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    • 2 hours ago

    I have never seen a man who is an enemy to his own words like this guy, don't mind this man he doesn't mean what he's saying I'm a Ghanaian and I know what I'm saying

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    Deep down in bed with the west at the detriment of Ghana Ana Africa

    • 2 hours ago

    Cunning speeches at expense of Africa growth but in shadows of laughable swollen bank book

    • 2 hours ago

    Continuous Process

    • 2 hours ago

    The current president of GHANA, AKUFO ADDO , is the head of WESTERN PUPPET leaders in African. Dont believe a word he says. He is 💯 in bed with his Puppet Masters. He is a TRAITOR and a SELLOUT. A rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree. His father was a TRAITOR and SELLOUT and so is he.

    • 2 hours ago

    Africa likes to be disrespected why sending president to this meeting 😂😂😂africans wake up why being stupid until now 21c

    • 2 hours ago

    You talk well. It is not entering the ears of the west. They are even laughing at you. Act, act, act. Be like Burkina Faso President a man of action

    • 2 hours ago

    Africa should stay away from UN because there is actually nothing like United Nations. It is an illusion, it's an imagination or a fantasy especially for Africans. Ibrahim Traore is the only African leader who understands this.

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    Puppet shut up 🤬

    • 2 hours ago

    Ghananian watch your border because France and UK want to send teriorist to your country I don't lie at all and it's because president traore send their embassy away and they should watch their border at night and 24 /7

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    The future is here✔️ ✖️🌎💪🏽🐕‍🦺🗂️🍕🍵💩🍝🐎🧪✔️

    • 2 hours ago

    Charity begins at home. What's the point making big talks in the United nations. While white people a in Ghana digging gold and diamonds wake up Africans and do the right thing start living in reality.

    • 2 hours ago

    Wonderful to see African leaders raising their independent voices boldly with determination. Wish them all success. I am from India and studied africa from Jawaharlal nehru university of new Delhi.

    • 2 hours ago

    Nana Akufo about to run for another term . Is the president is to be trusted knowing his track record.

    • 2 hours ago

    The bottom line is Africa, cooperate with all but be independent of all. You got the wealth, smarts and human resources to develop independent of anyone. Solution put women in power, they know how to protect what God has place in their trust. Blessings.

    • 2 hours ago

    These people are all puppets!!! All talk no action- the biggest threat to Africa is not climate change- such a western MCIMATT talking point!!!, the biggest threat is terrorism funded, planned, instigated & implemented by the west via their NGO's, embassies, think tanks, military bases in Africa, they need to GO!!! They are thieves stealing resources using their well paid and well compensated puppets to do their bidding!!!! Viva The Sahelian States!! All African leaders should strive to self emancipate like the Sahelian leaders did!!! Climate chang my a**!!!! Geez!!!

    • 2 hours ago

    There are certainwords that are a dead give away you are a puppet— climate change/justice, sustainability, emissions, green energy…all western think tank talking points…these. are valid issues yes. but not the biggest threat facing Afrika or the world…these puppets probabay all went to western schools/academic institutions where they were propagandized with bullsh** education to serve their western masters

    • 2 hours ago

    Pointless babble. His actions/inactions speak for him and his puppet homies holding us all back. Rat.

    • 2 hours ago

    Don't lesson to these weak sellout beggars who are too scared to take action and put on a show of deception to the world and their populations compared to Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali who have actually taken action.

    • 2 hours ago

    Allahu Akbar thanks

    • 2 hours ago

    He thinks they don't know what we do withe our money

    • 2 hours ago

    Ghana's colonial puppet will be begging IMF for another "handout" right after flapping his gums 😂

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