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EECC Travels

    • 7 days ago

    Enjoy your girls trip 😊

    • 7 days ago

    It’s great that you and your girls get to do this trip. Have a great time.

    • 7 days ago

    Nice click bait with the thumbnail.

    • 7 days ago

    Alisa, You are looking so good, just watched the Vancouver video and can definitely see a difference! Keep it up! Question, did your refill cup transfer to the upgraded resort?

    • 7 days ago

    It's great that you travel with your girls. My goodness everyone has household responsibilities, especially with a dog, that may necessitate not always travelling with your spouse. It's very healthy in my opinion! Love your videos!

    • 7 days ago

    Looks like a really good time.
    I have been meaning to ask how Pepper is doing and if y’all still have her

    • 7 days ago

    You should get coolest grandma award it's great that your Abel to share a vacation with the kids … Where is Jason did u lock him in the house with a honey tos do list lol .. best wishes and safe travels 👍👍

    • 7 days ago

    What a special moment being upgraded to the grand! Enjoy your girls trip in style!!!

    • 7 days ago

    Great video ❤❤❤❤

    • 7 days ago

    Wow, that is late waiting for your room!! So sorry..

    • 7 days ago

    Great upgrade you think you being a TA may have something to do with it as well??

    • 7 days ago

    Holy Sh@@ Balls!!! Lucky Lady! How fabulous. Gotta love Disney! They always make things right!

    • 7 days ago

    Camila Route

    • 7 days ago

    Enjoyed this video and Sophia is a mini to her mom!

    • 7 days ago

    I've had those fish tacos! When I was there it was Mahi Mahi! Soooo good!!!

    • 7 days ago

    Enjoy your Disney vacation . It’s a true blessing when a grandparent can vacation with the grandkids. Enjoy every moment and keep on making memories.

    • 7 days ago

    We are going to be first time cruiser in June 2025. We've been binge watching tons of EECC videos! All the videos have been so helpful, i truly feel as informed as i can be. I've searched around for a specific video and maybe i am not locating it or maybe there isn't one. One of our port days is Belize, on a Carnival ship. Honestly, im more excited to stay on board then to see Belize. But what is there to do on ship while in port? Are restaurants open, pool/hot tubs open and does the drink package still work? Im getting mixed info when i research it such as the casino is closed and the drink package isnt usable for alcohol. If there is a video, can someone point me in the right of the video, or share their experience staying on board while in port? And thoughts and prayers for yall in the gulf with the hurricane coming in, yall be safe ❤

    • 7 days ago

    73991 Branson Ridge

    • 7 days ago

    So cute y’all, amazing upgrade🎉🎉

    • 7 days ago

    I can tell you that after learning and doing research and learning what I know about Disney and Walt and the stuff that this man was involved in, and if you look at the way it has changed, I believe in Jesus, I believe in the blood of Jesus and I believe that anything that is not good Basically I believe in the Bible and we have to realize a lot of the stuff going on in America is from the demonic realm and there are things that are ungodly and what I mean by that is we still love everyone but the stuff that they’re involved in or the sin we have to rebuke that we have to realize that comes from the enemy and a lot of people don’t know we are fighting against the principalities. We don’t fight against the flesh and blood we fight against the principalities of the air and that means Satan and his little Dominion will do anything and everything to steal, kill and destroy everything. God created God created man then he created he created Woman from one of Adams ribs and told them to go out and fill the earth. They became one and that meant for them to procreate and fill the earth with children that is natural. That’s the way God intended it and we, or our government opened up a portal and allowed a lot of demonic Spirits to enter into America, but until we know, Jesus truly know the Lord, all this, the sin and everything that everybody is accepting instead of fighting against these principalities and rebuking the agenda that the enemy has it’s gonna keep getting worse, but anyway, as for Disney when I learned about The stuff that they’re involved in I do not participate with stuff of Disney if I know about it, but that’s just me and you have to look at the way the enemy uses our children to change the future, but I love your videos. I not so much on the Disney Disney’s just now. I’m sorry if that’s just me personally at each to his own, but I pray, that the Lord will open everyone’s eyes

    • 7 days ago

    Israel Locks

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