.

    • 2 months ago

    This sounds like a woman vanity problem.

    • 2 months ago

    Excellent video!! I can sew, so my kids buy these cheap clothes, and I repair them or reinforce the seams.

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