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    • 3 weeks ago

    Now there's an American I can respect. I hope the USA have many more individuals like him.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Great conversation

    • 3 weeks ago

    'It was worth it", John Kiriakou concludes… He will convince you that the price to pay for refusing to live as an hypocrite is a bargain. Admirable… Thank you for this educational interview Thomas!

    • 3 weeks ago

    This was an incredible interview! I hope John will become a regular guest on many more show.

    • 3 weeks ago

    WMD theory was based on the wrong Tenets.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Just note that Powell was using the vial to represent an amount. He didn't expect to actually go into the chamber carrying anthrax, so obviously it was salt (or some other chemical, we couldn't be sure at the time).

    Superb interview, Thomas, yet again🙏

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

    Where is the document you were talking about at 50:48
    Just interested.

    • 3 weeks ago

    There is very little trust in governments !! NO consistency in policies to really work for all of the people !! It appears that money in the government elections ruins the process.

    • 3 weeks ago

    From Pa? Third Party all the way!

    • 3 weeks ago

    The budget of THE USA can be changed !! There is so much work to do to clean up these polluted army bases . All the firing ranges . Re build the economy by divesting into other industries . When governments decide to do good things they can do it !! Money HAS NEVER BEEN AN ISSUE !! ALL THAT IS NECESSARY IS TO JUST STOP THE CHEMICAL POLLUTION ALL OVER THE WORLD ! JUST DECIDE TO DIVEST IN WAR . VERY INTERESTING PROGRAM. FREE LEONARD PELTIER !! FREE EDWARD SNOWDEN !! 💗 ❤️ 💓 💕 💙

    • 3 weeks ago

    Thanks to SaltCubeAnalytics for this great interview.

    • 3 weeks ago

    What a brave man, standing with principle against the crimes of our Mafia bosses❣️🗽💔

    • 3 weeks ago

    Funny is the evangelical bible was written in 20th century (1920 if I remember correctly)!!! How they believe it is from jesus is beyond me!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Christian zionism is antisemitic to its very core.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Thomas, it was great that you could have Mr. Kiriakou on your program. I've followed his work for years, and his analysis ie ever precient. He's a real American patriot!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Too many foreign born traitors in our agencies

    • 3 weeks ago

    Excellent discussion. It seems to me that when they force jesus to return the idea is that only they go to heaven. The rest of us die.
    It is important, in my opinion, to note that evangelical zionists have an end goal which includes the death of the rest of us.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Who are the primary benefactors of commercialized military intelligence in the US? Who does In-Q-Tel invest in? Who started Google, Facebook, OpenAI, FTX, etc.? It certainly isn't Catholics.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Come on! Was 9-11 not an inside Job? And don´t ypu know the DANCING ISRAELIS from New Jersey?

    • 3 weeks ago

    Great interview. But Western channels need to learn to talk to Palestinians on Palestine. In fact, Western channels have to learn to talk to people who are not white about geopolitical issues. Really, it will expand your horizon.

    • 3 weeks ago

    This might be one of the most informative and consequential interview I've seen in weeks, if not months! This deserves way more views than a few hundreds! Impressed also by how knowledgeable you are, Thomas. Happy I discovered your channel, you got yourself a new sub 🙂 Keep it up!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Excellent as always.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Former CIA and you are living in Alexandria??? Hmmmmmmmmmm🤔

    • 3 weeks ago

    And then they have the nerve to call people Antisemitic???? How self serving!!!!!

    • 3 weeks ago

    The truth always prevails over lies. US/Israel are the real evil,the real terrorists, the real monsters. I recently saw an old clip with Paul Newman,perhaps from late 80's. He talks about how Israel creates instability and wars in the middle east ,of coarse with their partner USA. Man was he ahead of his time! A must watch.
    Paul Newman / Israel,Phil Donahue show.

    • 3 weeks ago

    So refreshing to see the morals and values your Greek parents instilled in you!!! It carries you through the most challenging times. More importantly, you did not allow a 3 letter organization to infiltrate/ poison your mind. So Proud of you, for being YOU!!!!! Keep it rolling John 😉

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

    Incredible this was two weeks ago and has only had 1700 views.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Great interview. Thank you. BTW I recommend the newly released interview with David sheen from oct 23 on elec intifada. Amazing story of democrats in bed with the fascists.

    • 3 weeks ago

    He is good to listen to. However I don't agree with the stateme t that Israel underestimated the Palestinian desire to be free. Without running around in circles on the topic of Plaestine/Palestinian etc – they dix what get it, if only paricualy, in 2005, turned it i to a terrorist camp instead of an industrial/farming complex and threw it all away. Hezbollah is bringing the same cuese to Lebanon…..may this never happen for the sake of innoce t Lebanese.

    • 3 weeks ago

    A cartoon for John Kiriakou, search here for: This Land is Mine by Nina Paley. The link gets a Return error

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