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    • 1 week ago

    The government of Trinidad has use this charge of sedition to silence people who stands up to them

    • 1 week ago

    Most police officers is Trinidad and Tobago don't even have a full academics certificate…
    Last year 3 of them held me up and assaulted me on the old forest road and they pulled down my pants and touching my genitals during the exercise… Once God spare my Life I will write a book on my life story…! And when I don't have to live in Trinidad I will kicked back on all the various Authorities who malingn…
    The police men was searching for valuables and maybe narcotics?
    "He said first time we got something like this…!
    I'm more Semitic than Caucasian or Hamitic DNA…
    Hamitic people are cursed and it's biblically proven…!
    And most Christians don't even know their Bible…!
    Ham is a thief, homosexual, hunter and a smoker…
    Most people who died in Sodom and Gomorrah were Hamitic people…

    • 1 week ago

    Hate to say but that’s why you can’t leave black folks with money and a nice country we need 24/7 supervision like a baby… just like Africa…yea we have black leaders and president who run country’s but the white man is watching everything so wedon’t MESS IT UP

    • 1 week ago

    Bro every YouTuber has gone there to do what Chris has done. Y’all need to stop that narrative. However there’s too much money being made from the gangs by the corruption. However chris as a foreigner to the country and a visitor they are not gonna have that from him. I admire him hat Chris is doing however its political.

    • 1 week ago

    As a Trinidadian I am so ashamed. The people in power do not represent the average law abiding citizen of my island. These people only represent themselves and their pay masters. I am truly sorry this happened to him. I am powerless. Simply a slave on this colony. I honestly don't have words. This is truly a sad day in our world. I humbly apologize for this miscarriage of justice. Please do not hate Trinidadian citizens for the foolishness of the selfish people in power. They do not represent us simple humans struggling to survive here. We love everyone. We are oppressed by both the govt and the criminals with zero recourse. Hemmed in on all sides. I really don't know what else to say but sorry and God bless you all.

    • 1 week ago

    I wish him all the best and safety he showed the world what this government of trinidad id doing this is a eye opener for the world to see how this evil government

    • 1 week ago

    Chris is a friend of Africa and he does not deserve to be in jail.

    • 1 week ago

    There is no freedom of the press in trinidad. Everybody knows the media is puppetry

    • 1 week ago

    I have watched both of you guys doing great things. I'm sorry to learn about Chris arrest in Trinidad. I pray 🙏 that all goes well for Chris so that he can go home to his beautiful family. Sending my love ❤❤from New York.

    • 1 week ago

    I am from 🇹🇹 we know the sensible ones exactly why he was arrested, they the pnm government dont want anyone to know just how much of a failure they are when it comes to controling our crime situation in our beloved Trinidad and Tobago. I understand he is fearing for his life while in prison i doubt very much its from other inmates. Hope he gets out soon and all of his videos are intact because most likely they will be destroy by those most of the population don't trust. 😢

    • 1 week ago

    He's showing these good for nothing st*nking piece of sh*t, waste of time criminals who makes up the 1% in T&T and the gov't/authorities decides to arrest and charge him. what rowley and inbutthol…. sorry imbert trying to hide?

    • 1 week ago

    This was not nice. What happened to Chris in Trinidad he was doing a good for the country by exposing them on the media platforms, so much was in secret and swept it under the rugs. I hope they dismissed these charges against Chris for doing good,finding the gangster in their hoods, and bringing awareness to the country and world. Shame on you, Dr. Keith Rowley 🙏

    • 1 week ago

    I’m from 🇨🇦. Before he goes and makes videos in other countries about gangs or their government, he should make those videos here. He will find plenty of content about carjackings, increasing in violence, international students faking their way here and how much our government is just incompetent and our justice system has become a joke.

    • 1 week ago

    Please keep Chris in your thoughts and feel free to share this video to help people hear this message and let help bring Chris home. Please consider signing this Petition here to help his release:

    • 1 week ago

    Might be something dodgy with that country, Gov't and police if a YTuber arrested for reporting another side to T&T. They're hiding stuff, protecting their image and criminals.

    • 1 week ago

    You tubers need a strong union

    • 1 week ago

    Canadian Embassy should get involve

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

    How Long he been Lock up

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

    i live in trinidad, its a democratic dictatorship

    • 1 week ago

    Please the matter is urgent

    • 1 week ago

    This is why the Caribbeans should be under British control. The third worlders are too corrupt and too lazy to rule themselves. Same in Africa.

    • 1 week ago

    Why didn't he waited until he got home before he uploaded the videos with the gang members tho….what was he thinking 🤔

    • 1 week ago

    Some fool calling themselves the creator responded to me with a comment that there are gangs in Canada aren’t there. The usual stupid mentality of some. Canada does something about its criminals and criminal activity. That’s why where I live in 2023 the population of this city is about the same as tdad. In tdad in 2023 there were over 650 murders. In my city we had 24 murders and that was considered high here. We have the gangs under control here as well they’re not like in tdad where they rule the country. So Creator you have no thinking ability and cannot and do not make sense. You have the stupid tdad mentality. Apparently you like living in a shithole country. That’s your choice.

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