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    • 1 month ago

    0:42 – Nikita Mazepin says hi.

    • 1 month ago

    Disliking a driver is a 2 stage process. First is joking or lack of performance on track. Then it’s his off track manners. One you can get away with, not both. Really it’s not harder than that.

    • 1 month ago

    16:07 Ocon has less points while Pierre has mechanical failured out of 3 races (team's fault) and Ocon has had no mechanical failures and DNFed himself hitting Pierre (Ocon's fault). Not sure why the graphic doesn't discount Hungary where Gasly had a mechanical failure. The finished ahead clearly counts races Pierre had mechanical failures, does the laps ahead also? Also Ocon has years of experience in the team/car while Gasly is new to both.

    Pretty weak case to claim Ocon has been doing better.

    • 1 month ago

    The calves on this guy…

    • 1 month ago

    This has potential to go well for him because he finally won't be pressured into proving he's the #1 driver. I don't think Bearman will present him a big challenge from the outset.

    • 1 month ago

    It’s gonna be a better mag for haas
    And bearman will be tested good against ocon he’s quick way over aggressive but it pays off sometime
    Just like mag
    Ocon is probably quicker then mag and hulk has moved on 🤷‍♂️

    • 1 month ago

    The only way that this makes sense for Haas is this a picked up Okon relatively cheaply. He’s not a driver that will out-perform the car, he’s not renowned for his technical feedback and he’s the exact opposite of what you want to develop a rookie driver. This is likely Hoss trying to balance driver development, while still scoring a few points.

    • 1 month ago

    Attitude trumps any talent he may have. In short and to put it into American terms, he's a jerk

    • 1 month ago

    Great now Jack Doohan had just joined them….. well that's the end of that career.

    • 1 month ago

    "Let Haas Cook"???? Are you 12? That thumbnail is painfully cringe

    • 1 month ago

    Fuster Cluck has now been added to my lineup.

    • 1 month ago

    It's simple. There are those who do not have the abiliry to see past the fastest cars to realise which drivers are better than others. These people dislike ocon

    • 1 month ago

    People gave Cyril so much flak during his time as Renault's TP but during his tenure, Renault had DIRECTION and AMBITION. Now, they are a directionless and leaderless mess.

    • 1 month ago

    no team should take ocon if bottas was available they should have gone for him

    • 1 month ago

    First time Ollie, a rookie, gets in front of Ocon he will find himself t-boned upside down in a wall. Paint crosshairs on his car so Ocon doesn't miss.

    • 1 month ago

    Esteban is a very gifted driver, I would say his talent is underrated and overshadowed by his clashes with multiple teammates. I hope Ayao can nurture and foster his talent so that Ocon will finally see that he doesn’t need to battle so hard and risk so much cause he made it and is still here in F1 almost 10 years after his debut despite the many setbacks he’s had. idk if he currently speaks to anyone but I think it would be very beneficial for Esteban to talk to a therapist that specializes in helping professional athletes. I really wanna see him chill out a touch and succeed cause I think he has the talent 💕

    • 1 month ago

    A reminder to everyone that F1 is acting dysfunctional AGAIN?!…

    • 1 month ago

    The immense denunciation of Ocon is so r*ddit. DTS and r/formula1 are the cancer.

    • 1 month ago

    It's the French revolution all over again. Some years ago when Alan Prost was in charge, he gave a really telling
    interview about dealing with the whole "French" team's internal politics and what a frustrating mess it was. If they don't
    want to listen to their most decorated Prince… which they didn't, as well as their drives, what dose that say?

    • 1 month ago

    I was here before the thumbnail change.

    • 1 month ago

    It’s become very black and white for Ocon.
    Realise your expectations. Establish a solid relationship with His rookie team mate.
    Don’t intimidate said team mate.
    No negative antics of any kind
    Your out – end of career.

    • 1 month ago

    So glad to hear an honest, forthright evaluation of Haas. They've been the piss team for so long, but Komatsu has really grabbed the bull by the horns ( so to speak) and changed that team by quite a bit. I'll miss this year's lineup, and I don't like Ocon, but if they can harness the kid's attitude, he's otherwise a decent driver.

