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NEWS Source Guyana

    • 5 hours ago

    N came from the gym?

    • 5 hours ago

    Dictator start to speak in guyana .gordon should go to people home with his camera and interview poor people how they are surviving with the high cost of living

    • 5 hours ago

    Good night qustion why so many robuary and murder is takeing place on the Essequibo Coast in región two and ther is no report of any on this news cast😢

    • 5 hours ago

    Pnc only knows how to keep the country down, they are not accustomed to building infrastructure.

    • 5 hours ago

    So the government prefer to spend billion of dollars on infrastructure and raise our gdp while ignoring the cost of living. He is preparing the country to be rule by foreigners with big money to spend in all them hotels while the poor guyanese be on the road looking on/in..

    The people need a high standard of living as the economy develop .. one can't pressure the other , it must be development that is balance ..


    I am not against what the government trying to do but go in the ghetto and see how many struggling

    • 5 hours ago

    The Guyana police found the perpetrators of the
    Murder at the all black party.

    • 5 hours ago

    How could people work witout edu,fuckedup pretend snitchs to intervine from ya corupred c.i.d an erybodymama snitchn no life fa gyanesse be ral look at darealty what da f! People fake and u asellout fa security making dem fools none of dem r honest fool

    • 5 hours ago

    America infrastructure is the backbone of its economy. Investing in infrastructure will make Guyana's economy more sustainable in the long term. The opposition is thinking on a one track basis.

    • 5 hours ago

    Of course the p would defend spending…. friends and family getting their share from

    • 5 hours ago

    The present pocket and the minis pocket full so they don't care about we

    • 5 hours ago

    Hello Guyana. What a sad Newscast.
    We all must work to change things in Gyuana.
    Thank you Gordon!!!

    • 5 hours ago

    Why can't the Guyana police, find the killers
    Of Ricardo Fergundez
    (Paper Shorts)

    • 5 hours ago

    Jordan should not even comment on anything in this country

    • 5 hours ago

    Guyana need train for long distance

    • 5 hours ago

    Take that shirt 👕 off, you're disrespecting my ancestors ❤❤❤.

    • 5 hours ago

    Ali, you're not fit to wear The Great Muhammad Ali's shirt. Stop moron🙄

    • 5 hours ago

    So sad Dr. Goodchild. RIP

    • 5 hours ago

    The pnc now know about transparency and good government when burnham fed guyanese with rice flour for 23 years.What they did for 5 years in government?

    • 5 hours ago

    "Don't stop the progress"was granger slogan .Now they want to stop infrastructure progress.

    • 5 hours ago

    So sad for losing such a wonderful person:Dr. Goodchild .

    • 5 hours ago

    Wilson Barbara Miller Frank Robinson Jason

    • 5 hours ago

    When it comes to those two girls death it is total carelessness,l was there with family, relatives and friends and I never enter the water until everyone gets there fun and got out I was a Mayweather and that's the way to go.

    • 5 hours ago

    I am sorry for the loss of these precious souls

    • 5 hours ago

    Guyanese are comical. Your government will never have your best interest in mind. These leaders are not intentional in developing the country for all people. Kenya/Egypt/Bangladesh are all nations that have shown examples of people demanding change with actions. Actions being risking and losing their lives to enforce the change they needed. Yall aint serious about anything! An entire country in a COMA!

    • 5 hours ago

    Yes Gordon u need to go around an highlighte the poor it is sad 😢

    • 5 hours ago

    Pay the ppl raise the salary food price sky high they don't care for poor ppl who can't afford to have a nice meal

    • 5 hours ago

    Winston Jordan is speaking through his Halo.,does not make common sense with the nonsense he is saying

    • 5 hours ago

    Guynease wants a robust health care system,drugs for the poor at the Georgetown hospital,stem the dengue out break and potable water for all Guyana not that sludge that is coming through the pipes in the city.

    • 5 hours ago

    Johnson Charles Lewis Maria Martinez Frank

    • 5 hours ago

    The government needs to privatize 911 contact and other emergency contact, given that every time citizens call these hotlines, they go unanswered . These hotlines and services need upgrading, especially for the fact that the government is building infrastructure to attract ppl from overseas . Therefore, a 360 overhaul is required . Don't put lipstick on the pig for it to look nice, but its behavior is still of a pig.

    • 5 hours ago

    Gordon is just a flash 📸 in the pan.❤❤❤.

    • 5 hours ago

    No respect for women, no respect for humanity. Guyanese men need to grow up. Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you! ❤🇬🇾

    • 5 hours ago

    No one is against development of the country but we need investment in human development. Most of the roads are built sloppy and falling apart already. The people are not getting value for their money. All the roads and sidewalks done to date are of poor quality and will have to be redone. Do right by the people and no one will complain.
    Too much corruption and smuggling in everything.
    The PPP is creating a system of THE HAVES AND THE HAVE NOTS!
    Greed choke puppy daaagg!

    • 5 hours ago

    My condolences to APNU

    • 5 hours ago

    The President needs to balance the economy construction workers and some private sector workers can live comfortable in guyana eight up to fifteen thousand dollars a day they are paid but government workers are getting a small salary a month do the math one hundred and twenty thousand dollars a month and same amount per week how can public servants live comfortable be reasonable

    • 5 hours ago

    My deepest condolences to good child family and relatives.

    • 5 hours ago

    I cannot understand. Why Ali and Jagdeo are making excuses not to pay public servants a livable wage.

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