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Monkey Werx US

    • 6 days ago

    How long before they take WALDO's name off the ballots??? I still haven't seen any proof that he's requested this yet??? 😎✌️

    • 6 days ago

    Just before watching this I told my co workers exactly what Monkey just said about civil unrest. Crazy!

    • 6 days ago


    • 6 days ago

    We forgot the children. Shame on us all.

    • 6 days ago

    Polls are designed to shape public opinion rather than reflect public opinion.

    • 6 days ago

    This channel seems kinda JOOish,never really gets to the point or has much meaning.

    • 6 days ago

    Just so we're clear…………..
    Filed 08/27/24

    I find 2 things wrong with this document. 😎✌️ good morning

    • 6 days ago

    Hey there! Thanks for keeping us informed. I hope you see this: wouldn't it be revolutionary, rather than civil???

    • 6 days ago

    If they can see everything we do on our phones & devices why can’t they use that to solve murders missing persons kidnapping etc? Why can’t they use this information to stop assassination plots & attempts? All they use it for is to spy on us their own people! Probably monetary gain

    • 6 days ago

    👠 UP may be talking to a group of high schoolers but it seems she thinks they are a bunch of kindergardeners. 😎✌️

    • 6 days ago

    What happened to the Empire State Building on July, 28, 1945??? WEIRD🤔 😎✌️

    • 6 days ago

    Utube held this vid back for a week!

    • 6 days ago

    Danger box over Italy? Volcano

    • 6 days ago

    Have I not said that Al will be the Beast of #'s of a man…………………… 😎✌️

    • 6 days ago

    So they are capturing me watching your video here in Michigan 😊.

    • 6 days ago

    So, what do THEY think about the 5k migrants taking over Colorado sanctuary city? Where is the activated shadow military?

    • 6 days ago

    He said Poland is about to go hot. ,,,, Calm down

    • 6 days ago

    Don't get a video notifications for a few days and then when I do, it's days old. Looks like I have to start searching again. They are trying to play hide n seek!

    • 6 days ago

    Kevin Ryan “Another Nineteen: Investigating legitimate 911 suspects “ good read or listen to his interview years ago on “Guns & Butter” radio with Bonnie Faulkner, can still find on yt. Excellent. I’ve met Kevin at several events many years ago. Refused to lie with /for NIST about the WTC steal narrative based on his work at UL. Honorable.

    • 6 days ago

    9 1 1 art at w t c ….see sketches, framed “gutless man” in the windows days leading up to …what’s that about

    • 6 days ago

    Don't ever forget the honorable discharge veteran all over this country!! They don't forget who they are!! And what they are!! God loves them!!

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