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Thats right. My beautiful vacation island of Saint Lucia ❤.
1933 was the same 😮
Props to the weatherman for being able to say, "rain wise, wind wise," without flubbing it.
Doesn’t touch the USA 🇺🇸 😂
Who da hell is JOSH?
God these weathermen REALLY get off during hurricane season. You can just hear the slimy excitment in his voice
Well it is that time of the year..Always have them 😮
Watch. they will declare this one, first, single hurricane of the season as proof of "man made global warming climate change" and that the world will end in 12 years.
11o mph wìnds. Fun
11o mph wìnds. Fun
Gre nay da
It has plenty of huracanes before August .
why does this weather guy talk like such a fruitcake 😂
Not a cat 1?!? We’re all doomed?!! Why didn’t we listen to Greta, how dare we, how… dare…. We?!? Not a hurricane a month into hurricane season and almost a cat 1 at that?! We need to stop all oil production, especially in the middle east
Beryl is a stupid name🙄
Gotta hype it up. It's been hurricane season for a month already. It's not a surprise to see one during the season. The sensationalism is ridiculous.
This guy sucks
Fox News sucks. Fox News is against the United States of America. Fox News should be dismantled and removed.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. -
Cern and HAARP. In time for next year's acceleration of the climate changers' agenda.
We just want to know could it come to Louisiana as a hurricane if the course changes slightly
I feel like they want disaster so they have more to report, always catastrophizing everything, stop calling disaster into existence!!!
I love Michael’s cadence. Some of the news/weather people speak way too fast. Thank you so much!
Florida will be submerged under water in the near future.
It's so nice to see you Mr Micheal Estime. You were my Fox 2 News reporter for a bit and it was so nice to have you in Detroit. Glad you're with the Fox family still.
What happened to the "A" hurricane?
Dat betta nuh come a Jamaica enuh
Its way out there! The USA has nothing to worry about yet.
Nice haircut! High and tight! -
It’s not news it’s propaganda. It’s all about climate change climate change climate change. Welcome to the New World order.
Jamaica here
the boy' mentioned Venezuela, area and, the Carolina' New York Amen
Ontario, Quebec maritime good time not long time
tHe daRK alE oRthODoX
Upper Canada Standard
Love all the gloom and doom half-timed by “omg it will ruin your vaca” wtf man. Lol
Children, they are only stressing the Fact that's its only June, because its rarely a hurricane during this time, ultimately it is possible, being the reason why Hurricane season starts June 1st, pull your panties up and relax guys.
Doesn't hurricane season start June 1
Luke 21:25-27
“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world.” -
hes obviously never been to Barbados
Dulling it down