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Reverse Aging Revolution

    • 4 hours ago


    • 4 hours ago

    Make c15 from CO2

    • 4 hours ago

    New nutrition deficiency is a BIG DEAL, its a basic human right to food and shelter…. so a international health good organization and we solve bad nutrition and become young again.

    • 4 hours ago

    C15 is found in coconut oil.

    • 4 hours ago

    The medical-industrial complex will come up with a new rectum based spin since butter and ghee is rich in C15.

    • 4 hours ago

    There seem to be some reports on the NIH.GOV wesite that may concur with what she states here. The supplement is interestingly priced at $95/30 caps. The at home blood work is $200 and of course ypu will want to do a before and after test.
    This information really does show the lack of quality in commercial foods, organic or not. The term "organic" being the political term that it is.
    There is the common NEFA blood test that includes C-15, unfortunately the NEFA values include the fatty acids that induce heart failure when elevated. If these C-15 value claims are true the typical NEFA tests are not a good health indicator.
    Not saying BS here. I am saying that this is worth a closer look, although not cheap or super accessible, it may provide some answers for folks with previously undiagnosed symptoms.

    • 4 hours ago

    After decades of trading in Butter for Margarine, it's great to see this rebound. I do grass-fed butter.

    • 4 hours ago


    • 4 hours ago

    This person lacks honesty. While C15 might offer some benefits, the science presented in this video is highly exaggerated. It appears to be more about a company trying to sell C15, backed by a few minor studies they sponsored. That's all there is to it. Please stop amplifying unsubstantiated claims (aka lies).

    • 4 hours ago

    If this is truly an essential nutrient, has any government agency, such as the USDA, recognized it as such? Since not, I judge it to be more hype than hope, a profit-motivated ploy to separate the naïve consumer from his money. Don't trust company-sponsored research reports in which they can profit. Always follow the money.

    • 4 hours ago

    The pitch to the green people with the reusable glass bottle and bamboo jar top is just too contrived. It smacks of marketing and lack of true sincerity. Do they think we just fell of a turnup truck?

    • 4 hours ago

    C15:0 is also known as pentadecanoic acid.
    Supplements, supplements, supplements!!! Supplements are processed food, mind you, and are costly. The drive to extract individual otherwise food components and then sell them as supplements, at high profit margins.

    • 4 hours ago

    🎯 Key points for quick navigation:

    00:00:00 🧬 Discovery of a new nutritional deficiency syndrome
    – C15, an odd chain saturated fatty acid, is essential for longevity, acting as an mTOR inhibitor and AMPK activator.
    – C15 deficiency leads to cellular fragility syndrome, impacting cell membrane stability and promoting ferroptosis.
    – Fatty15 supplement, derived from C15, shows promising results in improving cellular health and longevity.
    00:01:48 📈 Clinical benefits of C15 compared to leading longevity molecules
    – C15 demonstrates superior cellular benefits compared to rapamycin, metformin, and carbose.
    – Its role in inhibiting mTOR and activating AMPK supports longevity by addressing aging hallmarks.
    – Fatty15 supplement users report significant health improvements within weeks, highlighting its efficacy.
    00:05:24 🐬 C15's discovery through aging studies in dolphins
    – Research on aging dolphins reveals C15's role in healthy aging and disease prevention.
    – Dolphins at the Navy with higher C15 levels show resilience against aging-related diseases.
    – Human studies correlate higher C15 levels with reduced risks of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
    00:07:14 🧪 Testing and implications of C15 deficiency in humans
    – Defining C15 deficiency with a critical threshold of 0.2% in cell membranes leading to cellular fragility.
    – Availability of C15 testing through at-home blood spot tests from Goova Diagnostics.
    – Optimal C15 levels, potentially higher than current global averages, linked to longevity in regions like Sardinia.

    Made with HARPA AI

    • 4 hours ago

    What fats specifically are the “pro-inflammatory fats in meat”? “ Avoid whole fat dairy.” I believe your comments are mistaken and will cause mass harm.

    • 4 hours ago

    🐬Fatty15 Supplement 20% OFF Discount Link *~

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    • 4 hours ago

    I eat a lot of food with C 15 , and actually I look younger every week 😅

    • 4 hours ago

    eat dolphins ?

    • 4 hours ago

    Given that the large majority of mankind doesn't take dairy after infancy, including all humans prior to the agricultural revolution, I find it dubious that we could have a lethal deficiency in a nutrient that comes only from dairy…

    • 4 hours ago

    According to the interweb, c15 is just an oxidized version of c16. This would make it both non-essential and easily obtainable through a normal diet.

    • 4 hours ago

    0:29 she has an overly exaggerated sense of self-importance like Kamala Harris, listening to her speak for even 5 seconds is like fingernails on a chalkboard. If her company would like any traction whatsoever, they need to hire somebody other than her to do all the speaking. I deliberately don't want to buy whatever product she is trying to push, just because she's so off-putting

    • 4 hours ago


    • 4 hours ago

    Let’s get it❤❤

    • 4 hours ago

    I know I can't do anything about the mindsets of the people responding, but what in the world??? I'm reading this at only 62 comments. There's such vitriol, negativity and a theme of "I know better than everybody else what's good." Look, new information is frightening to people, terrifying at times. I can see unconscious terror driving many responses here. I'm reminded of a sibling of mine, a true artist, ascended master, the world champion of rejecting out-of-hand any new morsel of information. Bulletproof. Nothing can get in. I can picture that sibling giving any one of these comments. And, no, I have no relationship whatsoever to this interviewee (which will be a trolling response to my comment, I"m certain). Relax. Take it down a notch. You're going to be alright.

    • 4 hours ago

    Hard to take this content seriously when this lady isn't speaking about the science, just a lot of hype about a new molecule.

    • 4 hours ago

    You can't take it with you so spend it and don't die.

    • 4 hours ago

    Does oil ( like olive oil, canola oil ) have C15 fatty acid besides palm oil, avocado oil, coconut oil ? I can't find the answer on google.

    • 4 hours ago

    Stopped listening when I learned a) she sells it; and b) it's EXPENSIVE

    • 4 hours ago

    I wonder if there will be any consequences for the quacks who promoted skim milk. I don't think so. They've moved on to promoting sustainability and veganism.

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