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RideAlong LIVE

    • 4 hours ago

    She wasn’t charged but that didn’t mean she didn’t do harm on that hill. Besides she seems to know the law very well when it comes to other but she doesn’t think it applies to her. Break the silence on yourself. I don’t feel sorry for her. What has happened is that a bigger bad guy humbled her. People are afraid to speak out against her because they are fearful of my 87 years old auntie that lives next door to her. All of what is happening to her is what she did to her other family members. That property is family land. That galvanized she put up is to prevent other family members from getting to the part of the property. She got that piece of land because she went behind the backs of other family member, who allowed her temporary residence years ago on it. She then went and surveyed that piece that she was squatting on to have the papers for now. What she is saying about might be true but she is no different. She’s just as devilish as her brother is. I am responding to this video based on how Im watching it.

    • 4 hours ago

    Lying about the galvanized .

    • 4 hours ago

    It’s funny that you on here blasting your brother and you were one time terrorizing the other family on that hill in spring. A story has 3 sides. Back story needed to be done . She spoke about her brother abusing his mother. Woman didn’t you abuse your dead mother as well. Did you remember the time you threw water on her bed twice wanting her to leave your house while she was sick? All of what is happening to her is what she’s done other people on that property.

    • 4 hours ago

    The irony of all of this is that these people are family members BLOOD bro what the heck.

    • 4 hours ago

    this is bare drama boy.

    • 4 hours ago

    who's land is the footpath on?

    • 4 hours ago

    choked you for 10 minutes Ms? come come i want to be on your side here but you need to calm down with the exagerations ma'am.

    • 4 hours ago

    wait so she snitch on her brother so he could go in prison? sounds like there was some grudge there.

    • 4 hours ago

    i'm sensing some lies mixed in with some truth in this one.

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