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Sky News

    • 2 hours ago

    "climate crisis" is a joke 😂😂😂

    • 2 hours ago

    Patiently waiting for Lammy to get shredded in the comments 😂

    • 2 hours ago

    And they say cows emit a lot of gasses 😂

    • 2 hours ago

    Des nègreries !

    • 2 hours ago

    Lammy: waffle waffle waffle and more waffle!

    • 2 hours ago

    Climate change is nothing to with foreign policy.

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    total B/S AS ALWAYS 😡

    • 2 hours ago

    David le looser

    • 2 hours ago

    Never heard as much meaningless gibberish

    • 2 hours ago

    9 overseas trips in 10 weeks. He'll be knackered by the end of the year.

    • 2 hours ago

    There is no climate change, crisis, emergency. It’s just another excuse for fraudulent,corrupt, criminal governments to tax us more.

    • 2 hours ago

    Misinformation disinformation and outright lies. On just on one point – Covid jumped from animals to humans, he's still peddling that lie even now? Climate killing more people than anything else? I mean c'mon.. This is laughable & ludicrous and he is spouting straight from the One-World-Goverment propaganda leaflet.

    Under a Labour government he should actually serve time for this drivel.

    • 2 hours ago

    Climate change has been going on for billions of years and will continue to do so long after the human race has disappeared. These eco clowns rattling on about a fictitious crisis really boils my piss! Look at all of the nonsense spouted since the 50s, the impending ice age being the climate grift of my youth, none of these predictions have ever come to pass and when the doomsday clock passes their predicted date they just move the goalposts!

    • 2 hours ago

    Nice to see that he has his priorities right in the current geopolitical climate!

    • 2 hours ago

    Currently in the UK all those thousands of wind turbines are only producing 16.9% of demand according to the National Grid. Electricity generated by gas is accounting for 30.1% of demand.

    If gas is removed as a base load to provide electricity when there is a period of light winds known as a Dunkelflaute event, how will blackouts be avoided? It is impossible to store 37 Gigawatts of daily demand over six days in batteries.

    • 2 hours ago

    I'd love to know why Starmer couldn't appoint someone intelligent as Foreign Secretary. Or Home Secretary. Or Housing Secretary. Or Chancellor……

    • 2 hours ago

    Appeared on the BBC's Celebrity Mastermind in 2009, where he answered that the 2003 Rose Revolution took place in Yugoslavia, Marie Antoinette won the Nobel Prize for physics, Red Leicester cheese accompanied port, and that Henry VII acceded the English throne after the death of Henry VIII.

    • 2 hours ago

    Not so fast, Mr. Lammy: after what your government has done to our pensioners I think a bit of global warming may be needed just to keep them alive.

    • 2 hours ago

    Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    • 2 hours ago

    My favourite bit is around 10:40 where David Lammy seems to have inhaled too much helium

    • 2 hours ago

    Imagine all the expenses he can claim now

    • 2 hours ago

    Whose money is he "greenwashing" ? Let me guess,is it the petrol dictatorship Azerbaijan, notorious for bribing politicians in europeand uk? Just before the cop24 summit, which not surprisingly will be held in baku…

    • 2 hours ago

    Best watched on 1.5x speed

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