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The Mendiola Effect

    • 5 hours ago

    They want a new generations of slaves. Both immigrants and Americans are abused by their employers. There are alot of hard working Americans who are sick of immigrants coming and settling for lower wages and substandard working environment. The lazy democratics and republican's elites have everything they need but they want to control everything and everybody. Don't be fooled, the left don't care about immigrants, they want control and don't care how they get it. The right don't care as well, they want cheap slave labor but don't want to work themselves. Don't be fooled same bird different wing , different angle… The American government and big investors are responsible for the gangs in Haiti. They fuel the gang warfare in Haiti and many other countries They provide the guns to the gangs and fuel corruption. Also not every american gets high and is lazy. that is a stereotype pumped up by big business, government controlled media and the government.

    • 5 hours ago

    Thanks for sharing your point of view. Couple things. First, your eyes are wandering all over the place. You have to focus on your audience into the camera or look slightly above the camera, so it doesn’t appear you’re staring eyeball to eyeball with people. It’s very difficult to watch you because your head and your eyes are moving everywhere.

    Second, do you need more of a zoom shot because you look like a little kid sitting in a large room . The shot looks very public access like. Ask a friend of yours with a successful channel how better to frame your shot

    I also believe that while you speak from experience, there’s something missing. Of course, Americans have always had problems with immigrants because they will work harder for less money. Anytime, a new group came in they were always ridiculed.

    However, what’s happening now is different you’re grabbing different ideas to make a point about something that isn’t really happening. The country is being invaded due to the benefit of the Democratic Party and international corporations that get tax breaks from bringing in refugees. In addition, a lot of these illegal aliens, not immigrants are being dumped in conservative towns.

    So I apologize if this appears abrasive, and I will gladly delete the comment if you’re not happy with it. Best of luck

    • 5 hours ago

    I am a black woman with the full understanding that we, so-called, African-Americans did not voluntarily immigrate to America. We were captured as slaves. As much as we pretend that we are full bonified, accepted citizens, we are not. I wish, that after 400 years, we would accept that. We need THE MOST HIGH CREATOR to deliver us. I pray we finally accept that and are led to a place where we can live well and harmoniously among ourselves and stop struggling to win acceptance from white, brown, and yellow races and even pure native African blacks to accept us.

    As for the illegal immigrants, they are being accused of saturating America with the illegal drug trade. I know that is not true. The ultrarich ultrapowerful corporations and entities are fueling the drug trade as well as the illegal weaponry that's causing so much hell in America. Black Americans were the intended targets of that scourge; but because what goes around comes around, the deadly drug industry is now more viscously devouring white Americans.

    • 5 hours ago

    But don’t blame the immigrants, blame the rich guy who doesn’t want to pay a fair wage and provide safe working conditions.

    • 5 hours ago

    Something to mention about any sort of negative immigration sentiment. I think the biggest forces supporting that is the fact that terrorist or criminals can take advantage of the open border and we have first hand experiences with 9/11. So that sentiment is strong, but you mostly hear the little everyday dramas more so because politics and media is a little bit of a circus and our leaders need to have us united and laser focused on the big issues and already have them solved. But they fill the air with petty bs that trickles down. But the issue of influx into burdened cities is also important and it’s definitely a good idea to balance out the influx into cities that need the work force. Also on that what we are seeing around Europe and Asia as well is a population age decline, a birthing crisis, we are around it that too but immigration will help balance it. Some places in Asia aren’t big on immigration and can be hard to move to. Some places in Europe also are not really big on immigration but immigration can help them balance that birthing crisis.

    Another thing to mention about the importance of the issue is how it’s in our adversary’s playbooks to take advantage of border issues. Russia is known to push waves of immigrants into Europe to destabilize them, it’s well documented and they even had to build fences just because of it. Now think about agents taken advantage of it and they have boots on the ground to carry out operations. China pumping fentanyl precursors into Mexico which poor border security allows it to be hauled in. We gotta have border security. That being said healthy immigration is good and we need it and welcome it.

    • 5 hours ago

    I heard someone is talking about this will watch later.

    • 5 hours ago

    Looking out for myself means I don’t want to pay for their American dream. The government is paying the employers to employ them.

    • 5 hours ago

    they aren't immigrants, they are illegal aliens that did not come here legally. 22 thousand Haitians moved into a town with like 10 thousand people. WTF? Hid your pets.

    • 5 hours ago

    Giving illegals housing, money for food and everything under the sun but neglect the US citizens. FUCK THAT

    • 5 hours ago

    I have absolutely no problem with immigrants. My problem is that there are millions of undocumented people entering this country without having been screened for highly contagious diseases or vaccinated against diseases that we had eradicated in this country. It's not just people from South American countries and Mexico crossing over either. They recently arrested a man who was on the terrorist no fly list who walked across the border with a group of people from his homeland. Yesterday was the anniversary of 911 where multiple terrorists entered our country LEGALLY and attacked us. Imagine how much worse 911 would have been had they been able to send hundreds of terrorists here instead of a few dozen. We have no idea how many people have come across the border with a mission to hurt Americans because of the horrific things our government has done to their countries and families. I know it's just a matter of time before we suffer a massive terrorist attack.
    It is not racist to worry about the health and safety of the people entering the United States and screen them before letting them come in. No country on the planet has open borders and welcomes everyone who enters illegally with a cash card and hotel room. We need to completely overhaul our immigration system and create something that is fast, efficient and beneficial to everyone. We have the technology. We just need to pour or tax dollars into that plan rather than continuously financing foreign wars. People should not be forced to use "coyotes" to smuggle them through South and Central America knowing they are probably going to be robbed, sexually assaulted, trafficked or killed on the arduous trip. We can work with Mexico and the other countries along these paths to set up immigration stations that can house families for a few weeks until they are sent to the next immigration station. DNA results are practically instantaneous nowadays. A DNA database would make positive identification quick, simple and accurate so we know exactly who we are letting in, and flag those who should never be allowed to cross the border. Child trafficking would be drastically reduced because we would know if the adult is related to the child. If one parent kidnaps their child from the other they would immediately be caught and returned to their proper homes. So much good could be done if our government actually gave a damn about its citizens.

    • 5 hours ago

    It's not good when they turn it into little Haiti, have you seen Haiti?

    • 5 hours ago

    6:01 – I love how he no longer cares about "working harder for less in less safe conditions ONCE he is out of the workforce

    • 5 hours ago

    9:09 – HOW would moving in unskilled labor into Springfield create an "economic boom"?

    • 5 hours ago

    11:20 – Mediola says he would not work to save or improve his country.

    • 5 hours ago

    13:08 – Business owner clearly says "I don't have to raise wages to get reliable people!" The "Ready Fire Aim" approach by modern Democrats is beyond compare.

    • 5 hours ago

    They are eating the ducks and geese but as for the dogs and cats they are doing animal sacrifice for their voodoo

    • 5 hours ago

    I think you’re wrong about the population boom is a good thing
    I’m not sure where you live
    But it’s a rust belt area the jobs are in China , Mexico , Canada
    All they are is a drag on the social system

    • 5 hours ago

    It’s not anti imagination legal imagination!!!!!!!

    • 5 hours ago

    It’s about people that that have been putting in years of work and getting replaced with immigrants. I am all for America first period ! The veterans should come before any illegal immigrants sorry I have no compassion for them but I do for the vets that has fought for us to stay a free nation!!!!

    • 5 hours ago

    These immigrants are not only getting jobs, but also EBT cards and healthcare which we pay for with our tax dollars

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