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ABC News

    • 3 days ago

    Fucken Biden and his misfortune band of woke fucks are clueless to what is going on. These mother fuckers in power right now are sending the Taliban millions a week to attack ISIS! What a slap in the face of every Veteran and every American that doesn’t support this fucking moron.

    • 3 days ago

    Americans, you don’t have to worry, these ships do not pose any threat to you. You have unmanned Poseidon torpedoes with nuclear filling all over the shore, which, if anything happens, will send you all to the bottom of the ocean. and the funny thing is that your military cannot detect them. 🤣🤣🤣

    • 3 days ago

    Ive had bath toys with more presence

    • 3 days ago

    I've seen better fleets from the Soviet Union… Russia is just.. not that strong anymore.

    • 3 days ago

    Damn those javelins we sent to Ukraine really did a number on them 😂

    • 3 days ago

    This is not “something” are people actually scared of this? 😂😂😂😂

    • 3 days ago

    Every comment saying "fleet haha lmfao. Its like 3 boats and a sub lol"

    Yep, and it takes one missile for us all to cosplay Fallout..

    • 3 days ago

    The US war ships does be close to other countries n territories they can do and others can't??? Ridicules

    • 3 days ago

    Ptfff…as if the US doesn't have military bases near their "enemies" in allied countries

    • 3 days ago

    Brush so it's really gonna ho down huh ww3

    • 3 days ago

    I wonder if Russia's trying to distract us… while all our attention's on Florida, they do something to Alaska.

    • 3 days ago

    "FLeet"??? Oh wow FOUR whole ships that we can eliminate in minutes…..What a joke and fear mongering from the media.

    • 3 days ago

    Who cares, its not like we dont also have a fleet iun their backyards… arn't we doing nato war games in the black sea at this Very moment? Why is this head news? Media is really grasping at straws

    • 3 days ago

    Why is this news .nobody is scared of Russia. There is a reason why we spend more than anybody on defense. I dont loose any sleep over this

    • 3 days ago

    Nothing to see here – Joe Biden has it covered

    • 3 days ago

    If it wasn't for the infamous legends of Florida Man, they would have invaded for sure.

    • 3 days ago

    Why no news about Saudi trading oil now without using the petrol dollar? That’s a huge concern. What? Too close to the election don’t want to show what state Biden has put us really into?

    • 3 days ago

    As a Democrat just bring trump back he kept us out of war

    • 3 days ago

    The numbers ..

    • 3 days ago

    Well lets redo history with a weakened russia and a more modern us

    • 3 days ago

    looks like its like out us

    • 3 days ago

    They don't enforce

    • 3 days ago

    I guess the Havana police don't give them parking tickets lol…

    • 3 days ago

    Russian provocation? What about US forces all around Russia?

    • 3 days ago

    Why is the us downplaying this threat? Like ik they dont hive a crap about their citizens but if i was the president there is no way i would just shrug that off

    • 3 days ago

    Америка это страна спонсор терроризма номер один. Пора поставить её на место.

    • 3 days ago

    We stand with Cuba

    • 3 days ago

    How is this even news after all America regularly has military ships near Russia?

    • 3 days ago

    Looks like an old U-Boat that was captured during WW2.

    • 3 days ago

    Is the world on panic when US subs ans ships go to Norway ? nope. cause this is just scaremongering propaganda.

    • 3 days ago

    Biden is a walking human cluster F

    • 3 days ago

    It is interesting that Russia has sent its naval vessels into the Caribbeans. But let us not forget that a much more powerful US Navy regularly sails the world oceans and when other nations complain the US does not care. It is one lousy former Soviet-made submarine (which Russians refer to as the widow-maker) and one lousy surface warship followed by two Russian salvage-repair ships. What does that say about Russian Naval capability? If the former Soviet Navy does not sink on its own then maybe they can engage their enemies?

    • 3 days ago

    Doesn't take a Fleet today. That Sub carries Nukes along with the Missile ship. TRUMP 2024 Russia laughing at us.

    • 3 days ago

    The Russian navy doesn't fear the US navy. It fears Popeye the Sailor man and his can of spinich. Get it right CNN.

    • 3 days ago

    The Cubans must Watch their Toilets and Washing Machines as because the Russians Will Steal them as they Do in The Ukraine!!!


    • 3 days ago

    'for joint military exercises' ???? and Cuba Has No Navy, the Ruski Subs Fall Apart and their 'Guided Missiles' comes back to their own vessels-Pumkin Putin wants to start another 90 day 'Special Operation' lasting 870 Days and COUNTING???

    • 3 days ago

    Cuban missile crisis 😅

    • 3 days ago

    Смейтесь, смейтесь))) смеется тот кто смеется последний😂 Медведь идет…

    • 3 days ago

    Joe Biden..

    Failed President of US…

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