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    • 6 months ago

    7:34 – Christian. Just like Xmas became shorthand for Christmas (although by that same rule it should really be Xian but I digress).
    In other words, it’s the crazy religious nuts that are ruining America.

    • 6 months ago

    Something that is very important to know about taxes on lottery winnings. 1.28B -> 480M is not due to the taxes. When you win the lottery, you are given two choices: a lump sum, or annual payments. If you take the lump sum, you take a pretty gnarly hit to the value, because they don't pay you the full stated value. The stated value is the additive value of all your annual payments over, typically, 20 years. After accounting for the time-value of money, annual payments are still better than the lump sum, but not by that awful much. Most of the difference between a regular taxation and what they get paid is down to taking a lower amount to start with.

    • 6 months ago

    22:58 – That calculation is solely whether they can afford it (i.e. whether their income is greater than the cost of the rent). It may not even account for taxes, but definitely doesn’t account for other necessary expenses, like… you know, FOOD. So the point is that someone earning minimum wage would not even be able to pool every cent of their wages into rent and be able to break even.

    • 6 months ago

    0:56 I don't know about all sanitation/waste management workers (aka garbage men) but the ones in Carson City Nevada apparently got paid on average $50k+ a year some made more the ones that made less were usually the office workers that didn't get the additional hazard pay

    • 6 months ago

    Every time I see/listen to those videos/stories from the USA 🇺🇸.. I feel so privileged as European.. 🙈 🙊 🙉 😅😢😮

    Where are my fellow Europeans? 😅

    • 6 months ago

    actually here in Australia the Commonwealth Bank App actually dose state stuff like you spent $2000 on grocery's this week or you spent $789 on entertainment this week

    • 6 months ago

    The first quote about politicians is from a punk singer named Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedys) who ran for mayor of San Francisco in the 80's

    • 6 months ago

    33:26 MMMMMMM-

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

    Robin showing his ignorance again.
    People don't "idolize" Japan because of Anime. You're projecting your nerd shit on everyone else.
    People look up to Japan because they are a stellar example of a society where people can be free and prosperous, while still respecting and maintaining their infrastructure. They don't raise spoiled children who run around shooting each other cause they didn't get enough attention. They don't allow their poor to run around the streets and assault people, and then blame SOCIAL SERVICES for trying to HELP the poor and disturbed.

    America is a "melting pot" that has completely let the molten garbage overflow and boil out of the pot. No one in this country cares about anything but their own feelings and ideas. They want to take advantage of society but they don't want to make the society better by showing it respect and adhering to the laws that allow it to function.

    And don't get me started on the crazy distribution of wealth in this country.
    If you hoard trash you're called crazy. If you hoard wealth, you're considered brilliant, instead of called out for being a psychopath.

    Also that post was entirely about the effect of our insane gun culture.

    But sure Robin, the only thing you know about Japan is Anime, so it must be about the Weebs. God you suck.

    • 6 months ago

    5:19 yeah it's understandable because the only thing free about having babies, is the sex that goes into making the baby, EVERYTHING after conception costs SOMETHING! The pregnancy tests, the doctor's office visits, the ultrasounds, the prescription vitamins, the extra food, the baby clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles, crib, car seat,etc. and the list goes on and on, having babies is not cheap and no having babies is NOT all sunshine and rainbows and nothing ever goes wrong, so if one wants to have a baby ask yourself this first:"Can you Handle the extra financial burden that comes with having a baby? Can you provide for your baby? Can you afford to have a baby?

    • 6 months ago

    Every story of a photographer walking off from a wedding is them doing it cheap as a favor for a friend, getting absolutely no accommodations — no food, no bathroom breaks, not even water — and being worked harder than they do for real clients.

    • 6 months ago

    So, memes and jokes aside, to answer the question in the thumbnail, Autumn Green by Josh & Wesz?

    • 6 months ago

    I don't know if this is relevant to this, but when I went to this one small store I literally saw a calculator on the cashier's desk.

    • 6 months ago

    A good 75-90% of the time a class tells me I need a textbook, I never need to actually use it. So basically I just waste a ton of money!

    • 6 months ago

    The thumbnail for 6 minute last song is nowhere near long enough

    • 6 months ago

    23:19 my ass who would gladly live in a studio apartment over a two bedroom apartment even if the rent was completely free

    • 6 months ago

    17:09 the songs i listen to are on average 6:30 thats unfair

    • 6 months ago

    54:38 id either speaking my (now dead) native language known as yup'ik or Russian and not the invaders known as Americans

    • 6 months ago

    Somebody once pointed out that Elon Musk has had more gender affirming surgery than most trans people.

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