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I'm AuDHD, my husband is ADtistic
Adult cases can be complex. My interview was 3.5 hrs which was slated for 1 hr. Criteria D is essential.
I was diagnosed with both simultaneously, my second son was diagnosed autistic first, and my first son has both assessments coming up, but I first suspected ADHD in him.
I imagine that if I had received only one diagnosis much earlier, it would have been ADHD. My second child is the reason that I even took assessment seriously, as I watched him go from being able to say 4-5 word sentences to 0-1 word only if he tried really hard to get something out verbally. I wish I had known more about myself and what to look for in my kids sooner. Not only is it much more expensive, it is so traumatizing to go through so much life without that self knowledge, then causing your kids to also suffer because you have been lead to believe that you’re “normal.” -
It takes so much self-awareness to answer assessment questions and to convey genuine experiences to an assessor. Communication is also hard. In my autism & ADHD & OCD assessment, I gave so many inaccurate answers and struggled to explain and convey my experience of life. So looking back, I was not self-aware enough, so I still don't know why I experience life the way I do.
I can relate to so many autistic traits. I don't have a large amount of childhood memories but many fit neurodivergent qualities. Maybe
Thanks for this interesting conversation. I feel like Jak put into words a lot of my own feelings about being unsure in that in-between space whilst waiting for assessment. I live in the UK and am on a waiting list of unknown duration. I've been waiting over a year already, and I instantly identified with the mention of 'sticky' brains. I've been stuck on the topic since it was first suggested to me that I might be autistic. People in the autism community generally seem so overwhelmingly sure when they talk about self identification/ diagnosis. I understand the reasons for it, but in my own case I can make a case for either outcome. Please would you invite Jak back again after her assessment to talk about it with you?