    • 1 month ago

    Haas did well to grab Ocon. If I was running Alpine I'd have fired the terrible TP Farmin, and fired the slow driver, Gasly.

    • 1 month ago

    Ocon is by far the most underrated driver in the grid.

    • 1 month ago

    i cannot be mad at Ocon, but some one i DEMAND to leave the grid is Stroll!!

    • 1 month ago

    That's why they offered KMag an "advisery" job: To train Bearman, cause they know Ocon won't, as he doesn´t give a fart.

    • 1 month ago

    He is a very good driver and comes from an upper middle class family and not someone filthy rich.

    If he wasn’t an ass he might be in place of checo.

    • 1 month ago

    Fuster cluck

    • 1 month ago

    he is a race winner and upgrade on K Mag

    • 1 month ago

    The face that Ocon and Lance are still friends after him losing his seat due to his dad and Lance himself is kinda crazy. Kudos to them tho lol

    • 1 month ago

    Be warned! One day I'm calling TLC Hoarders in on your attic. You won't know when, you will know where [ofc], but it WILL happen. I did try finding "newspaper kidnap font" but was unsuccessful. Damn YT & this entire conspiracy. =)

    • 1 month ago

    Very well done assessment of Ocon, Alpine and Haas. I thought Estie and Ollie was an odd pairing however I do respect Kamatso (sp?) given what he had done with Haas this season.
    Imo the discipline Kamatso is instilling into the team will make Ocon feel secure. Which from the gist of your video he has not had.

    • 1 month ago

    Climb the ladder with me on Patreon:
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    • 1 month ago

    All the hate makes me like him

    • 1 month ago

    I actually like Ocon

    • 1 month ago

    Why did you change the thumbnail to the video i loved the picture of ocon it was hilarious did his people contact you or something. change it back if you can.

    • 1 month ago

    Ocon getting the "peaceful Lil old man" rebrand like Vettel and Alonso would be hilarious

    • 1 month ago

    Nope. I bet his not gonna change and I already feel sorry for Oliver Bearman. Ocon suffers from a serious disease – common among other pilots. He thinks he's a better driver than he is. Now, I'm not saying he is a terrible driver. He is a terrible teammate. Everything wrong is not his fault, there is always someone or something to blame. He really believes he could be a World Champion. He's not even hoping for a few podiums and points. He believe he is a GREAT driver. Then he undermines the teams and make a living hell for every teammate possible. Now that he is with a rookie by his side, his ego is gonna be impossible to control. As Gunther would say, 'he's a foking w@nker… that's why people hate you!'.
    This is MY opinion, sorry if I offended anyone. Not here to fight, I come in peace and is fine if you think I'm wrong ✌

    • 1 month ago

    Renault screwed over Hulk too after he did so much for them in 2017 & 18. If their PU hadn’t been so unreliable, Nico would have had podiums, especially at Singapore 2017, that was devastating for Nico.

    • 1 month ago

    Speaking of picking… We just made F1 available to watch in Meta Quest VR! We picked Meta because ain't nobody got that Apple Vision money 🤣

    • 1 month ago

    1. Does anyone really believe Alpine will be on the grid 2026? I dont think they'll be there 2025. 2025 will be Hitech Alpine F1 and 2026 Hitech F1.
    2. I find it interesting that highly credentialed pundits and fans generally bang on about how all the greats are killers and uber tough on track, hell, Schumi, Verstappen and co all get credited as boss drivers and their crashes into others, their crash or crash through mentality gets lauded, yet if youre a driver who is further down the grid and you display the same mindset youre a 'terror' 'angry' 'not a good team driver' etc etc. Look at all the calls about "Lando needs to be more aggressive, selfish yadda yadda yadda. Can't have it both ways. You either want drivers who are all hell bent on winning whatever the cost or not.

    • 1 month ago

    🚫con Haas to go 👋 bye bye !!!

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