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Great episode. Loved it. I really want to do the road trip across the country, no freeways.
Great Episode! I had to listen twice. Those are the good ones.
Axel was asking Ashe how to make Morning Wood (?). Maybe Axel heard this phrase while he was out on the playground?
I agree Seth! He’s one of my fav actors…Bobby C..
I just Love this guy. I cant he is so good at all the descriptive elements of talking about all the particulars, And I love his wife Rose Burn. She is so funny gotta catch her in (SPIES) I laughed so much. She is me! hahahahah
This was a great episode. Bobby’s a great storyteller! My fave episode so far.
no song?! it better be Rain King parody 🤞
I miss the song at the end on you tube. Can it be played in the you tube version?
Yes, Efteling is definitely a great park! They have several cool themes based on fairytales😊
Aside from Larry & Hilary, Bobby's my favorite. Hope you have him back! And who does your intro? I was so confused! No intro?!
Jajajajaja! Bobby talking about getting chanclazos is the most Latino thing ever. Like something on “Jokes Seth Can’t Tell” 😂
What’s funny is I had no idea, I assumed from his surname and a couple roles I seen him in he was only Italian-American heritage.
But the Jake Tapper book he brought as an object of discussion just in case/because anxiety was hilarious! As someone who had a stepdad, “Trinidad Tony” stepdad also made me LMBO too, loved this episode ❤ -
im listening to this on a podcast, but hopped over here to say please PLEASE continue to introduce jeff tweedy's song.
i appreciate the joke, and consider it not only the intro, but the closing to your brotherly preamble.💜(i also loved the sea captain though, so what do i know?)
Such a great episode
Everything about this was enjoyable. Destined to be on Hillary and Larry's Top Ten list.
This is one of their best episodes!
It’s weird seeing Seth’s bare arms 😂
This was far and away my favorite episode. Bobby is a master storyteller. Everything he described about his experiences was so captivating and entertaining.
This was a great episode!
I hate being a jackal… But I'm darn sure Bobby and family went to Toronto and not Montreal
Our Mom keeps piles of clippings for each of us. These always intermingle, and she winds up getting at us when she can’t find ‘the right one’ to show us.
Fantastic episode. Perfect song, Josh. Really captured Bobby's positive energy. I love listening to you guys because I grew up near you in NH and am the same age. Did you ever go to gunstock (Attitash) in the summer? Remember the cannonball waterslide? (your mom probably didn't like it because ladies lost their bathing suits regularly) They also had an Alpine Slide. (especially fun if you floored it when it said "SLOW")
The absolute BEST episode.!!!!!! I was sad when it was over. What a perfect guest, I could listen to his stories and the great banter you all had, all day long.. And the song!
West NY/Weehawken Cuban right here!!.We all went to MIA in late 60's after gramps retired. Miami is Mecca for Cubans 😅😅
This truly was the best episode. I didn't know anything about Bobby Cannavale before this and now I'm a big fan! Josh's song was great too. Bravo all around!
What happened to the song at the end? I always look forward to it, but this time maybe something went wrong? I feel like I just kept hearing Bobby’s name, over and over again. Where were the verses? I totally looked forward to that part. I think we need a re-do!🙂
I had zero clue that Bobby is Cuban. His family’s story is so similar to so many other Cubans of that time, including my father in law, who also came on the Pedro Pan flights. Love the podcast!
Loved this one so much❤
Seth and Bro-
I love your podcast. I enjoy how you let your guests tell their stories and you listen. Natural story telling and joy. Sweet.