About the author

Will travelz

    • 4 weeks ago

    Cool. Have you ever stayed in DaLat Vietnam?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Great info will!

    • 4 weeks ago

    When they hear Cambodia is a cheap country to live, Vietnam and Thailand tried doing the same thing.

    • 4 weeks ago

    ❤😊 so cute saying Xin chao!!😂

    • 4 weeks ago

    Interesting to see what you can get for your money in Da Nang – and that's quite a lot. Your current apartment is lovely, but I can understand why you want to downsize.
    If I had to choose between the apartments shown, I would choose the first one. Yes, it's a bit more expensive than the last one, but the difference is 1.3 USD per day and I would definitely prioritise spending that.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Wow, Perfect, $ 320. I'll take it, lol .. I love separate rooms (bedroom living room).. It helps, where "you live" psychologically, just to be able to change rooms (space) ..

    • 4 weeks ago

    How are you finding these Apts ? Are they 1 yr leases ?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Do you use big 5 gallon water bottle for your apartment or 16 oz bottle? I think 16 oz bottle is much more expensive. Maybe double or triple the price

    • 4 weeks ago

    How did you find an apt. in Muong Thanh? We went there and there wasn't rental office because they're condo's and are owned privately if I remember correctly. Either way it was a dead end.

    • 4 weeks ago

    hey buddy! love your video.

    Can i ask u something? do u think its a good idea to smoke weed in da nang? is it okay to smoke at a balcony? will the hotel/apt owners call cops on me? thanks!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Damn, i love your vibe, best vlog i ve ever seen. Make more videos bro, pls.
    Could anyone introduce me some kind of utube channel like this ?? Tks

    • 4 weeks ago

    i like hi and beach

    • 4 weeks ago

    Lol answer your phone

    • 4 weeks ago

    Please test the beds, heat and water pressure and the building like elevator, stairs, garbage etc

    • 4 weeks ago

    May I ask how you are able to stay in Vietnam for this long? You certainly have a big apartment for the price. I hope you are happy with whatever decision you make

    • 4 weeks ago

    In Germany Pay for the Rent like in Vietnam location about 1500 Eur

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thanks for the video Will. I’m selling everything I own, my house, my van, everything I own in the UK to live in Da Nang in January/February. It’s always good to see videos like this. I’ll be using Da Nang as a base to do travel vlogs like yourself.

    I was having the same conversations in the same pub with the same people that I was 10 years ago so, with no family at all and no pets, it’s time for an adventure. Life’s too short!

    Subscribed. Hope you get monetised soon Will 👍

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hey buddy, great video. Do you have to notify a month in advance at your current apartment before moving out?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank u

    • 4 weeks ago

    Do they not have a 1b at your current complex?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Are you more likely to find cheap apartments for rent in person? I feel like the ones advertised online are priced quite high?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you for your time and posting. Checking out VN in October to see if I want to retire there in January. My budget for a room will be US$800, but I want a pool and gym.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Rainy & Storm season will come from end Sept to Dec in Da Nang 😢G luck😂

    • 4 weeks ago

    helpful. thanks for sweating it our for us!

    • 4 weeks ago

    cool video. Nicely done. Just subscribed. I live in the Philippines w my gf. we are going to Da Nang for 35 days Next month. Sept 3rd. You still going to be in Da Nang? I'll shoot you an email. Looking to find an Apt in your building. either a one big bedroom or two bedroom 2 Ba apt like you have.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Great video! My kind of guy with the pricing 😂. Will be out there in March looking at similair. Glad to find your channel!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Do many people sub let seconds rooms out to save some money?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hi Will, I'm a new subscriber to your channel. Thanks for all the great info. Is there any studio and one bedrooms where you are currently residing? What beach are you by? And are there lots of restaurants, bars, and shops in the area. Thanks!

    • 4 weeks ago

    You look happy traveling which is nice to see . I plan on eventually living in da nang few months a year mainly for beach lifestyle. I also live near the beach here in lovely 🇺🇸. Do u ever feel like they tell u apt is already taken even though it’s not ? I hope to be with a local Vietnamese to accompany me when I do business there .

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank u for making these videos bro . Needed that

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hi Will, thanks for your video. I currently live in District 3 of HCMC but considering moving to Đà Nẵng. I was also noticing the traffic and sidewalks as you walked around. Nothing like the crazy traffic in HCMC which is organized chaos. Also, glad to see that there are actually unbroken sidewalks and room to walk on them. As I'm sure you know, the sidewalks in HCMC are mostly broken with little room to walk due to parked motorbikes.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Great video. What a great view from apartment. Would $50–70 include running the aircon 24/7?

    • 4 weeks ago

    C’mon man you wouldn’t be a true American if you didn’t way overpay for a much bigger place than you actually need 😂

    • 4 weeks ago

    I am flying from Houston, Texas to Da Nang TODAY. Will be there Wednesday. If it possible to rent a FURNISHED HOUSE for one month???? Do I have to go through a REALTOR? Please advise…


    • 4 weeks ago

    What you should do is find someone to rent the other bedroom to. That would half your rent

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hey tell us about dating as a guy in SEA especially in Vietnam

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hi Will, Can i ask where you are originally from? I am in Northern California.

    • 4 weeks ago

    I would not change at all, roomy space etc

    • 4 weeks ago

    If you agree to pay 3 to 6 months at a time then you can get the price down some more.

    • 4 weeks ago

    What a view from your apartment…. I live in Australia where it is so hot..Just to say… Wear light coloured hat and T shirt….Throw out your black cap and black T shirt… wear a hat to cover your ears …Keep cool..

    • 4 weeks ago

    very useful video. i was in da nang four months ago and planning to return…

    • 4 weeks ago

    Wow! Look at the view @00:36!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Choosing Da Nang was definitely the right decision—it's one of the most livable cities in Vietnam.

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