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NEWS Source Guyana

    • 3 hours ago

    Gordon Moseley is a co conspirator in crimes against humanity perpetrated by The World Econonomic Forum that was responsible for The Plandemic and promoted by corrupt Jornalists.

    • 3 hours ago

    Mr Norton has a point" BUT" when he made it politics and implement the VP he's out of order. My question to Mr Norton… Who's David Patterson ?? Is he not a member of the PNC and Mr Norton 😊 colleague?? And what is his brother doing In the Bahamas🧐

    • 3 hours ago

    Threat go under a rock and stay there

    • 3 hours ago

    Dictator PPP and PNC must vote out of power .guyanese must demand freedom of speech .

    • 3 hours ago

    The vice president bluffing the public..

    • 3 hours ago

    The government and the police force had to know about the drugs bust. The ppp family and friends and some of the politicians who are corrupted involve in drugs dealing..

    • 3 hours ago

    They need to put address on id card

    • 3 hours ago

    Sound funny

    • 3 hours ago

    So why was Waddell killed.

    • 3 hours ago

    Meanwhile jagdeo fumbling to find the words on this infermentation about cybercrime . I wonder if freedoms of speech most be prohibited or regulated if Guyana has his Democratic democracy principles 🤔 does hypocrisy have any merit 😅. the indication show that theses corrupted criminals intention wants to silence and Target citizens especially whenever a bombshell is revealed . Little that we knew this little country have less than 1 million peoples is transferring to a Communist States under this criminals existing regime 😮 if this is not gold fraud . it's Guyana for sales . If it's not high Rankin commissioner of police and the defense Force on fraud allegation it's energy sector .In education sector in agriculture sector in the medical center in each and every syndication sector jagdeo has influence about yet still he's not being investigative that we'll leave for the colonizer when the time reaches. Guyanese peoples better believe that this cocaine boomshell is under jagdeo watch 🤔🤫🤫 but once he's being obedient to the colonizers it make he'll be untouchable this regime most go Wise Guyanese vote wisely out younger generation future at turmoil risk👀👈

    • 3 hours ago

    Henrietta roads where black people are on the essequibo need to be fix because all the indies roads on the essequibo are well done all

    • 3 hours ago

    Please delete this comment.

    • 3 hours ago

    The world is becoming a Dictatorship ,WHO and UN is leading the charge to an Authoritarian future.The pandemic was the beginning. Wake up!

    • 3 hours ago

    Jagdeo & the PPP friends & family are all corrupt and dealing with drugs, jagdeo know everything that going on with them big deals, R.khan was living the best life under jagdeo government, jagdeo is a Downpressor and Greedy thief.

    • 3 hours ago

    What will happen to guyanese critic😅😅😅, kwame mc coy😂😂😂😂 with nandalall legislation

    • 3 hours ago

    PPP must go! Stop deleting my comments! ONE GUYANA should mean something. Stop the brain washing. Get these criminals out of office permanently!

    • 3 hours ago

    Why the camera don't show these dumb so called reporter so we can see who they are. Every week the same old story.

    • 3 hours ago

    That huge drug bust explains all of the big fancy buildings being constructed in Guyana.Also the luxurious vehicles.

    • 3 hours ago

    With the exeption of the Jagans and Granger,Guyana is notorious for having Totalitarian governments from The British to Burnham to the Jagdeo and Nandlall's P.P.P.

    • 3 hours ago

    Y’all full of crap in Guyana. Y’all don’t even have a million people. The government could’ve damn well take 50 million usd and divided it . They will have billions more where that came from to fix roads. Y’all too fn wicked. They gonna make sure certain people in the Guyana media get paid off to keep silent.

    • 3 hours ago


    • 3 hours ago

    Why were Crum Ewing and Waddell murdered?

    • 3 hours ago

    Eventually an a/man video will leak with u mosely an I will get my revenge.. starter u cld stop putting objects in your mouth an ull may b sound normal! Say hi to stacy.

    • 3 hours ago

    Stop Lie VP

    • 3 hours ago

    Moore Thomas Davis Laura Anderson Melissa

    • 3 hours ago

    Spencer Circles

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