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NEWS Source Guyana

    • 1 week ago

    Wonder if Jimmy Jones and buddies hid this stash before consuming the kool ade mixture. PAUL.

    • 1 week ago

    Mr Benn please warn your joint service. You want citizens to speak out ,are you going to give the citizens immunity, you know the same officer will go after the citizens.

    • 1 week ago

    Stop this empty talk and let us get the job done.Clean cities, potable water for all and a robust health system persons should not be dyeing from Dengue fever,no drugs for the poor at the public hospital.

    • 1 week ago

    All this growth don't trickle down to the poor people ,there is no help for the rise of the cost of living

    • 1 week ago

    Well done Mr. Mosely!

    • 1 week ago

    The PPP is lying to the indigenous peoples in Guyana. Why did the ppp stop the growth in communications, and robbing the indigenous of their lands?

    • 1 week ago

    Guyana has graduated into the Big League😊

    • 1 week ago

    Wake up Guyanese .
    Let us unite.
    Or we will soon become like Venezuela .

    • 1 week ago

    Guyana be safe

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

    Venezuelans are definitely using the Essequibo to traffic drugs.

    • 1 week ago

    All the money but yet the value of the G$ is being lowered. When will the G$ be revalued?

    • 1 week ago

    Guyanese needs a police
    Press conference
    To address this drug bust.
    In the Essiquibo

    • 1 week ago

    Guyanese needs the president and vice president to address this drug bust. In the Essiquibo.

    • 1 week ago

    The economy grew by 49.7%. How much did the small man benefited?

    • 1 week ago

    Good evening all. Are we ever going to have some peace, safety, and happiness as we were used to in our Beloved Guyana???????.

    • 1 week ago

    Mr. Ben start with the associates of the govt.ministers. So often in these massive finds the ig wigs are never mentioned, but a man found with 1-2 oz are quickly charged.

    • 1 week ago

    DEA ,USA glad you are here.
    Come and investigate the corruption taking place
    In Guyana.

    • 1 week ago

    T. ..A …..L. K. IS. C. H. E. A. P P P PPPPPPP

    • 1 week ago

    Right now Guyanese cannot sacrifices themselves to save our sweet Guyana anymore. Our country is in the hands of our colonizer once again 🤔 so why asking peoples of this country started being a spy for 👍

    • 1 week ago

    DANGEROUS GUYANA pushing safety 😂😆🤣

    • 1 week ago

    Like stake out don’t happen no more nothing like the CIA all that drugs and no one arrested

    • 1 week ago

    All thanks to the Granger Administration for allowing the DEA to open an office in the country unlike his predecessor who made sure that under his Administration the DEA would never ever operate in Guyana, we now see why.

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

    Yeah😂, once you see DEA you best believe they're involved that's how it's done here. A true investigation also investigates the people making the report. Guyanese people don't have enough power to move that much drugs, this is internal. Ask Obama how all the guns and drugs gets into the US from Mexico with assistance from the DEA and law enforcement. I guess everyone needs a job and funding. Transparency does not include security.

    • 1 week ago

    TALK ………..TALK. .WHAT. ..OF….. THE. ..SMALL ……M…A. N?

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

    Gorczany Gateway

    • 1 week ago

    ALI talking free election and rules of democracy when Guyana don't have a clean voters list yet. Who the hell think he's fooling 😮🤭😁

    • 1 week ago

    Why all the roads in the indies village in essequibo are well done and henrietta village roads is in a mess

    • 1 week ago

    But did you invested into the indigenous community enough absolutely not. But u on a loud high volume lipping towards the indigenous peoples with mouth hope of wishes promises.

    • 1 week ago

    Well done Brigadier Joe Singh !!! X GDF 3346 Adams compliments to you all DEA inclusive , August 2024Years ago the GDF was stationed there ; skeldon Tumatch" Orinduik: Lethem"" Bartica: New Ansterdam/in Central Police Station Coburg Street " Madia:: this needs to be reimplimented !!!

    • 1 week ago

    The USA must come and investigate the government

    • 1 week ago

    Some.body. must.answer my Home Town. Is mess up

    • 1 week ago

    And then nothing else will be heard by next two weeks

    • 1 week ago

    Turn to God! All human beings commit sins and they separate us from God. There is only one way to reconcile ourselves with our heavenly Father: by repenting of our mistakes, confessing them, forsaking them and accepting Jesus Christ, the Son of God as our only Lord and Savior, who suffered and died on the cross to pay for our sins in our place. If we do not repent and forsake our wrong actions, one day we will stand before the Judgment Seat of God and be condemned by Him. God loves you and has a place in heaven reserved for you. Read the Bible, seek Him and accept Him into your life. God bless you.

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