About the author

Stephanie Harlowe

    • 5 days ago

    Stephanie I’m so sorry you have had to deal with a narcissist, I have as well. I was to the point where I didn’t have any idea why he wouldn’t let me go the Dr. a friend forced me to go anyway. The Dr. said that if the bruising on me was not abuse then I had a blood disorder. Again I’m sorry for your experiences. Thank you for your explanations I hope it helps others to see where they are at.

    • 5 days ago

    THANK YOU!!!

    • 5 days ago

    Watching her build up and up and up during her explanation of narcissism got me like 😮😳😯 girl are you okay
    (i know she's okay she's Stephanie effin Harlowe but sheesh, her composure is 🤌🤌)

    • 5 days ago

    This might me out there. But what if he some how put her is to sex trafficking. The dog walker said they heard a scream. That would make sense.

    The people bring a boat to their boat. Go on it she sees them and screams. They knock her out and take her. Long shot I know.

    Really the pos mostly did this.

    • 5 days ago

    It sounds like St Thomas police may not be equipped to handle this type of investigation nor have the funds to conduct the type of investigation. It costs money a lot of these departments don’t have

    • 5 days ago

    ❤❤❤❤❤ so needed these words. Healing from 11 years of relationship with a narcissist and I don't even know what levels of toxic personality he was. Thank you so much !

    • 5 days ago

    hello stephanie i hope you are well i enjoy your podcast, i would like you to do the case of kristen Modafferri missing since june 1997, thank you

    • 5 days ago

    she was such a Sag💗

    • 5 days ago

    What the heck are you fidgeting with girl it's making me nervous.

    • 5 days ago

    I'm sorry but… What is that one friend talking about in regard to our Amendments and legal system in America?! Fir many years now, I've listened to case after case where offenders in the UK not only get away with horrible things, but they get away with these acts on technicalities that make absolutely no sense. Every country's legal system can suck. Guilty people get away with stuff. Innocent people sometimes go to jail. But I think it's unfair to just box it up to be The US vs. The UK.

    • 5 days ago

    It’s so weird how people with so much money have no protection! None of the cameras work, none of the calls recorded.

    • 5 days ago

    Reason #40 why I'm never moving to a paradise island:

    • 5 days ago

    Everything you spoke on about narcissists/narcissistic abuse was so spot on!! Thank you for spreading this knowledge. I was raised by a mother with NPD and grew up to attract/date/even marry narcissist. Luckily I cut my mom off years ago, but I’m only now unpacking how the pattern’s continued in my other relationships. It’s all such a big mindf*ck…. Luckily I’m in therapy 😅

    • 5 days ago

    I needed to hear this so badly. A narcissist broke me. Really, truly broke me and 3 years later, I’m still trying to find myself again. ❤

    • 5 days ago

    I have been dealing with the end of my last relationship for a while and I honestly didn’t even know the words to use to describe it until you said all that. It’s weird that all the things you said were, like, directly taken from a page in my life. From amazing it was in the beginning to how it ended with me begging him to give me more chances because he had convinced me that I was irreparably flawed. I am SO strong, so independent, solo-traveler, career woman, and he had me completely fleeced for almost 2 years 🤦🏼‍♀️ So glad to be here and reading all the comments of women who have come out on the other side of these relationships

    • 5 days ago

    This is really rude of me, so I do apologise, on the introduction of this video you did not look like yourself – bright eyed and healthy. Of course, sometimes we are under the weather, I just you are OK.

    • 5 days ago

    I could have done without all the narcissist talk, allegations and speculations. Facts only please.

    • 5 days ago

    1:01:15 i just experienced a Hoover and he ended it to move on to the next victim and it’s been 7 months I’m still not ok, I’ve lost two jobs and almost got evicted… I’m trying tho

    • 5 days ago

    I truly believe that Kimberly is going to do her thing and be great I was at what she's trying to do but not for nothing these other people and how they do it like Kendall Stephanie is Major competition and she doesn't want competition but Stephanie is someone to watch out for if you want to do the same and she actually is really a good person to learn from even though she's a f**** b** sometimes but I love her and I love her when she was rude and being b*** but that's my b**

    • 5 days ago

    P I truly believe that Kimberly is using Stephanie as a blueprint but she's also developing her own style and I love it I love both of these girls the only thing I sometimes think that Kimberly gets a little just says a little too much about details that Stephanie actually knows how to respect and explain in a way that you get it you know you're not left wanting to see what's going on as far as a photo or whatever the f***

    • 5 days ago

    I applaud Stephanie so much because she really is the front like she made the blueprint for all these other people and how they sound talking about a true crime she she really busted her ass being just really thorough and giving us the best info and respecting the disease also. I honestly think that Kimberly which I also love is kind of learning from Stephanie and she's doing really well too you know Stephanie isn't for everybody because Stephanie could be a f**** b** and guess what guess the f*** what I f**** applaud her for it I love it and she's not going to take any s*** from anyone and she's dope and she's from New York of course

    • 5 days ago

    I heard the freezer on the yacht had been replaced after her disappearance. That’s not suspicious! <sarcasm>

    • 5 days ago

    Still the best storyteller! ❤

    • 5 days ago

    The boat does not need to "move" position very far for the anchor alarm to go off. Bu the dinghy is capable of carrying at least 2 people, is usually motorized and is small, extremely hard to see at night.

