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ABC News

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hmm…I was certain the bacteria was "liberalism"

    • 4 weeks ago

    keep dumping in the ocean 😂

    • 4 weeks ago

    The Hopi Prophecy is coming to pass.

    • 4 weeks ago

    I thought the minerals from the sea cleans the water? Im confused. I always heard sea water has so many benefits

    • 4 weeks ago

    You can't use the ocean as a toilet and then expect to swim in it.

    • 4 weeks ago

    But people are going to eat the fish that come from the water because it's further out. 😉😉

    • 4 weeks ago

    Mr. Biden is the greatest president ever! We came to the US 2 years ago, and now we have free housing and meals. we don't work, just take our kids to school. Hope he can help us forever! Thank you again for your supremacy

    • 4 weeks ago

    That’s because they put peoples poop in our waters

    • 4 weeks ago

    Perhaps the homeless pee and 💩 being flushed into the oceans?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Baths aren’t that much safer the water gotta come from somewhere the processes for tap water are minimal in most cities

    • 4 weeks ago

    What do you expect when disgusting people throw their trash in the water! Peeing n who knows what else! So absolutely disgusting!!

    • 4 weeks ago

    When they discover a new sea creature or sea monster this is part of it.. all that dumping over time could create a new species of marine life. I always wonder if there’s a war between the old sea creatures and the new ones that have been created through toxic waste

    • 4 weeks ago

    Animal agriculture in action. Where do you think all the shiite and piss of 82 billion land animals go?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Well now since they put stuff in the air to make the storms we can't swim what about the drinking water what they are doing to skies are messing with the planet

    • 4 weeks ago

    Why does that mostly happens in the US? You wont hear people getting bacteria from the beach in my country (Dominican Republic 🇩🇴) nor shark attacks! We swim freely even at night, that’s kind of weird.

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    No way would I get on a plane today.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Don’t go to Florida, they’re not allowed to test the water, with their governors new law.😮

    • 4 weeks ago

    we need more filters to filter runoff/river flow before it gets to the ocean!

    • 4 weeks ago

    This is what happens when they jump raw sewage into the ocean

    • 4 weeks ago

    Millions of dogs craping every were people shitting on side walks I’m not suprized

    • 4 weeks ago

    Homeless and illegal culture shitting in the gutters will do it.

    • 4 weeks ago

    I think there is something more to this.
    These explanations are nonsense.
    I think we need some independent testing done on these beaches

    • 4 weeks ago

    That’s what happens when you don’t take care of your home

    • 4 weeks ago

    This is good these beaches are extremely sinful

    • 4 weeks ago

    I love to pee in the ocean!😂😂😂

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    Harmful waste in the beach because people keep pooping in the water 😂. I'll stay back and enjoy my own pool.

    • 4 weeks ago

    This is why I dont eat fish anymore We have poisoned the oceans. I know I know meat the same but I do still eat meat, i think fish are worse we been dumping a lot in the ocean.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Poo poo 💩 kaa kaa. For your enjoyment.❤

    • 4 weeks ago

    Can you imagine the creatures living in the horrible water?

    • 4 weeks ago

    I wish people would just stay home!

    • 4 weeks ago

    If you close the beaches then the bacteria ending up in the Ocean from the Countries with over a billion must be astronomical . And They harvest food from those waters . Does any end up here ?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Beaches don't have clean water nowadays

    • 4 weeks ago

    Do you know how hot/gross it has to be for SALTWATER to be that dangerous?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Sad how many people make fun of the situation

    • 4 weeks ago

    Besides this “bacteria” it’s man’s way to control you to disconnect you from nature 🙂 all by design 🙂

    • 4 weeks ago

    Sure it does just like all lakes in my area all closed 👌👌

    • 4 weeks ago

    Flesh eating bacteria

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    I pee in the water at the beach!!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Many people want to die in a peaceful way I am one of them I have been seeking a doctor to give me carte blanche euthanasia I do not want any one near me or following me I want to be alone in a nice dream I was told opioids give you that nice dream I am attacked when I seek healthcare since 2001 when federal agents labeled me dangerous and crazy for being parked in woods unable to afford hotel in Santa Monica California

    The opaque block had detonated nuclear bombs in the salton sea sub surface on hector mine earthquake day october 1999 I was sent with federal agents to a conference at la quinta resort la quinta Nitrogen bomb went off at outer lower wall outside when conference was to start Many bank examiners were likely killed I had 24 year amnesia The federal banking regulators were robbed a month later The opaque block had killed or sent on vacation our bank examiners and swapped vaults When I was leaving the conference it felt like a blast moved my vehicle I might have driven out of the pincer grip of a time control area where war can be waged silently. Much like nyc 2001 I just want to die and get paid. I was denied workers compensation for the robbery when I remembered it after 18 years I have applied for workers compensation and amnesia from bombs 24 years after occurrence and it is pending. I would rather have easy out You will die soon Prepare Get a pill case You do not want to drown or burn alive

    I was attacked again in 2024 when seeking healthcare Never again will i use usa healthcare or trust the opaque block. They control much of our society and detonated the bombs in nyc wtc 9 11 2001 there were no planes its a war game they got to rob oil from Iraqs kuwait while I was medically tortured and exiled

    The world will heat up and lose ten percent of the south pole every twenty years more or less I ran the fast forward 2001 to 2020 to get measurement The salton sea went dry

    I heard on a video that fentanyl is the big feast I want to open up clinics where those who want to exit this miserable life can do so with any drug they choose I heard dealer say fentanyl is the big feast That is funny to me Better than burning alive on a planet of rabid monkeys

    The salton sea lithium water is causing places like lake isabella to flood and their septics are over flowing all the way to lake isabella and that poop is floating back to los angeles waters now closed in august 2024 due to bacteria from e coli Funny as sheet unless you swim in it Look out for sheets it is a blinding light with a person in front of you See round mirror then see the doctor then dont see the round mirror

    Jesus did not talk to father much. I will. G D get me outta here you crazy m f I pictured myself as sheep in fathers garden huddling next to mother sheep baaaa Ha

    Kurt Brown Saintrambone Mobile Audit Club

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