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Chapo Trap House

    • 3 hours ago

    when I hear her voice all I can think of is "I LOVE BLAHHCK DIHKKKKKSSSS"

    • 3 hours ago

    Take a shot every time someone says ‘allegedly.’

    • 3 hours ago

    Technically there's a 34 billion dollar hole in the MTA budget because Cuomo withheld their funds for years so that he could embarrass DiBlasio and swoop in at the last minute to "save us from the emergency." I don't understand why it's my job to pay for that now, no. Also there's only like two free bridges on the East Side to begin with to monetize anyway. There's other ways the MTA can get that money without extorting anyone who still uses the 59th street bridge.

    • 3 hours ago

    Any of the trans ladies in chat need their prostates checked hit me up. 👉 👈

    • 3 hours ago

    Things are so bad in NYC that the cooks need to bring their own knives to the job site lol. Black mom's lying about their babies will never get old.

    • 3 hours ago

    Wtf is a “9/11 hero?” It’s not like anyone stopped the planes.

    • 3 hours ago

    There's no fucking way the Banks brothers are named Terrence and Phillip.

    • 3 hours ago

    15:25 sad to see what happened to Stav

    • 3 hours ago

    I don't wanna live in a country where you can't walk into any random homeless shelter and yell out 'fight me bro!'

    • 3 hours ago

    Chapo is just jealous that they won't get to SIT at the TABLE of SUCCESS

    • 3 hours ago

    women DO get prostate cancer

    • 3 hours ago

    NYPD budget is the same as the military budget, billions of dollars but individual soldiers living paycheck to paycheck.

    • 3 hours ago

    He's a gay, thugnificent character like Diddy. It's not even a secret. He's boyfriend is a convicted criminal.

    • 3 hours ago

    Felix sounds great after her transition

    • 3 hours ago

    Do you guys miss Bill D?

    • 3 hours ago

    I’m glad Eric Addams cares so much about trans women with prostate cancer :3

    • 3 hours ago

    Holy shit Matt's book!

    • 3 hours ago

    Katie needs a mint.

    • 3 hours ago


    • 3 hours ago

    All the love to Matt, so glad to hear his recovery is going pretty outstanding from Amber. Legit teared up when I saw the news.

    • 3 hours ago

    you gotta kick that man's BUTT

    • 3 hours ago

    Matt's book?! Let's go!

    • 3 hours ago

    'If you're a cop, your guts is cop, and colour of your skin doesn't matter. If you're a cop, your race is cop.'

    • 3 hours ago

    Has there always been a Juicero next to the book shelf?

    • 3 hours ago

    Cops are so morally bankrupt.

    • 3 hours ago

    Having played RDR2, I know that dealing with rats can be a traumatizing experience.

    • 3 hours ago

    Nyc spends 11 billion on police, 60 million on mental health, only 2 billion on housing initiative, 5.8 million on grocery assistance

    • 3 hours ago

    Where in ny r u?

    • 3 hours ago

    The guest is out of touch, NY Subway systems are far from safe as he claims.

    Place is overrun with schizos and junkies.

    • 3 hours ago

    hed splosion one year ago already, I think he’s clear to livetweet the Vance-Walz waltz coming up

    • 3 hours ago

    I promise you, the Pinkertons are there to infiltrate student movements.

    • 3 hours ago


    • 3 hours ago

    Angelinos?!?!? LETSGOOOOO

    • 3 hours ago


    • 3 hours ago

    Can we stop covering up the brain worms?

    • 3 hours ago

    Terrance and Phillip lmao

    • 3 hours ago

    ffs i thought this was a progressive show, cmon people, you should know the mayor eric adams is just trans ally and was asking out of concern for amab women obviously

    • 3 hours ago

    We all should be given a moment to catch our collective breath after an NYPD guy and his NYPD buddies got political power and immediately landed themselves into dozens of corruption investigations. Who could have seen it coming?

    • 3 hours ago

    While Trans women can get prostate cancer, I’ve read that their rate of prostate cancer is far lower than cis men because of HRT. Testosterone is a major factor in making the prostate act up, and so having less testosterone due to being on HRT substantially decreases the risk of prostate problems.

    • 3 hours ago

    15:30-candy cop…holy shit, it’s COBRA’s candy eating uncle!

    • 3 hours ago

    Katie, Dear, I like fry with my Big Mac combo, not with my vocal. You sound like day-drinking Kamala

    • 3 hours ago

    Rockstar Games is genius for giving the masses what they want: Grand Theft Auto allows us to pretend to kill imaginary cops en masse, and Red Dead Redemption for domeing Pinkerton agents by the dozen.

    • 3 hours ago

    , allegedly.

    • 3 hours ago

    As an upstate New Yorker, ill say its hilarious for anyone to expect the governor of New York to care about subways in NYC

    Y'all can work that out with your mayor to pay extra city taxes for that. Its not a state issue

    • 3 hours ago

    The gays for gorka movement is coming out of the woodwork.

    • 3 hours ago

    When I search ‘do women have’ on google, ‘a prostate’ is the first result 😂

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