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Swinger University Podcast

    • 2 months ago

    Interesting review. We went to Hedo two years ago in September. We had a great time. It literally makes the lifestyle a life-style for the week you are there. Back home, you go to a party, maybe a couple in a weekend if things are hopping.

    At Hedo, that's your full time job! From around 11 a.m. to 3:30 a.m., life was basically play time punctuated by recovery in the pool etc. We connected with an older French Canadian couple the first day and they sort of became our dinner and play partners for the week though we did meet some others to. It's great for those of us who are exhibitionists because there was no spot on the resort that I found that was off-limits to play. The beds on the beach and the terraced areas are great! You have to be very careful with that sun! I used lots of SPF 50 and at the height of the day tended to stay in the shaded area of the pool bar. A DJ and some kind of activities director came up with a lot of fun icebreaker games that sort of helped people break out of cliques a bit.

    They have an official sort of orgy room they set up each night in the courtyard of the spa. I have to say the resort workers monitoring it were kind of unpleasant and you could tell most of them really hated drawing the duty. But we went anyway a few times. It's nice being able to play and chat under the stars and you sort of feel like you're in a Roman villa.

    We did some beach time too but one thing for people to be aware of is that while the resort is private property, the beach is not. You couldn't go 30 seconds without some local guy trying to sell you drugs. Some 30 years ago, these locals tended to have the best weed on the planet on offer. This last time it looked like garbage.We went shopping locally one day for souvenirs and I don't know that I'll ever repeat that. We went to sort of a flea market with around 100 stalls and I get where they're hard up to make a living there, but their sales techniques are VERY aggressive, like right up to the line where it borders on strong-arm robbery. Whatever vendors you didn't get to were pissed, big time. We did end up with some cool wood carvings, which are mostly handmade there as opposed to the made in China tourist store stuff.

    Pay attention to the groups and themes of the week you want to go. We did something odd which was to go from one Wednesday to another. We got to see the crowd change over on Sunday. The first half of the days the place was overrun with young 20s swimsuit models and photographers. The resort has a very strict no-photo policy but these people were able to negotiate around that apparently.

    We weren't too thrilled about them because they tended to take over almost every play space from dawn until late night, and none of them were lifestyle of any kind. The second week brought a more traditional travel group. I think a lot of people tend to go every year in the same week and sort of develop social circles in whatever charter group they go with. The food was pretty good. They tend to put the better stuff out later in the week and weekend it seemed.

    I think I might try the plane next time. The road trip is horrendous. Two hours is the absolute barest minimum if the universe loves you that day. Three hours is more typical. The local drivers are friendly enough but they will press you to let them pick up other travelers to drop off at other resorts, and try to get you to go to some far flung neighborhood to sell you overpriced weed, and I think there were mechanical issues both ways. You say the plane is around $500 which I have heard. Is that round trip for the couple? Or each way, or $500 per person?

    If the total outlay is $500, I think I can justify that. It's basically the cost of an extra day at the resort. We'll definitely go there again and hopefully if not every year ever other.

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