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    • 1 month ago

    56:20 The criminals are upgrading themselves everyday
    I never heard of this Commity probably another Cash Grap from the politicians
    I bet they claim we're spending 1 Trillion$ on this committee and Loot 30-40% of it

    Its a Committee Just a Word But its Called Another commission incomes 😂😂

    • 1 month ago

    Whenever i hear that we have scams here in America id often think of that new Jason Statham movie The Beekeeper

    • 1 month ago

    You should see some videos from youtubers known as Uncle tony's garage and Kiwis classics n customs where they have classic vehicles brought to them that have been restored and sold at auction. Then they look at the work someone put on these vehicles and show how bad the result really are underneath the chrome and shiny paint. Being a car guy myself it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

    • 1 month ago

    idk where you live but in Toronto and surrounding areas in Canada we have way too many Indian immigrants its a recent thing never used to be this way

    • 1 month ago

    02:44:56 😊

    • 1 month ago

    I'm an Indian myself (Born in America) so I appreciate this video

    • 1 month ago

    I’m from West Bengal and unfortunately everything you said is absolutely true.

    • 1 month ago

    Bangalore sounds like a terrible adult movie

    • 1 month ago

    Indian here, I've been scammed by a guy from USA on discord 2 or 3 years ago

    And he had the audacity to call me a scammer because im from india. I felt like shit back then

    • 1 month ago

    Im glad you are a voice of reason, it seems lately that people think it is fine to be racist toward indian people, and alot of it comes from other people of color

    • 1 month ago

    The population of USA = population of just 2 states of India – UP and Bihar

    • 1 month ago

    I'm from West Bengal and the thing is an average normal graduate can't get a job in the field in which they want, a college degree in India has no other value that just being an eligibility criteria, so not having variety of job options available and the only options available being the scam calling job aka customer support executive. There is a place in west bengal called salt lake sector 5 and offices of these jobs are around every corner

    • 1 month ago

    Repair scam is everwhere

    • 1 month ago

    That's a brilliant story Profesional. If only Scammer payback and Kitboga are watching this.

    • 1 month ago

    I feel like bringing attention towards the south border (now that a racist is going to be elected president again.one that puts children in cages .)stereotype of Hispanics being the only illegals when there’s tons of illegal Canadians on the north border side and not to mention the minority is Mexicans in those large groups crossing from India,Africa,Haiti and other countries.

    • 1 month ago

    2:49:21 the subtitles that appears with the editing in the video in poland say: When he realized that in reality i had a camera on and was looking the recording in my phone, he escaped.

    • 1 month ago

    Thank you for this behemoth of a research video. Keep up the great work!

    • 1 month ago

    I thougth there was going to be a video where the Nazi swatsika was taken from a peaceful Indian group

    • 1 month ago

    We live in an area with lots of Amish, so when my dad got one of the warranty scams, my he decided to pretend to be amish and ask if they would insure his horse and buggy. They didn't like that lol

    • 1 month ago

    Speaking of shoplifting i had something happen to me where I'm from in California. I live in a town near Fresno and there was this incident that happened right in front of me. So i was in a CVS pharmacy about to buy some stuff waiting for the cashier to come to the register. While waiting there was this guy he was tweeked out and sketchy looking who has a bottle of whiskey in his hand. At first he was looking left and right as if to see if there are any employees in site and then this man just booked it running out of the store. I was like "WTF?!" I was originally considering on running after the guy but i got to thinking. "Is my life worth risking over a bottle of whiskey" the more i thought of it i thought also that what if the shoplifter had a weapon on him like a gun or a knife? I mean it's nice to play the hero but its like is it worth the risk? I feel so conflicted about it. Idk if anyone went through something like that.

    • 1 month ago

    Yeah when people generalize everything it does nothing but divide everybody

    • 1 month ago

    Sorry bruh!!!!!!1

    • 1 month ago

    not only indians but Brazilians nigerians indonesians scam you

    • 1 month ago

    Hell, a good portion of kickstarters are scams, and most of them start in the West

    • 1 month ago

    Feeling PROUD to be a Bengali 😶

    • 1 month ago

    classic Professional virtue signaling “white guilt”
    This guy seriously needs to detach his lips from everyone’s asses & toughen up.

