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Jesus Gospel

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you

    • 4 weeks ago

    These storms have got us forever and destroyed many places forever.Why do you entitle it that as you did

    • 4 weeks ago

    if you think this is bad……wait…… the entire globe being shaken is on the cards soon – in 1917 St Lucia was shown this would happen. In the 12th century a nun was shown the effects of the underwater explosion that sent a tidal wave which destroyed coastal cities either side of the ocean. Jesus said ithis was because ~"There is not one person in those cities that observes the ten commandments." In 1958 the Virgin Mary appeared to a shepherd man on a mountainside in a South American communist run country. She showed him the explosions on what we know as "the ring of fire." and he saw the great tidal wave that destroyed cities. Mary said it would happen when all the countries had become communist – which we now see as the one world order and which we also see underlying the politics of the USA with the Democrats as they are following the methods of reducing the people to internal frustrations with divisions and notions of victimhood as well as getting the people to accept subjective truth instead of objective truth – as we see especially re the alphabet people who are so sadly being used as "things" instead of real understanding of their hurt and pain as people who are hurting – the high rate of sui- cide after trans surgery proves it.. It is criminal to simply use these people for political power. They will be "discarded later" when power is achieved. In a talk a few years ago, Putin warned the USA where their left politics was heading and for "doing what we did to bring in communism – and it does not work." (divide the people against each other by "'victimhood' and skin colour. This weakens the police so the excuse is to get rid of them and use the army for mull military control of the violent factions that break out and only have Secret Police as a sub-strata of informers. Since the WEF announced a couple of months ago that they had "got all out people into the top places in governments in the western world" we cam see that world control is on the cards – the "no cash society is part of it. "Do this or else…" total control of people through their bank accounts.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Go back to god.amen

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    No its a hurricane 🌀 .

    • 4 weeks ago

    This our generation is the most evil doing one.
    If it was not of God's mercies honoring the fathers covenant, we would have been handed over to slavery in the hand of our enemies.
    The most wicked people who dare moking God live here in our days.
    We must repent in their behalf as well for our transgressions.
    Nowdays, the leaders are attracting calamities over the people encouraging them to sin with immorality and all manner of perversion.
    Pray earnestly , reminant of the kingdom.
    Blessed are you !

    • 4 weeks ago

    We need to turn to Jesus …. He still on the throne… surrender repent….
    Lord have mercy on your children in Jesus name amen/ we are liveing in the last days….. surrender all God's children and pray God is talking are we listenning

    • 4 weeks ago

    U lie hurricane ivan hit Grenada as a cat 5 which it was classified as b4 it touched land

    • 4 weeks ago

    Wake up Jesus is coming repent repent before is to late

    • 4 weeks ago

    This is Not the gospel of Jesus.

    • 4 weeks ago

    The Pope is not striving for preservation of nature and promoting stewardship thereof. He is pushing the agenda of the one world religion with the elites. Worshiping the creation instead of the Creator! I refer to recent footage of the Pope attending a nature worship event and bowing down with the others present. It is an abomination to God. He will not tollerate idolatry

    • 4 weeks ago

    Jamaica mocked God, with their carnivals.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Revelation was written specifically for the 4th century people of Asia Minor, to give them hope as they faced impending persecution. & it barely even made the cut into the Bible.

    • 4 weeks ago

    My brother.. we all know what's right and wrong we all have choices in life.. either you follow evil or you follow the lights. Who is the light my heavenly father up in heaven is. Holy holy holy is God almighty.. who is coming. New Jerusalem is almost done.. do I have any father has a temper.. my heavenly father has never been to school.. love those that are broken homeless. The Pharisees what did he say to them.. so let's all just humble ourselves.. stop blaming the homeless. Pray for one another remember we're all human.. even though the doctors and people judge. It is not for them to judge it is God Almighty to judge and he will judge each one of us.. blood and water.. the Red Sea. Oh heavenly Father the light the sun does not give his light.. the red moon.. old heavenly Father why they falsely accuse me all the time. Why don't they receive me in your churches. They don't receive you because they denied me and they will deny you. Remember everything that everyone does in secret. I am watching in my.. God is watching from his holy throne. I may not know how to read and write. From my heavenly father loves me very much and loves all of the Lord wants us to be servants.. to watch each other's feet.. to love and to forgive. Cancel the Lord can forgive you. But people are mocking God's ministers it's a sin.. and when people do things to you and you have nothing to do with the way they are. Is there evil. You forgive them but they have to pay the consequences.. you repent and don't do it again or something worse will happen to you.. in heaven. In heaven white gowns singing holy holy holy is God Almighty holy holy.. so remember your car is not going to get you to heaven your name brand clothes is not going to get you to heaven. What's going to get you to heaven is get on your knees if you can and if you can't. In prison sitting down.. because the lord loves us very much and he loves the whole universe.. we are all the same. We must love our neighbor. Respect one another. Call my brothers and sisters that are in the community.. stop being gossipers it's a sin.. use your phone for worship for reading for something good.. it goes in one ear and comes out the other….
    … Like I said they turn their cheek to the left and to the right.. if I had a job I'm not working now but I tell the truth nothing but the truth and the Lord God Almighty is with me and knows my secrets each one of them mm. But if I had a job I would never disrespect anyone I would treat him with respect and if I'm outside walking or driving and my brother needs help I will get down from my car and I will wash your feet I will even clean them if they're dirty pee or poop I will do that with love you know why because God said help those that cannot help themselves.. remember there are homeless and disabled.. and these are my veterans that I love very dearly and doesn't matter who it is we respect each other we love each other and stop mocking each other and stop mocking God for God is in control and he is watching.
    Am I scared no I'm not.. but I do fear God…. Am I ready.. worship is everyday every second every minute God is in control you must keep your eyes on God.. final these days if you say God
    . If you mention God they say you're mental..forgive him Lord for they do not know what they say and they do not see and they do not hear.. I have lost my possessions many times.. but I have nothing to lose now.. so I continue with my my crippled legs away the Lord made me because he is a perfection God.. and this is the way my heavenly father made me crippled.. for his glory.. hello heavenly father have mercy on my brothers and sisters for their not ready and and you come you will say depart from me I do not know you.. That's where Mercy comes in.. Mercy on landlord give us time get us prepared..

