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I think Fauci could use a cruise trip for all his work.
You're inaccurate about keel-hauling. The victims aren't dropped down to "bone-crushing depths". The depth of a keel on wooden ships was less than 50 feet, often less than 20 feet.
How many fucking times does this video need to explain who Black Bart was
Imma say Amber Heard
Keelhauling must have really sucked.
Very Creative
Now I know why HELL exists… humans are cruel ….
Animals wouldnt even act 1% as bad as rotten humans have historically done, and continue to do till this day.
I don't understand where the navy got their sailors who were willing to join as crew members w/ such uncivil punishments. I mean, ,had I been a man in those days I would never have even considered joining any navy because of. what captains did to their own men. Completely uncivil they were allowing such desecration of those poor men .😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😈😈
Do you have any actual sources that pirates used the punishment "walking the plank"? I'm just asking since I'm quite into piracy & never found any decent source that actually have some kind of evidence on walking the plank. It would be really interesting to see some actual proof around the myth.
24:01 Jan de Groot. This name is pronounced 'Yan duh Groat'. ('de' as in French). The G in Groot is guttural but that's difficult to phoneticise.
"Walking The Plank" was only recorded as happening once. The royal navy did it to a pirate.
When i was a child i always used to wish I was a pirate so i could walk the plank.
Informative docu. But the pixelations make no sense. These are art works; not LiveLeak photos.
Flogging the log was permitted.
No mention of the Barbary pirates and their capture of people for ransome or slavery and their destruction at Tripoli?
Black sails showed this with black beard and woods rogers.
I once survived black bart's cave in casa bonita, was barely able to make it to the skee-ball area without being flogged by the fortune teller that looks like michael jackson
1 4 25.
How long did keel hauling session last? How did one hold their breath so long.
6:26 is that Don Frye ?
Blackbart did everything lmao
And we had the audacity to pen the term, "humanity".