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    • 3 hours ago

    Foreigners are dumping dollars and buying homes in the US with cash driving up prices.

    • 3 hours ago

    Wonder if the American Indians were happy when the Caucasians moved to the USA 😂 Dougs to old and has forgoten they were the original invaders everyone else is just exercising their freedom of movement 🤔

    • 3 hours ago

    And it is growing at the state level, county, municipal level as well. They make more money than private industry employees now.

    • 3 hours ago

    Its not that the global south dont trust other currencies, its best to strenghten their own currencies. Westerners see USD as the main currency, seen frm western eyes and bias, but Asia has been using local currencies, yen and yuan for the last 10 years.

    • 3 hours ago

    Doug, You make many good points.

    • 3 hours ago

    Que Mala = Bad Luck. thanks for that play on words Doug 😂

    • 3 hours ago

    Blackrock headquarters is Langley

    • 3 hours ago

    We all know if interest is lowered gold will spike. Trump will have to spend to build up military. Will have to join bricks and gokd standard. Pan for gold.

    • 3 hours ago


    • 3 hours ago

    I LOVE Doug Casey's Novels. Let's hope he is wrong about the election and civil war.

    • 3 hours ago

    Mille sucks.

    • 3 hours ago

    he can look in the fututre Trump almost got away

    • 3 hours ago

    "Are you expecting anything surprising to come out of the BRICS summit?"

    Would that be besides a Western backed terror event?

    • 3 hours ago

    Thanks for explanation the facts you are totally correct. Congratulations ❤❤

    • 3 hours ago

    Trump sucks. Get over it.

    • 3 hours ago

    legalizing drugs does nót make the drugsproblem go away! It would just enable more people to use and to flee from their problems

    • 3 hours ago

    E.G.White one of the founders of the Seventh Day Adventist church said in the end times no one will be able to fix the financial problems and when the world goes "cashless"people will be throwing their money into the streets

    • 3 hours ago

    The MegaFloyd is coming . . .

    • 3 hours ago

    If USA $ is losing the status of reserve, the Americans have to go back to manufacturing again

    • 3 hours ago

    Regarding 6:35, Kamala Harris really is a Marxist masquerading as a Democrat. She said she would impose price controls. She would also impose income tax on unrealized capital gains.

    • 3 hours ago

    Kamala had more support now because she mentioned something that young people are being out bought by cashed-up investors and boomers: HOUSING.
    Nothing Trump had acknowledged.

    • 3 hours ago

    Doug called it. Said they try to assassinate Trump again.. and they did.

    • 3 hours ago

    Hall Karen Lewis Mark Thomas Shirley

    • 3 hours ago

    Hahaha… Very racist. Yesterday immigrants from Europe, so it's ok to step foot on uncle shame land…. But todays immigrants is not white Caucasian😂😂😂. If you don't want immigrants why don't uncle shame return back the land you all had stolen from the indians. LA , California…. That was stolen from Mexico. Return it back to Mexico…. Or if we traced back from Columbus the mass killer criminal era…. All the land you claimed as uncle shame of America actually belong to indians… Just go back to Europe you all neanderthal Caucasian. BTW Doug Casey… How old are you ??? You are now living on your borrowed times b4 you met with your Jesus… So be wiser a little bit in making comments.

    • 3 hours ago

    People take drugs to escape reality because our Government has made economic and social reality so bad.

    • 3 hours ago

    44:50… Kamala Harris' momentum is a contrived illusion. According to Martin Armstrong's "Socratees" computer program her real approval rating is about 10%. So for her to win the election will involve some massive fraud.

    • 3 hours ago

    Putting in my 2 cents from timeline 22:33 Doug had a flat out lie that the migrants in 1920s were not giving any assistance is a lie some were offered lands and property that enslaved/nor freed blks were not allowed to own. Jews till this day get some sort of reparation for holocausts.

    • 3 hours ago

    No rfk probably does think it’s a good idea to build houses for bums and junkies. Doug don’t be a downer. Problems don’t get solved in America.

    • 3 hours ago

    Cash will be King while the collapse takes its course … silver is where you wanna be … but not yet … be patient … stay in cash for the foreseeable future

    • 3 hours ago

    Republicans are just as dangerous. Just not in an economical way, in a way that turns our country into a theocracy ran by the Vatican.

    • 3 hours ago

    Trump's proposal to impose high tariffs to maintain the US Dollar as a reserve currency is a REALLY STUPID IDEA. The world is leaving the dollar because it is a fraudulent unit and the US is bankrupt. We have robbed the world for 50+ years; we stole their labor and products and resources and “paid them” with worthless unbacked paper that we printed out of thin air. Weaponizing the dollar and threatening other countries drove them all away from the US. The 10 BRICS nations and the 59+ additional countries who wish to join BRICS comprise the majority of the world’s population and production and trade. They will get by without the US. If Trump had half a brain, he would fight for an honest currency for the US – one that would deserve status as a global reserve currency – one that is fully backed by GOLD and will not be inflated away by corrupt bankers and politicians.

    • 3 hours ago

    Meanwhile, you don't hear a peep about how the country is currently being run with chin-dribble Biden & cackle-queen Kamala both useless avatars.

    • 3 hours ago

    📞 ACT NOW, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE: Doug Casey stresses that the economic system is on shaky ground, and gold is your best defense. As the global debt bubble looms, protect your future by investing in physical gold and silver. Learn how today: or call 866-706-9061

    • 3 hours ago

    It's because of evil elites such as yourself, Doug, that most people end up homeless. I can't tell you how many homeless used to be the people you depended upon for goods and services, I'd like to see how well you could live without their labors. Government should build homes for them, they are needed. Government obviously steals our money by your own admission, why not take care of the people who made that (and you) possible. When was the last time you produced a widget, OR ANYTHING? Pencil pusher….

    • 3 hours ago

    @28:35 The issue is common folks with day jobs don't have the time to think about the relationship between a gold mine and a monetary crisis (that the MSM tells them doesn't exist).

    • 3 hours ago

    I agree 💯 welfare creates this situation 🎉

    • 3 hours ago

    @3:39 If the USD as a reserve currency was so important to the US Gov, it would have acted more responsibly. The US Gov trashed the dollar with its stupid foreign policy and the counterfeiting of the Federal Reserve.

    • 3 hours ago

    Spending on the military is useless?? Yeh this guys an idiot

    • 3 hours ago

    44:55 dude…

    • 3 hours ago

    Kamala is a corporatist not a Marxist. Looks like this dude has been watching too much fox and cnn 😂

    • 3 hours ago

    Rabid capitalist absolutely stumped when asked about how to solve homelessness epidemic in the US. The reality is that in the US it’s socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor. The continued wealth transfer to the 1% will lead to the destruction of the US.

    • 3 hours ago

    44:55 "They may try to take Trump out again". This only took a day lol

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