    • 4 weeks ago

    jesus gospel,demonyo kayo panginoon dios lang ang pinapaniwalaan ko

    • 4 weeks ago

    SPOT ON COMPELLING AMEN..but not at the end yet, as ALL ISLANDS will disappear not to be seen again, as it is written..

    • 4 weeks ago

    Find Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour before He returns to Rapture His Church real soon. Have total Faith in Him ❤❤❤

    • 4 weeks ago

    "And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides."

    • 4 weeks ago

    All we see is the beginning of birth pains where natural disasters will increase from pandemics , even people will turn more wicked all the time , volcanos , earthquakes intense , so only getting attached to God as never before , and God will spare us from the disasters , as in the bible says that on your one side will fall 1000 and in the other side will fall 10,000 but you will keep going . that's the promise of God and He promised is an eternal truth.

    • 4 weeks ago

    y is it so hard 2 get our family's on board with all of these world event's that r happening right b4 our I's. It seem's that they r more scared 4 their live's and not afraid 4 their soul's I for 1 have not given up on my family bc I pray the Chaplet and the Rosary everyday and go to Sunday Mass, When I 1st went back to Jesus I was alone at Mass now through prayer most of my family r now coming to Mass with me it's a start but we have along way 2 go and I will never give up on my family and I will continue 2 pray for their salvation everyday. LORD HAVE MERCY ON ALL OF US FOR GOD IS OUR REEFUGE

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    Lord, have pity on us sinners. Let us turn to God before it's too late. Praying for all the, people of the badly damaged counties due to deadly hurricane..

    • 4 weeks ago

    what do we know Let's chew some bubble gum and save the world

    • 4 weeks ago

    Jesus is the way and Truth and life Amen ❤️🙏

    • 4 weeks ago

    Blessings to all…See Psalm 91…Be encouraged…Call on the name of The Lord and be saved…He is worthy to be trusted!!!

    • 4 weeks ago

    This is being controlled, the evil cabal are trying to destroy our country, and are !

    • 4 weeks ago

    Praying 🙏 trust God he loves you ,

    • 4 weeks ago

    America and all those they have not received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and also the back slidden. Repent confess and return to Jesus Christ. Only Jesus is the answere.If you see all these events and your eyes are not opened, Forgive one another honour God worship God.Stop doing abortion, prostitution,guns should be abolished by govt.stop divorce reconcile with your families love one another stop putting chips in hands stop dressing like devil stop l g b t etc etc. The whole creation is groaning like child birth. Please keep watch

    • 4 weeks ago

    pray to the lord.its a sign of his coming

    • 4 weeks ago

    Praying for every one all glory to GOD he protects all glory and honor to you LORD GOD AMEN❤❤ 1:58

    • 4 weeks ago

    We should repent our life from sin and turn back to God 🙏

    • 4 weeks ago

    I truly believe they are judgment and warning signs from Almighty GOD; end times events. Nations evil and wickedness judged by GODS Righteousness and the people by his Faithfulness. Scriptures are coming to pass before our very eyes; prophetic times. We must stay watchful and prayerful as instructed by the LORD JESUS CHRIST 🙏🙏

    • 4 weeks ago

    The swamp is doing this, destroying our country, every where

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hey do you remember HUGO, DIANE, Hazel and others those were bad and we remained . and yes we are coming to the end just as jesus said

    • 4 weeks ago

    Gross 🤮

    • 4 weeks ago

    Is this not enough
    The end is soon

    • 4 weeks ago

    You are darn right! It’s a Devine wake up call! Almighty God who created you is very angry and will not tolerate foolishness like other gods! Follow his commandments before the same happens here!!!

    • 4 weeks ago

    I suggest that you study the history of typhoons in the Philippines. Then you can compare, and suggest how people must respond to these natural calamities.

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