    • 1 month ago

    These issues aren't just in West Bengal but across all of 🇮🇳. But yeah Bengal is the focal point 😂

    • 1 month ago

    Extended car warranty not only a scam, but companies like Car Shield and similar ones are scams. I tried one and they never pay for repairs or parts. Mechanics hate them too.

    • 1 month ago

    Just a question. How do you protest lawfully when its forbidden by law to protest in any meaningful way? Because in most places it is, its just not quite phrased that way.

    • 1 month ago

    India – IRS, Virus scammers.
    Asia – Romance, pig butchering aka investing scam
    Nigeria – romance scammers for older women's.

    What I gathered anyways.

    • 1 month ago

    Hey guys. I am making another video talking about a new phone scam thats happening in New York in a few days. I wanted to make this video covering a few things about India and why the call center scams are common. I think alot of people have a negative misconception of India when most of the scams are happening in West Bengal a specfific region in India that has a big corruption problem. After I made this video Rajeev Kumar that corrupt cop I ranted about was appointed Director General of Police in West Bengal again. With people like him in power its very hard to crack down on these scams. Indians hate these scammers too because they make their country look bad. The American government needs to do more to pressure the Indian government but the Indian government needs to do more to crack down on this corruption as well. India needs to pass a federal law banning landlords from renting out office spaces to scammers. As a landlord myself I know that virtually every landlord would be well aware of what their tenants do for a living. Theres no way they don't know but because they get paid they don't care. If India passes a federal law fining landlords who rent office spaces to scammers the call centers would plumment but unfortuantely they are not doing much federally against this issue. There is good cops in India but some police stations either don't care or are getting paid off. Do not blame the average Indian because they hate these scammers too and do not trust the police. India is a beautiful country and rising superpower and it isn't fair to accuse it of being a nation full of scammers.

    • 1 month ago

    I'm indian and live near Kolkata so I've seen so much corruption in police force they will hold you up for literally doing anything they will ask for money but actually put the money in their own pocket,we always hate scammers because it is very dishonorable in our culture
    I thank you for clearing the misconceptions about us,as you do always you give valid takes,so professional i hope you keep busting these schemes as Aiden pierce and your videos,thank you

    • 1 month ago

    Thanks For understanding us ❤ love from India

    • 1 month ago

    What is that cencer ? 1:08:50

    • 1 month ago

    Had a similar scam happen to me while I was in New Orleans on a field trip where some guy approached me and some other girls I was in a group with. He could tell we weren't from the area (and even asked to make sure). He had this whole shtick where he was cracking all these jokes and asking about our time in New Orleans and so on. He kept us there on the sidewalk for a long time until he suddenly asked for a donation for some soup kitchen for homeless veterans, claiming he worked for the soup kitchen and quickly flashed us the badge he had hanging around his neck to prove that he was legit. I couldn't get a good look on it though and I'm pretty sure this soup kitchen he worked for was completely made up. I kinda figured the guy was a scammer but I still gave him some cash (I don't know why…maybe I am too giving). I just felt bad for doing so since the girls I was with were very hesitant to give, but after I gave, they felt compelled to also give, I guess not to look bad. In return the guy just gave us some random stickers, a hat (I got 2, accidently; somehow he slipped up and gave me two, maybe from all the excitement of getting money off of us went to his head), and some cheap $2 book on yoga (I looked it up once I had gotten home). Meanwhile the guy made like $60 bucks off of us! 🤦🏾‍♀🤦🏾‍♀Ugh, again, I feel bad for giving but only because the other girls I was with gave too. This happened a couple of years ago.

    • 1 month ago

    No kidding though.

    • 1 month ago

    Thanks for making this video Pat there’s no much misinformation and racism against Indians because of these horrible scammers I hope your video change some people’s opinion and thanks for talking about how corrupt West Bengal’s government and police is they made Rajeev the police chief again even after the election commission had removed him as both the BJP and congress complained and said that he won’t be fair.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

    All the calls I get are from India and yes the government is corrupt but don't take the blame off the people they go hand in hand.

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