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Talk u Mind Tv.

    • 5 hours ago

    Uno cuss Andrew uno call him name uno make all kind of speculation about the man if he was bewitching jamaica thatcould not happen how often any jamaican cuss an obeah man obsession is one sign that you are been drawn against your wish by a controlling spirit after all the give away if its not
    given out of a charitable heart will not produce good fruit for the receiver it that why jamaican are still aligning them self with hard time now wish la Lewis would give every jamaican 1million dollars but with a good heart not for any selfish ambition I still would not vote for pnp I have learnt through the spirit that jlp is more transparent more than pnp yes I have seen the hypocritical attitude the bias i hear the hate take im not hearing that from the jlp the scripture say man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth our words show whether we are dead or alive when we are alive we do nothave that desire to hurt any one in words or action dead people lack empaty


    • 5 hours ago

    This crowd reminds me of Prime Minister Michael Manley in 1976!! If we had stayed on that PATH our Beautiful Country would've remained the Pearl of the Carribbean!! Now nobody thinks much of us😭😭

    • 5 hours ago

    May God continue to Bless and prosper the work of your hands Mayor Swaby❤👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

    • 5 hours ago

    Our PM disappoints us bad…

    • 5 hours ago

    PNP is going to be there for a long time

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    PNP fi life Time Come …….Big up Markie G ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • 5 hours ago

    Big up Marky General time come

    • 5 hours ago

    Power Power Power ❤❤❤

    • 5 hours ago

    Mad him ago mad out

    • 5 hours ago

    Beautiful speech Curry

    • 5 hours ago

    Andrew last and can't be found any body see Andrew Holdness him need a candle to find him way back home

    • 5 hours ago

    Power PNP power

    • 5 hours ago

    Me see sah u a PNP

    • 5 hours ago

    Need PNP .For the people. For us .

    • 5 hours ago

    Take a look pon what a go I'm fi go wah

    • 5 hours ago

    One Marko G

    • 5 hours ago

    Me God u think dem can do u like how dem do the Haiti president we mashup Jamaica like Jimmy barbeque one Marko GEE

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    U see u your powerful

    • 5 hours ago

    U see u your powerful ❤

    • 5 hours ago

    Dem man ha talk powerful inno

    • 5 hours ago

    Bank to bank

    • 5 hours ago

    Am hoping for full recovery of our minds too much demoralizing of Jamaicans all across 14 parishes

    • 5 hours ago

    God love us so much, Jamaican spend some time in orayers and praises pnp alone cant do it our spiritual strength is necessary now! YESHUA HAMASEA GLORY TO HIS NAME

    • 5 hours ago

    Pnp a real Jamaica labourite a carbon copy

    • 5 hours ago

    It look like kartel Lawer is also his security.

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