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    • 4 weeks ago

    Please avoid loud background Dance music .

    • 4 weeks ago

    Keep pushing forward. The United Satanists of America MUST BE HUMBLED!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Good news BRICS nations

    • 4 weeks ago

    Diplomatic solutions are the only alternative to a violent one like those from the United Nations Security Council and the USA alliance

    • 4 weeks ago

    I believe all 3 are equally important spheres. Military, unfortunately, is a must, because the west is collapsing and will go to great lengths to hold on to its hegemony and power. Diplomacy is a must, to avert conflict, and of course, economic development, cooperation between countries that benifits all, not just one, is important.

    • 4 weeks ago

    BRICS is the Future ❤

    • 4 weeks ago

    BRICS is the only alternative to replace hegemonic hypocritic West and eastablish a true rules based world order.

    • 4 weeks ago

    America create wars They don’t like them.

    • 4 weeks ago

    BRICS is best Worlds Future …Bully USA control is weakening

    • 4 weeks ago

    BRICS is the driving force for the transformation to a multi-polar world and is unstoppable. 👍👍👍

    • 4 weeks ago

    Your statement could be true if China showed some backbone. It seems to the world that China will sell its soul for a trade.
    They have made a mascot for themselves and now believe in it (trades at all cost) the same way US has made a mascot for itself (war at all cost). Both are wrong. A wise country who is into trade, should sometimes go for war even if it is trade war. China (against the ICJ ruling is still helping the genocide going by trading with Israel). Why is China not obeying by law and stop all trades (that help the occupier and apartheid) that is required of them by law/ICJ ruling (especially as a leader)?

    • 4 weeks ago

    If there is a way to break destructive US power, it is to weaken the US Dollar. I can’t wait for a strong alternative monetary system which has to be transparent and monitored. For example, strict rules should be implemented to keep and protect gold-backed currencies. There will be a lot to consider, for example, the role of the IMF in the bankruptcy of countries like Greece. It was intended to lend more money than Greece could pay back and then grab the country’s assets instead.

    • 4 weeks ago

    The BRICS are the way forward ❤. I just hope that it's fairly distributed power and all those who participate are greatly rewarded.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Sence no 0% interest rate loans there's no good on arizon ex is have a shower and put the same dirty clothes. 😢

    • 4 weeks ago

    BRICS nations are grappling with their ties to the western order which is not only USA but also UK. It is neither quick nor easy to undo or substantially modify these ties, especially as the screws tighten on them in reaction. Leaders of BRICS nations will need to extend compassion & diplomacy to one another as each deals with western entanglements. At the same time, they need to forge ahead creating workable, respectful alternatives to the current system. Supporting each other as best they can with trade agreements, payment options, cultural appreciation & connectivity collaboration will go a long way on this path to change. This is no different from any transformational dynamic. It takes tremendous will & effort at the beginning as the system of stasis pulls back. Continued determination keeps momentum. Finally, after seemingly impossible odds, success is won. Then comes the process of "growing into" the success as the opportunities offered become apparent.

    • 4 weeks ago

    #QoD: Do you believe BRICS can truly reshape global governance, or will they face the same challenges as the West? 🤔 Which aspect do you think they must focus on most to rise—economic collaboration, military strength, or global diplomacy? Share your thoughts below!

    #BRICS #GlobalPowerShift #Geopolitics #FutureOfGovernance 🌍

    ⛱ Just a quick heads-up about today's video format—it's August, and that means summer vacations are in full swing! ☀ Our lovely speaker, Anastasia, is taking a well-deserved break along with the rest of the team. But don't worry, she'll be back soon! In the meantime, we're gearing up for some exciting new collaborations that we can't wait to share with you. Big things are coming, so stay tuned! 😊

    • 4 weeks ago

    All our hopes are on BRICS even if we are in the G whatever.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Well put argument for BRICS. As we all can deduce, life in a world where north and south poles don't counterbalance each other by weight (quantitatively) and magnetism (qualitatively) would be short and cruel.

    • 4 weeks ago

    A careful analysis of the events reveals that the USA/collective West never practice what they preach.
    They preach virtue and rules, but they practice doublespeak and spread division.
    It is easier to divide people and systems from the outside, from a position of wealth and power (like the USA/collective West), than it is to unite them for the leaders of the rest of the world (so-called Global South).
    Dividing the opposing systems, is the first and easiest step towards increasing the own systemic power (see below comments section). Once divided, another system's power and strength is decreased, like taking bricks out of a wall, one by one…
    It is "divide and rule".
    It is how the strategy works.
    A power gets others to divide systems and to fight its wars and implement division for the greater power which enjoys a natural geopositional advantage by funding these crises/wars. Preferably without the "buck catchers" (concept of the proxy) ever finding out about their role in the strategy. See the Ukraine, and the current debates about who the "next Ukraine" will be: entire regions getting burnt, so the USA/collective West's "rule" by division may continue.

    • 4 weeks ago

    BRICS goal is welfare to all humanity, in shared response to difficulties faced by all nations and various cultural groups through unified approach utilising advances in science, and technology to solve warring tendencies upon search, studies to find institutions to help each other, its not against any other but needs to gain strength to subdue crimes against humanity. Wonderful analysis, for changing world order.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thanks for another excellent analysis. I believe BRICS, and its allies, are ready – including addressing the many challenges you mention!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Opportunity comes once in a millennium.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Why the loud music?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Fantastic news time for new beginning for all sovereign country,s of the world who want to join

    • 4 weeks ago

    I think BRICS is ready

    • 4 weeks ago

    The west did not just abandoned the world but decided to abuse it in all posible forms ffor several centuries now.. being the us now the center of a hideous & dangerous radical ideology of dominance trough force, threat and manipulations at highest levels never seen in the world before. Let´s say the world is turning it´s back on the west abusive system.

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    ukrainian troops are advancing into russia evacuations are under way in the kursk and belograd regions.

    • 4 weeks ago

    AWESOME! Thank you BRICS+ NATIONS!👍🌏☮️🙂❗️

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