About the author

Ray Narvaez Jr

    • 8 hours ago

    Thanks for getting me addicted to this game when it first came out. I enjoyed playing it myself cause it reminded me so much of Papers Please but in 3D. Recently I've been doing the newly released sandbox/inspector mode where you build up your jobsite from scratch, which I highly recommend!

    • 8 hours ago

    I wish there was a counter for everytime Ray said "YOU SON OF A-" and counting a dollar eachtime, obviously enough for a 20 McChicken nuggi menu >:)

    • 8 hours ago

    Take a shot every time Ray says "YOUSONUVABITCH!"

    • 8 hours ago

    It’s strange how this become such a comfort series for me 😂 love the highlights I don’t why I watched this series so much

    • 8 hours ago

    Starting a petition for all border cops to now wave Carat Bongs

    • 8 hours ago

    This thumbnail is the closest thing we'll ever get of Ray having those concert cheer emote

    • 8 hours ago

    8:56 The beginning of a legend

    • 8 hours ago


    • 8 hours ago

    aka the playthrough that needs a "YOUSONOFABITCH!" counter

    • 8 hours ago

    YOU SON OF A BITCH thank you and the team for providing that quality entertainment Ray <3

    • 8 hours ago

    This was so fun to follow live on stream, hope it properly can get on consoles one day.

    • 8 hours ago

    Hello, Thanks for the highlights. o( ̄▽ ̄)ブ
    Very entertaining, very funny…

    • 8 hours ago

    24:05 is a classic moment

    • 8 hours ago

    RIP novik, he died on the line of duty 🫡

    • 8 hours ago

    I love how into this game Ray got, was fun to see him smashing up cars and shouting at drivers.

    • 8 hours ago

    Bro I just finished rewatching this series a week ago

    • 8 hours ago

    So glad Ray played this, I was one of those ones who recommended it in his Discord!

    • 8 hours ago

    This was such a fun playthrough, excited to watch this after work today

    • 8 hours ago

    The editing at 0:24:00 was incredible.

    • 8 hours ago

    After watching Caseoh play this game, i forgot how less insane this game can be when you don't randomly kill every NPC.

    • 8 hours ago

    Oh, I thought there was another Contraband Police playthrough and got excited :')
    More "chill" games like these please.

    • 8 hours ago

    This is one of those games where on the surface it just appears to be a meme game, but it's a legitimately good game.

    • 8 hours ago

    52:00 that cut to a completely dif playthrough XDXDXDXD

    • 8 hours ago

    Didn't make it through all of the vods, glad I have an easy way to access "OHYOUSONOFABITCH" content

    • 8 hours ago

    guys I'm getting so old we have a 'little piss boy' moment in a highlights package we're beyond fucked

    • 8 hours ago


    • 8 hours ago

    watched entirety of every part of this. FKN PHENOMENAL GÆM!

    • 8 hours ago

    Johnson Betty White Mary Davis Elizabeth

    • 8 hours ago

    1:18:27 For the heat seeking grenades XD

    • 8 hours ago

    kislux You are so well-informed about luxury accessories and bags. You've obviously done your due diligence and the comparison to the US is very informative…because of course, I live in New York. thank you very much.

    • 8 hours ago

    These were some of the funniest streams I've watched

    • 8 hours ago


    • 8 hours ago

    Osman Kilic looking like he's about to patch you up and send you into the wasteland after your Platinum Chip

    • 8 hours ago

    Take a shot every time Ray says “you son of a bitch”

    • 8 hours ago

    Goated with coom light

    • 8 hours ago

    everytime Ray says YOU SON OF BITCH is so damn funny

    • 8 hours ago

    I almost forgot how funny it was seeing Ray try to open the doors while they drove away

    • 8 hours ago

    I was about to go back and re-watch this series too! Glad to see the highlight came out! This was one of my favorite series!

    • 8 hours ago

    I like how all the smugglers just stand there and watch him tear apart their cars.

    • 8 hours ago


    • 8 hours ago

    This feels like yesterday no way was this a year ago

    • 8 hours ago

    See the Contraband Highlight upload,
    goes to the comment section to do my part,

    • 8 hours ago

    My favorite playthrough that Ray has done! When you going back to Achievement Hunter Ray?

    • 8 hours ago

    Nothing better than Ray playing a game dealing with the virtual public. Insulting random NPCs for not having their stuff together is always peak comedy.

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