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Now yes you see
But the weird politics started happening with our last president. Taking loans without barely seeing where the money would be invested in… a good example is a 10km $100m highway. Im not saying the current president is doing magical things, but the debt is getting less, but in the everyday life its the same. -
Once again, the really good editing.
Your editing is so brainrot
hi bro heart my comment pls
So basically Dutch disease. The syndrome of most third world countries
RealLifeLore coming in with the same topic but 40 minute video.
I don't know, the IMF only imposes Neoliberal economics, and while that does grow the gdp, it causes extreme inequality levels
i boom and bust very quick
kGood video. Well done. I think you'd make a greatt historian.
I hope that you and your family had a grand Christmas! May your 2025 exceed all of your greatest expectations. Hapopy New Year, Trebbie!
No surprise small populated countries can only grow so fast till they end up overheating as they're limited as compared too large population countries
Like for not stretching video for 279726^87 minutes 🙏
Was Boutsrse partially responsible? How is Santokhi doing?
typical propaganda video
Surinamese here!
Seeing this makes me sad -
Sort out 38% corp Tax!!!
Well maybe don’t elect a former military dictator to be your president twice.
You should go back to making shorts!
IMF definitely does not help countries. It usually provides abysmally extortant (well, by international standards) credits as well as setting unrealistically bad targets for governments to comply with, such as transfering control over monetary policy to external players etc. It already wrecked havoc in S.E.A and Japan, and will come for more. There exists no free money in the world.
Only Haiti, Venezuela and Bolivia are poorer than Suriname.
Wend u tot Jezus, Hij is de zoon van God. Ieder mens overtreedt Gods wet en dit schept afstand tussen ons en Hem. Er is maar één manier om ons met onze hemelse Vader te verzoenen: door berouw te tonen voor onze fouten, ze te verzaken en Jezus Christus te aanvaarden als onze enige Heer en Redder, die leed en stierf aan het kruis om in onze plaats voor onze zonden te betalen. Als we ons niet bekeren van onze fouten, zullen we op een dag voor Gods rechterstoel staan en door Hem veroordeeld worden. God houdt van u en heeft een plaats in de hemel voor u gereserveerd. Lees de Bijbel en ontvang Jezus in uw leven. God zegene u.
Hey so a few things:
1. While this is a very oversimplification of how things went, it's pretty much that. But between 2010-2020 the government also had a lot of spending and a lot of borrowing, creating a lot of debt. From 2000-2010, the government that was in power did create a back-up for though times, but the new government from 2010-2020 spent it all and didn't continue the same route to save-up for though times.
2. Your video also mentions, lack of air travel…? Air travel to where though? If you mean to other countries, then Suriname does have an international airport, and there is air travel there and there are quite some connections to countries in the region and Europe. Internal air travel is not necessary. Everyone already lives in the capital and there are airstrips in the jungle for small airplanes to indigenous and maroon villages
3. You mention our electricity network. We have a very good electricity network btw. We can sustain ourselves and 67% of our electricity comes from hydro, as we have a hydroelectric dam. Then we have solar and thermal energy. The government keeps investing in electricity needs of Suriname. Regarding that Suriname's electricity network is very decent and very much above that of many countries in the region, on par with countries like Trindad.
4. There are border crossings by ferry. There is no need to build a bridge to our neighbor countries as the ROI would not be significant and the investment costs would be to high for that. Furthermore a road to Brazil is not needed as we'd like keep our jungle. Something we're very proud of.
5. You also mention education. Suriname has a decent education system, on par with most countries in the region. It also spends a great deal of money on that. This is supported by recent data from the IDB and the world Bank in cooperation with the local university. Furthermore, Suriname and the Netherlands have close ties, so the Surinamese education system, gets a lot of benefits because of that. However it could always be better.
6. You also mention thousands of Surinamese lots their jobs. What's your source for this? The unemployment rate has, even during those years, been very consistent. It wasn't any different than when the economy was reaching it peak. So I'd like to know where you got this information from?Also you used the WRONG map. Please use the correct map of Suriname!
Wrong map
0:13 "why did Suriname bust so quickly" 🤔😏
Blacks are the reason for Suriname’s woes.
The Dutch disease strikes again
I'm from Suriname
Guyana and Suriname are really min-maxing right now
Next Haiti loading..