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    • 24 hours ago

    Check out Academic Agent’s take down of old Winston.

    • 24 hours ago

    That phrase "load bearing narrative" is quite artful. I'd never heard it before and I really like it.

    • 24 hours ago

    ❤❤❤ amazing!!!!

    • 24 hours ago

    Isn't this the guy that Phil Magnus was critiquing hard?

    • 24 hours ago

    It's quite remarkable how much mythology there is about pre world war II and world war II history. Versailles, Weimar, who got hyper inflation under control, (the Renten Mark was successful) and how Hitler simply was a non-entity until an incompetent US central bank crippled the world economies. And even then, German institutions were simply too weak to contain the concentration camp systems creation to scale.

    • 24 hours ago

    Anyone know what that movie poster is on the right of Darryl?

    • 24 hours ago

    “Everything is thrown into doubt”❤

    • 24 hours ago

    The hostage situation metaphor only works up to a point. Because they had been trying to make peace with Hitler and he kept conquering more territory. So that analogy breaks down for that reason. They did try to negotiate with the crazy guy. And he just took advantage of that.

    • 24 hours ago

    The neocons loyal to Israel began this assault on our rights with 911

    • 24 hours ago

    alright, alright. He needs to go onto VDH's podcast.

    • 24 hours ago

    One word gentlemen: Dresden. Why? Who? People are waking up to world Zionism and its control, especially over banking. Why is the Congress full of dual Israeli citizens? Why was my child only taught about the holocaust every year in elementary school middle school and high school and never taught about any other genocide? People also know that the holocaust story is not what is told to us. I do not hate Jews. but I do hate that the holocaust story has been Weaponized. Look how Germany is on its knees to this day.

    • 24 hours ago

    Bravo 👏

    • 24 hours ago

    These are not good. Tom is a bi tc

    • 24 hours ago

    Dixie Chicks comes to mind and hoe easily they were destroyed by the regime.

    • 24 hours ago

    The intro is giving WWE vibes 😂

    • 24 hours ago

    His pinky on his right hand sticks out a bit.

    • 24 hours ago

    16.5 minutes in and i still have no idea what this guy did.

    maybe at the beginning of a podcast, give a brief summary of the situation rather than assume everyone already knows.

    • 24 hours ago

    Darryl is ARYAN as eff

    • 24 hours ago

    Why is daryl trying to look so studly in this episode?

    • 24 hours ago

    It's good to hear Cooper admit it all he did was reheat old Buchanan arguments that know to be wrong even then. On the other hand he has a talent to talk for a long time and not say much.

    • 24 hours ago

    Tauk Tuah next

    • 24 hours ago

    Churchill was so belligerent because he reckoned he could get us into the war. He had helped to do it in WWI and as prime minister he was confident he could do it again.

    • 24 hours ago

    All I spend my time doing is listening to martyrmade podcast. I'm addicted.. its just what we needed in the west.

    • 24 hours ago

    No matter how bad the outcome of WWII they can always say: "Yeah, but what about the Holocaust?" This should invite a critical examination of the……well you know.

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