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Norberis R.

    • 3 weeks ago

    The budget is a very interesting look into quality of life through your lens. You are right the socialized side of the any budget depends on the individuals. Is it worth at any point to purchase a house or condo given the affordable rents? Enjoyed the point of view.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Love the information

    • 3 weeks ago

    Como es la educación de tu hija? Es online o pagas un colegio en santo domingo? Cuánto pagas mas o menos?

    • 3 weeks ago

    If someone want to buy a house do it now because the price of the houses is going up, when I bought mine in Santiago it was $350,00 now my house in 2024 cost $1.5 million dollars this is why I never sale it, swimming pool, three living room, 4 bathroom a huge Dinner room, 4 bedroom and one small extra for the service a normal kitchen two balcony and big back yard with lemon 🍋 mangoes 🥭 alo Vera and aguacates…. You guys has the opportunity to see what’s going on over there, She knows what she’s talking about and places that you will feel comfortable with your life and family….Travel to the Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 and see the advantages and disadvantages and then decide…It’s a big decision but it’s worth it😊😊😊NYC

    • 3 weeks ago

    Hi, can you please make a video about investing in Airbnb & what do you believe are the best places to invest in, also do you have a Airbnb managing company or do you only do the ones that you manage now, lastly how many properties or kind of properties to make enough to live in DR like you guys. Gracias por todos los vídeos tan informativos.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I love DR, but my total expenses are about $4,000 a month in the US (house worth $600K with a mortgage of only $1284). My taxes is a big part of my $4K. It seems that there's a lot of nickel and diming in the US because my mortgage is only 32% of the my expenses (no credit card debt or car loans). Maybe I should buy a place in DR and just live in both places

    • 3 weeks ago

    I wanted to give you good feedback on a video you made about 1 year ago. You listed the banks that were paying high interest rate yields on money denominated in dollars and money invested using Dominican Pesos. I found this interesting, but you did not cover the protection against bank failure in your country. So, for example, in the USA we have FDIC insurance in case a bank goes out of business. Also, my ex is from Brasil and I remember she told me that the Brasilian government stole money from people's bank accounts maybe 40-50 years ago. What protection would my money have invested in a CD or some other type of high interest account have? Also, what if a foreign bank fails…not a Dominican bank? Is the protection different for domestic banks vs foreign banks? Also, can you do another video based interest rate paid on deposits? Maybe you could do an interview with a private banker in Santo Domingo to cover the investment options foreigners can participate in?

    • 3 weeks ago

    You forgot to include James' Brugal and Coca cola monthly expense! 😂

    • 3 weeks ago

    and it changes due to real-estate needs.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Great video whats the cellphone expenses?

    • 3 weeks ago

    Norboreis do you like burritos?? And if so what do you like on them?

    • 3 weeks ago

    That’s a good breakdown for living in the DR. I am not sure what else people need o want to know. If you live in a western country you are spending double this amount. But I suspect people who continue to ask are really not serious. I saw someone asking you to add the cost of sending your daughter to a private school. WHAT THE H..L. 😄😄😄😄😄.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Your biggest expense is rent , your best option would be to buy an apartment even if it’s not in the fancy areas of Santo Domingo but it’s going to save you half of your expenses.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Do they have life insurance

    • 3 weeks ago

    Thank you for your information, can you please breakdown the health insurance fee, does this include dental and eye exam. can you please explain what's covered with this plan.thank you

    • 3 weeks ago

    I think that amount is really good in, New York our mortgage alone is $3,500
    Thank you for making these videos

    • 3 weeks ago

    you left out how much you pay for your Childs private school.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Does it have to do with tge kind of life style or person you are

    • 3 weeks ago

    Norberis. I am finally in the final stages of my move to the DR. I need to pay for your help to find a 3 bedroom nice place like yours. I would like an elevator, pool, gym or a nearby gym within walking distance and school for 4 and 9 year old kids. My wife found a new complex in the area we visit regularly District National called Son Bonito. We always get a Airbnb near the Plaza de Colombia. We are open to any nice area and personally would love to be able to see some ocean from my balcony. My budget is around $2000 or less for rent. We need a place in May 2024. Ty in advance for your help.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Hola Norberis, tienes algun video totalmente en español? Me gustaria escuchar tu voz en español. Si no tienes video en español, puedes hacer uno, aunque sea uno? gracias.

    • 3 weeks ago

    What about private school for one child? Is there an average?

    • 3 weeks ago

    Nobrie why do you guys rent instead of own?

    • 3 weeks ago

    lol in america you gonna spend 350$ every two weeks on groceries

    • 3 weeks ago

    I live in Santiago. My monthly expenses are about the same but like she said, entertainment isn’t included. I eat out everyday and travel all over the island on vacation. My restaurant and traveling cost me additional $5000 per month so my total average monthly living cost is around $7500

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

    Thanks, Norberis. Keep in mind that people don't get paid in US dollars there

    • 3 weeks ago

    $150 for air conditioning and electricity? That’s about what I pay here in California in the summer when it’s 100 degrees. 😮

    • 3 weeks ago

    I’m thinking about moving to DR but how do I get the citizenship cause you not you can’t spend over 28 days in the country

    • 3 weeks ago

    What health insurance provider are you using out there? How can I enroll in their plan? Thanks

    • 3 weeks ago

    The comparison between DR and the USA is very interesting but when you calculate the minimum salaries in both places, the difference is abysmal. US$2,000. It is a good spending budget when you earn US$4,000 but when the average salary is US$500 it's hard

    • 3 weeks ago

    What about school for kid? Not sure how old is but if is in school how is it and how much?

    • 3 weeks ago

    I hope you get at least a million subscribers and your channel goes viral. I like the content.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Wow sounds great to me!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Your kids school? I know you don't have them in public school

    • 3 weeks ago

    4000? Wow thats less, here in germany just food 4000 dollars

    • 3 weeks ago

    Can you do a video talking about private schools cost and process, with my husband we are planning to move abroad with our son and I am in need to know about the school for him😊. Thanks in advance

    • 3 weeks ago

    Yall cut your expenses in half and have a better quality of life. Amazing trade off 🤗 I ‘m doing the same one day. I’m coming home 🇩🇴😂

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