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CBN News

    • 5 hours ago

    Arrested Pastor’s Victory 😍

    • 5 hours ago

    Sportsman complaints of gender issues in playing sports and even here girl basketball team refused to play with biological males transgender girl. So, the sportswoman shouldn't demand equal price money of mens in games & tournament.

    • 5 hours ago

    So, the Dumicrats have kicked women’s rights to the curb, in favor of men pretending to be women? When will women realize, to Dems they don’t matter!

    • 5 hours ago

    I would bet that "athletic league would not have done this to a muslim team would they??

    • 5 hours ago

    Tuhan Yesus memberkati dan mengasihi orang yang percaya kepadanya Haleluyah Amin 🙏

    • 5 hours ago

    As it should be!

    • 5 hours ago

    I do commend the pastor for his boldness BUT,Jesus said not to throw pearls to pigs, do not give dogs what is sacred, this means we are not to share the gospel to people who constantly reject Jesus. Surrounding country of Gerasenes told Jesus to leave he did without a word. Jesus never stuck around to get beat up, pushed around, if they didn’t want him preaching he simply left, if people debated him he stayed but he avoided violence and kept the peace, Jesus said, “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town” yes sharing the good news is our duty but forcing it is going against Jesus’s command no?

    • 5 hours ago

    Praise GOD!🙌🏼

    • 5 hours ago

    Policy is NOT law.

    • 5 hours ago

    Who are we ? They arrested Peter. Paul. Jesus. Then they killed them Who am I.

    • 5 hours ago

    Seattle is a cesspool

    • 5 hours ago

    Praying for you Jodi, thank you for being His light to the world and for your boldness

    • 5 hours ago

    We need Gods law, not human law.
    Democracy is satanic.

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    God bless 🙏🏼🇨🇦❤️Thank you Jesus 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

    • 5 hours ago

    If we are building the kingdom should pastors be locked up in the west but fentanyl dealers get a race card? Are we for the tullmad or the Torah? Because I feel they don't mix

    • 5 hours ago

    YHWH… THY kingdom come on earth in The name of Jesus Christ ameeeeen ameeeeeen ameeeeen.

    • 5 hours ago

    הממשלה והצבא שלנו יצרו רק אויבים היום אנחנו לא בטוחים בשום מקום שהילדים שלנו לא בטוחים שהעם שלנו לא בטוח. קיומה של ארצנו כמעט בלתי אפשרי. שום כוח לא יכול לסיים את המוסלמים כפי שראינו בהיסטוריה מונגולים, טורקים, צלבנים ומעצמות רבות אחרות ניסו לסיים ולהביס מוסלמים אבל הם הפכו למוסלמים בעצמם.

    • 5 hours ago

    On that day the Demons were Dancing in the streets and the Children of the god of the world did not like it! The Demons Hate the truth, the word of God of Israel! Prays the LORD, Amen!

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    He was trying to stir it up. God says to stir it up. Try to make them think. ❤

    • 5 hours ago

    Freedom of Speech is EVERYTHING….

    • 5 hours ago


    • 5 hours ago

    Brother Matthew we here for you we are proud of you I am praying for you God will protect you and your family
    You will continue to preach the gospel ❤❤

    • 5 hours ago

    Next time they want somone to fight for freedom REFUSE!!!

    • 5 hours ago

    You take a long time to give the good news that the pastor won! You should announce the win first, and then explain what happened! Relief means nothing to the average person! Please explain.

    • 5 hours ago

    Isaiah 54;17 resist the devil he must flee James 4;7

    • 5 hours ago

    Let brotherly love continue Hebrew 13;1 ❤

    • 5 hours ago

    ❤put GOD first Matt 6;33 Roman 10th chapter surrender 2CHRON.7;14

    • 5 hours ago

    I do appreciate hearing news from CBN

    • 5 hours ago

    Thank you for reporting on the Seattle story. I used to call the area my home. Now I hardly recognize it.

    • 5 hours ago

    Could we Please stop referring to our off children as baby goats (i.e. kids)? The implications are dauntingly Biblical!

    • 5 hours ago

    amen amen

    • 5 hours ago

    Glory Hallelujah

    • 5 hours ago

    Democrat Apostasy promotes every perversion and calls it normal,
    In the Democrat Mind,
    God and His Truths are Rejected.
    and Immorality is the Way.
    The Results are on Display.

    • 5 hours ago

    Sadly not everybody has the money to constantly go to court for rights and laws on the books! It is disgusting.

    • 5 hours ago

    Nothing like freedom of speech!

    • 5 hours ago

    Biological males should be outlawed! Weirdos running the courts! Put Christian young men on th Christian team give names as pronouns! Then win!!!!play by their rules!!!

    • 5 hours ago

    John 3:30 GOD glorified increase ❤

    • 5 hours ago

    September 19th???

    I feel like I already saw this episode, like, a couple weeks ago…

    • 5 hours ago

    I'm really bothered by the lack of education in constitutional law police officers receive. Most seem more ignorant of the law than regular citizens.

    • 5 hours ago

    My question is where was the county Sheriff in this case, after all Sheriff's have more authority in the county than police because they are elected by the people whereas the police are appointed by some government bureauracy.

    • 5 hours ago

    They Go the other way Because They know Gods Got you … they see … they can't look at God who's in you. Hallelujah Amen…

    • 5 hours ago

    To God be the Glory ❤

    • 5 hours ago

    Christians had better vote this administration out, otherwise Christians will be persecuted more. Vote out these Democrats who hate us and God.

    • 5 hours ago

    Those people were filled with demons.

    • 5 hours ago

    The devils didn't want to hear word of God.

    • 5 hours ago

    Dan thanks

    • 5 hours ago

    I wonder why there has not been an international movement to create a private, international and sub-regional sports competition organization (that encompasses competition at the local, regional, country, international level) based on the principles of biblical teachings that would be an alternative to the International Olympic Committee (and other like sub-regional sports organizations) that work to counter biblical values? Obviously, it would be open to all people, however, the rules of engagement and participation would be based on biblical values. I believe that the funding for such an organization would flood in through private donations and not be dependent on government rules.

    • 5 hours ago

    If you did not know It, we are in the "End Times".

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