    • 5 days ago

    there are people with NPD who are not abusers; the terms are not synonymous. and treating all people with personality disorders (namely cluster B) as inherently "evil", as "demons walking the earth", and as being overall entirely beyond all help is, frankly, ableist, not productive, and, despite you saying otherwise, absolutely is the non-professional internet layperson's pop-psych way of treating particularly stigmatized personality disorders. it would be far more accurate and considerate to make the distinction between abusers with narcissistic features, and people with NPD in general, who may very well just be people living– often flawed, often difficult– but not inherently evil or malicious lives.

    • 5 days ago


    • 5 days ago

    Go watch Radiant Brits video. Stephanie, you are low
    So many of us have noticed your change, how you over speak, your cohost, but most of all, you slander your husband. That video of you trashing him. I hope you get the karma deserve.
    You drove Adam crazy and then blamed as he was breaking down from your affair and gaslighting. You are the narcissist.

    • 5 days ago

    Bonnie and Clyde was my all time favorite also. You really kicked ass with that series. I was obsessive-binging it!

    • 5 days ago


    • 5 days ago

    I love your shirt

    • 5 days ago

    Thank you

    • 5 days ago

    You clearly have a stress “object” that you use for therapy. It Doesn’t look like play dough??? But It looks like it would be amazing! can you share what it is?

    • 5 days ago

    How scary. I would never trust the sea or a person who has complete knowledge of the boat. I would have to have the same knowledge of the boat and trust the people with me. The sea is the best way to commit murder because of the lack of law involvement. They often spend more time fighting over jurisdiction.

    • 5 days ago

    I appreciate how honest you are about the trauma you have been through. I was totally thinking “Natalie Wood” as well. 😢

    • 5 days ago

    Does anyone know if this available on Alexa?? I hate having to keep skipping the ads on YT and I don't wanna pay for subscription 😅😂

    • 5 days ago

    Hi. So good to see you again. Sorry to hear about your rough time and additional stress❤. The bright light is that when you pass this phase a fresh more confident Sm and stronger Stephany will emerge. I have faith in you. I see a positive, pleasant, empathetic, and delightful young woman. So carry on, carry on.
    San Francisco Ca
    PAS u m tire name. It’s the name of dashing Heroine from a best seller. i hope my words bring you some light hearted cheer

    • 5 days ago

    I still don't even know what this guy really looks like.
    I would NOT be able to recognize him. Are there only like, three photos EVER of him??🤨

    • 5 days ago

    For 50% off your first Care/of subscription order, go to https://bit.ly/3SK1VZN to take the quiz and use code stephanieharlowe50

    • 5 days ago

    My favorite Snapchat True crime girl is on YouTube?🤯 Instantly subscribed!

    • 5 days ago

    One of my family members had me cut them off on multiple occasions through the years. Their adult child did. Other family and their friends cut them off because of their behaviour. When their child told them they couldn't cope with their conduct and how they hurt everyone the other person came back saying that they thought their kid had a substance abuse issue… When I said to them I had felt like I would rather be dead with some of their treatment of me and I was cutting them off they laughed. No joke… They laughed. My kids want nothing to do with them because of their behaviour and even missed my dad's funeral because of wanting to avoid this person. This is the tip of the iceberg… But we are all labelled as NPD people, dishonest, unreasonable, out right gaslighters and liars. Of course 😵

    • 5 days ago

    She said he had one charge! One f*cking charge is to many! The VI needs to be held accountable for all the cover ups we “allegedly” know they did

    • 5 days ago

    Your description of a narcissist totally describes 45. He craves attention whether it's good or bad.

    • 5 days ago

    Stephanie, you look absolutely gorgeous. I have my phone and my little holder when I’m driving because I don’t look at it when I’m driving but I have to glance in you and said damn she looks good. You look unusually beautiful today. Just wanted to let you know.

    • 5 days ago

    thankyou for this its helped me a lot regards abusive people, im hoping your ok ive not watched you for several months ,wishing you well .

    • 5 days ago

    Coming out of a 10 year marriage and 15 year relationship/friendship with a complete narcissist this hit me so hard I was screaming yes at the end. Complete validation and makes me feel way less crazy and finally heard/understood. Shit man. I needed this.

    • 5 days ago

    What is Stephanie playing with?Its distracting!!!

    • 5 days ago

    It has been years since I escaped a narcissist and goodness this hit home. My thoughts to anyone who has been through something like this ❤️ they may have made you feel they took all the friends/family but try to reach out if you need help

    • 5 days ago

    My ex husbands current wife is a true narcissist and it’s scary the lengths she will go to to destroy my ex. She is like water the way she seeped in to every part of his life and gained complete control. After like 10 years he had enough and within 1 week she had him arrested and now he’s facing prison on bogus charges. She has connections with the police station in that state. She is like a demon and the only way I was able to get her out of my life was completely ignoring her. Exactly like you said but it took years. Literal years for her to leave me alone

    • 5 days ago

    I definitely find the link to epstein suspicious 🤔

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