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    • 3 months ago

    Um. Hmmm. Guadeloupe. I think we drive up through there. We were in a caravan. Friend of ours teases us about leaving him behind cuz his class A couldn’t keep up climbing the hill. We stopped at a rest area like at the peak or part way up or something. Man you got some great views there. Jessie said it was Guadalupe that we drove up through or by. Wasn’t Kristy wearing a coat when this started? You know, I got some hiking poles. Probably a year ago. Still haven’t used them 🫤 Crazy how it’s all wooded now. It’s getting prettier as you go. Wow! What a hike. Looks like the summit is still very far away. No please do NOT fall off. Sheesh. Interesting that there’s a bridge. Wonder if the mountain gave way there. Yeah. Probably wouldn’t survive that drop off. That view is so crazy good. How beautiful! I can’t get over how high up you guys are. Wait! You are t done? Dang! Looks like you’re almost even with the clouds. That’s almost as good as pikes peak. Cool monument. Would have hated to be the guy who had to set that up lol. Actually, might be better. Can see below. When we did pikes peak, it was foggy/cloudy 😞 oh yeah. Let’s eat. I’m starving after watching all this hiking. Oh there’s Kristy’s coat. Just dawned on me that she had it on again. Oh heck yours is back on too. I can barely hear the vid cuz Jessie is watching something on tv as I’m trying to watch vids. Only half way down? Cripes. You guys are killing me. I’d love to see these views, but I could never hike all that. You guys are beasts! Did you say that was a hat? 6 hours isn’t bad. I mean I still couldn’t now, but back in the day, I’d been all over that. For sure gotta end with a Coke Zero. Have you seen the Dr pepper creamy coconut zero? Oh man. It’s so good. Ties with the cream soda one lol. Great vid guys!

    • 3 months ago

    Never in a million years would I guess those views were in Texas. What an awesome hike, guys. Some of that cliff trail looked sketchy. Thanks for taking us along.

    • 3 months ago

    We did stop and take a look at this peak but did not even think of climbing it. We contented ourselves with a lower level walk. I know now that I would struggle with those drop offs. I am just not secure on those sort of trails now. You were getting some magical views though pretty much all the way. More so looking down on El Capitain. You would not want much snow of some of those sketchy parts of the trail. Brilliant to watch you both so enjoy the climb. what a place for lunch!

    • 3 months ago

    Beauty of a view for sure…a little warning of them cliffs would have been appreciated!! LOL Quite the amazing rock formation out there!! Summit success, freeze-dried ice-cream, kissing bridge and snow! Now that's an adventure!!

    • 3 months ago

    Very nice trail, so difficult, thanks for sharing this landscapes which I don't Know, have a great day and take care

    • 3 months ago

    What a wonderful hike/climb. Not so easy but the views are awsome 😊

    • 3 months ago

    That’s some sketchy cliff walking. Crazy to see pines up there. Have a great day.

    • 3 months ago

    So glad you enjoyed your hike to the top of Texas!! Fantastic video!!!

    • 3 months ago

    Great summit hike. The weather was of a great help to you. Otherwise hiking the summit in Texan weather would have been brutal. Awesome trail with scary ledges. Brilliant views from the top. Take care. Stay safe.

    • 3 months ago

    Looks like a great peak to bag! Part of a National Recreation Trail! I’ve never seen Yucca at those elevations! You certainly had the views! Hard to believe that’s Texas. You two are making it a tradition to do these summits on your spring break trips! Good job! 👏

    • 3 months ago

    Looks like a great hike! Looked a bit narrow in parts. What a view! Thanks for showing us a new spot to visit. Have a great week.

    • 3 months ago

    Nice mountain to climb. Great job getting to the top 😊

    • 3 months ago

    That was quite the trek! Amazing views away up there!

    • 3 months ago

    Challenging hike- awesome views! Great that it’s so open that you can see where you’re heading and the trail below! It probably helped a lot that it wasn’t too hot, or windy. Whew, that was a huge climb and a few sketchy places. Great job reaching the top, yay for skittles and oranges!! 😄👌👍👍

    • 3 months ago

    In a word……."Challenging"
    Great views, congrats on conquering the summit.

    • 3 months ago

    Awesome trip, reat country and sceneries Steve, well done team, thanks, thumbs up and greetings from NZ,, Tony.

    • 3 months ago

    Well that looked like an awesome climb.. A good day as well.. Quite the view from up there.

    • 3 months ago

    Wow very beautiful sharing my dear ❤❤❤

    • 3 months ago

    This looks amazing. ❤ We have Guadalupe Peak on our bucket list, so hopefully, we will get there in the future. We have family in Texas, so this would give us another excuse to get down there. 😂 Looks like a butt-kicker, too. We love that. ❤ Those drop-offs are no joke. Love all the views! I think we'd need some Mexican food after this one! Lol! Hooray for snow at the top! ❄️ Thanks for taking us with you! 🥰

    • 3 months ago

    Congratulations! Sir, how old are you? I'm 75 and thinking about giving it a shot. What were the most dangerous parts of the trail, if any? Thanks.

    • 3 months ago

    Wow! Beautiful sharing my friend, sending support

    • 3 months ago

    Wow, you made it all the way up there! That was quite a climb. It did look like a bit of a challenge at times.
    I'm sure it will be too hot to climb when the sun comes out!
    Still pretty views, even with some clouds!
    Great one! All the best! Kaat

    • 3 months ago

    WOW! Man what views from up there! A little cliff edgy for me though but that was an awesome hike you two!

    • 3 months ago

    Wow those views were amazing! You had some crazy looking drop offs on this trail, wow made my hands sweat lol. We visited this NP back in 2017, but our youngest was only 2 so we stayed on the bottom and enjoyed the views from there, but now my oldest son would love this hike, wow what an adventure! Crazy it was snowing on you guys at the top, haha lovers bridge, that was funny!

    • 3 months ago

    Pretty amazing hike up there. It always impresses me how one can start from warm weather and then head up to altitudes where snow is possible in just a few hours. Amazing views up there and I enjoyed seeing the different pine trees in the area. Very cool looking back and seeing all the trails zig zagging around, too.

    • 3 months ago

    Wow! Awesome guys – we have heard that is a tough hike!! We were there in March and it was all socked in so we hit some of the lower trails – but wow – the Guadalupe Mountains area is STUNNING!! Happy hiking!

    • 3 months ago

    That was a hell of a climb! The views are well worth the work. But the question everyone is wanting to know.. Did you kiss her on the bridge!??? 😂 Great video.

    • 3 months ago

    Gorgeous views!! Beautiful country Texas is! Thanks for sharing your ventures!

    • 3 months ago

    Awesome hike and views from the top. Those exposed trail segments had me spooked. Can't get away from the snow anywhere…haha. Great video.
    "If Mick wants his hat he can go get it himself" Hahaha.

    • 3 months ago

    What a spectacular view. I’m glad Mother Nature cooperated with you.

    • 3 months ago

    Way to make it all the way up. I’d be completely out of breath. 👏

    • 3 months ago

    Absolutely gorgeous hike man, views are phenomenal.

    • 3 months ago

    This is the only thing I miss in Florida no mountain to hike 😕 awesome video 👍 spectacular view of the mountains good job guys 👏 stay safe out there Steve ⚓

    • 3 months ago

    It's actually a nice hike up and the views are amazing!

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