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Trump Glitches

    • 5 hours ago

    And now add the dog cat thing

    • 5 hours ago

    What an old orange creep. Brrrrrr

    • 5 hours ago

    About the planes, I kind of understand what he's saying.

    • 5 hours ago

    They're eating pets in Springfield Ohio!

    • 5 hours ago

    Could never vote for a lier, while prez he average 8 lies a day. No thanks 🤠

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    I remember when trump sed.. if a mouse leaves the house and goes outside doesn’t become a rat and if a rat goes into the house does it become a mouse??

    • 5 hours ago

    And just think….40% of the US population support this fool😢😢

    • 5 hours ago

    Trump is not the stupid one here. USA who loves him, they are the stupid once. Donald is just a joke in EU, and therefor have USA become a joke in EU, very sadly.

    • 5 hours ago

    I'm surprised you were able to cut it down to 20

    • 5 hours ago

    WHO the hell could ever think of voting for this whatever he is.. OMG

    • 5 hours ago

    When you see it all put together it's frightening.

    • 5 hours ago

    How did Trump con so many people? He is ridiculous.

    • 5 hours ago

    I have just heard one president claim he is very smart, and that doctors marvel over how smart he is.

    • 5 hours ago

    No wonder the world laughs at him.

    • 5 hours ago

    Lets face it, every time he opens his mouth, garbage spews out

    • 5 hours ago

    Oh my goodness! This means that all the top people of the countries across the world know that Donald is dumber than a post! No wonder the Ali’s are worried and the dictator’s are hopeful. This definitely would put the United States of America in a very vulnerable and dangerous position ugh!

    • 5 hours ago

    Not aged well so many more to add at or near the top!

    • 5 hours ago

    My favorite Trump comment would be: I'm retiring. Effective immediately 😊

    • 5 hours ago

    I am the King of the Jews. (WTF?!!) 😳

    • 5 hours ago

    “”Person, woman, man, camera, tv”. These tests are supposed to be hard. But I did very well. I memorized all five words that they had said to me.” That wasn’t an IQ test. It was a test for dementia. (And tbh, I’d be surprised if he did “well” on that test now…) But to not even KNOW that what he was CONTINUOUSLY bragging about was a dementia test shows a true lack of understanding or comprehension of what he was actually doing in the first place. And, again, that was four years ago.

    • 5 hours ago

    Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was
    … the battle of Gettysburg
    … what an unbelievable
    … I mean, it was so much and so interesting
    … and so vicious and horrible
    … and so beautiful in so many different ways.
    It represented such a big portion of the success of this country

    Gettysburg! Wow!

    Donald J Trump, Trump campaign rally (PA), Apr 2024

    • 5 hours ago

    When he says he won the debate… Kamala Harris wiped the floor with him! 💙

    • 5 hours ago

    #2 – "I never understood wind." – Didn't this mental giant also say "I have the best brain"?

    • 5 hours ago

    a marble

    • 5 hours ago

    Their eating the pets

    • 5 hours ago

    Dumbest U.S. president in our history. No competition.

    • 5 hours ago

    They are eating our pets cats and dogs have gone missing lol trump on illegal immigrants

    • 5 hours ago

    Phrase: Priming the pump.

    Usage example: "JD found your sofa and he's priming the pump".

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    What a stupid clown

    • 5 hours ago

    Tha Dunning-Kruger effect in full bloom🤪

    • 5 hours ago

    20?! You mean 20 million….

    • 5 hours ago

    Under the normal circumstances in democratic societies, a person like Trump, after all these lunatic pronouncements, would be committed to an asylum for a protracted medical observation. In America, he's been given close to unlimited immunity from prosecution by the highest court in the country and has been unquestioningly supported by about 45% of the voters. History confirms the fact that Homo sapiens is a hopelessly flawed predator species, driven by his basest instincts. At any point in history, the number of ignoramuses, brutes, hypocrites, power/money grabbers, liars, narcissists, and thieves is so high that the humanity's survival is increasingly in doubt.

    • 5 hours ago

    The first two quotes are correct. Russia did not annex Crimea. And Russia did not invade Ukraine. If you don't understand what I am saying, you don't know what happened there since 2008.

    • 5 hours ago

    He's a complete idiot!!

    • 5 hours ago

    The most ridiculous thing he ever said was, "not guilty" at his trial!

    • 5 hours ago

    Just because it takes Trump 10 or 15 times to flush his toilet…

    • 5 hours ago

    And washing the coal.
    Use Don antibacterial, concentrated dish soap.
    Like washing the dirt, all that does is make mud . And then when the mud dries out it’s still dirt.. they should change his name to Wiley coyote super genius. Remember the cartoon.. everything always blew up in his face. Wiley, Don coyote..

    • 5 hours ago

    They’re eating the dogs they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets.. I think that there is the all-time most ridiculous thing Trump has ever said.

    • 5 hours ago

    He's a Moron that says he's a genius. and other morons cheer and clap and he actually believes he's smart because they clapped at what he said.

    • 5 hours ago

    I have something to call you and yes, I'm being disrespectful. In Britain, some of us call you a *anke*. So , if you had any humanity in yourself, you 'll step down, NOW!

    • 5 hours ago

    Trump I was born and grew ouon the farm.and I have never heard having heard about having cows climeclime a tater.have ever seen a cow in real life you really near.some help good thing on a farm our this country wold be in big troublle and you are smart did you ever go to school

    • 5 hours ago

    Number 2 was literally painful to listen to.

    • 5 hours ago

    What do you talk so much about, Mr. Trump? What is your problem? Whatever he says, whatever he does. Is manual business leave him alone. What about you? Are you perfect? Why don't you watch yourself in the mirror in the morning and look at yourself? Hot evil person, you are, huh? Just don't say anything about the people. Take care of yourself and God bless you. We have to keep doing something good for our country. You are too old already in what you have no future, you're gonna go home pretty soon so let other people choose whatever they wanted to choose. Okay. God bless you again? I hope you have a good sleep.

    • 5 hours ago

    😂Never Heard So Many Stupid Words. Mr Clown D. Trump.

    • 5 hours ago

    Trump dumbest man not in a home.

    • 5 hours ago

    Just before going live on air Trump told his assistant, "Yesterday, yesterday?" "I can't say yesterday. It's too hard to say."

    • 5 hours ago

    This is all bullshit

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