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Radio Cayman

    • 6 months ago

    The crimes against humanity committed against refugees from the Cayman Islands have been exposed by Jeremy Scot and lawyer Mac Fill, who have publicly admitted the serious situation these people face. In their statements, they have pointed out that Parliament and the Cabinet are the ones that have not wanted to solve the problem that afflicts refugees, who lack legal documents that allow them to save their lives in an emergency.

    The United Kingdom has made the immigration system public so that conflicts of laws can be resolved, and there are clauses that allow any law to be modified for the benefit of the common good. It is evident that they must respond to justice for the possible physical loss of these people, due to the failure to fulfill their responsibilities.

    The abhorrent and cynical attitude of this government, which continues to harm the lives of refugees without providing them with the necessary legal support, is alarming. It is an act of cruelty and inhumanity to keep these people in vulnerable situations, without allowing them to obtain documents that support their permanence and safety.

    This situation demonstrates the commission of crimes against humanity by the government of the Cayman Islands, ignoring calls from international organizations such as UNHCR to resolve this serious problem. It is imperative that they hold themselves accountable to the entire world for any loss of human life that may result from their negligence.

    A thorough investigation and appropriate measures need to be taken to ensure the protection and respect of the rights of refugees in the Cayman Islands. Abuses and violations of human dignity cannot continue to be committed in the name of private interests and profits.

    1. "UNHCR Appeal for the Protection of Refugees in the Cayman Islands." http://www.unhcr.org
    2. Statements by Jeremy Scot and lawyer Mr. Mac Fill regarding crimes against humanity in the Cayman Islands. Interview on BBC News, July 15, 2021.

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