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Be Something Wonderful

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hi Tom, you're my favorite channel. I am a busy person but always turn to your video first thing I am on a break. I feel spiritually enriched and calm in my soul. I've always been in a fight with circumstances but now I don't feel the need, cos I know who I am. The more I watch your videos, the more I learn with every repetition. A fifteen minute video would easily become a 30 min one for me, as I make sure I go back and listen to every word you say until I assimilate it. Slowly but surely, I've learnt how to trust in I AM.

    • 4 weeks ago

    I have a question which can sound so stupid but I hope someone can help. I know I cannot manifest my sp back leaving the 3p cause that script is written but I really want to experience the reunion and the joy to hear him saying that he always chose me since day1 and all the sweet things connected 😂😂😂can I still do it? I’m currently stand in my decision to be his wife and that we have 2 children together and we’ve never been more in love in our whole life.
    Hope it makes sense😂❤

    Hope someone can help me 😘

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    'All my financial problems got resolved out of nowhere. And I got everything I wanted financially without effort on my part." I'm not looking for signs, but this is definitely it! My affirmation from now on! ThankU 🙂

    Tom, congratulations on Your certification ~ Enjoy!

    • 4 weeks ago

    And Jesus set the captives free!!!!!! Live vertically! Choose your best life NOW!

    • 4 weeks ago

    I listened 3x, i think this video is it. Thank you Tom. Now i feel the power in myself!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Tom, my SP and I had a terrible argument some months ago. He blocked me everywhere. Since then we didn’t have any contact. On your channel i learned how to stay in my power and chose a different reality where everything between the two of us was easy and at peace. I focused on myself and decided to be loved and appreciated no matter what. Of course I often had doubts and I even spiraled a lot but I stayed in my knowing no matter what. And of course he reached out today and apologized. And I also manifested a message from a person i haven’t been in contact with for 30!!! years. So this really works! Tom, I have so much gratitude for you! When I started feeling anxious I reminded myself of who I am that I fully trust in your teachings! So much love for you! ❤

    • 4 weeks ago

    So instead of trying to change this reality we choose to move to our preferred reality.

    We don’t try to fix our feelings and thoughts in this one we just focus on what we want..

    That’s eye opening and mind blowing .

    Thanks Tom and the BSW community

    • 4 weeks ago

    Tom great job on diver certification.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hey Tom thanks for another great video! Could you talk about "expectations" and how they play a part or not, in this reality creation process

    • 4 weeks ago

    Congratulations Tom! Thank you for yet another magical video! 💫

    • 4 weeks ago

    Congratulations Tom🎉 Thank you for existing in this reality for us❤

    • 4 weeks ago

    Yesss yesss….I’m not surprised since EIYPO. Congrats on also cracking the code to scuba diving!💯 Great video.

    • 4 weeks ago

    I love seeing that Bonaire backdrop and am so glad you've had a great experience as you've expanded your skillset. Yesterday, I had a "waiting for the shoe to drop" moment and then laughed and thought, "Hang On Now Partner. You are choosing from INFINITY…and I AM."
    I can't help it Tom, Buoyancy just makes sense! Unfold…Delight. Unfold….Choose Again. Unfold…Giggle with Anticipation. Unfold…Choose Again. Unfold…Celebrate. The string of awareness is constantly expanding.
    Travel Happy and enjoy yourself!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you Tom 😌🤝

    • 4 weeks ago

    Tom, thank you so much for always reminding me who I AM ❤❤❤❤

    • 4 weeks ago

    Congratulations Tom and everyone Im cracking it with you right now by changing my script/movie this is so so Super Powerful Thank you Thank you Thank you💎🙏🤍✨️

    • 4 weeks ago

    Good 💟 You've made Bonaire your second home 🏰🌊 That benefits us all ❣

    • 4 weeks ago

    You don’t fix, change, or power through.
    You choose ! 💫

    • 4 weeks ago

    Gracias por existir en esta realidad Tom!!

    • 4 weeks ago

    This is powerful! Thank you so much!

    • 4 weeks ago

    as someone who has also reaped the rewards from this channels message, I love nothing more than hearing the success stories on here. The more I hear these success stories, the more I'm inspired to expand my dreams and ambitions even further.

    A good read for this community would be In Tune With The Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine (1897).The audiobook is free on youtube also! Its so helpful in seeing our own limitless power. I AM Source <3

    • 4 weeks ago

    Wow ❤ each video is amazing!

    • 4 weeks ago

    This message unlocked something for me.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Mic drop video…Tom congrats for your driving course completion & certification…& I wanna say that due to the ongoing "circumstances" in our beautiful world I was triggered for almost 2hours today also…but your video reminded me that I AM the lighthouse…I am being aware of that "unwanted" reality…But right now I am choosing a beautiful safe peaceful happy world for everyone & it is so bcz I say so…Thank you so much for another marvellous video TOM..❤❤❤

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    Just amazing

    • 4 weeks ago

    I really want to thank you. An image came to me where me and my SP were together in a past when we just met, it was years ago. She was in school and used to visit me after, and I was in university finishing, and I only realized that there is a reality, a script – where we met each other, and were always companions, partners and together. That image came after persisting in my end no matter what, and it wasn't even something that occurred to me but made me aware that I am God, infinite and all this is within me. And its the past/now/future script I choose where we have always been together.

    Thank you Tom <3

    • 4 weeks ago

    “The script is s written. You can’t change the script BUT there are infinite scripts. Thats a big but!” Tom, this is literally the BEST AND ONLY ‘BUT’ we should be using in manifesting 🤯 Thank you!! ❤

    • 4 weeks ago

    I’ve been commenting a lot on here, going to the live streams, and posting on the group haha but I seriously can’t thank you enough for everything that you do. You finally helped me realize my true power in who I am. Every reality is within me, there is no separation. I used to see 3D conditions as concrete and something I had to deal with and cope with so that’s all that know experienced lmao. But I now that is all me, who I SAY I AM. I would react to triggers, negative thoughts, anxiety, trying to change them but I see now that all those “negative conditions” mean nothing I feel all those “negative conditions” because THAT IS NOT WHO I TRULY AM, THAT IS NOT MY CHOICE, THAT IS NOT MY REALITY OR EXPERIENCE. Of course not identifying with what I want with who I truly am feels so fearful and “awful” because if that was who I truly was it would feel good. That can’t be who I truly am so I no longer argue, try to cope with, deal with conditions I just ask myself WHO DO I SAY THAT I AM? Tom thank you thank you thank you a million times over I have never felt so powerful

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you once again for what you do and who you are, sharing with all of us ❤
    I have kind of a weird question, but I can't stop wondering about, so I finally ask it now:
    Is it possible to manifest (or rather choose) being with a younger version of your SP?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Tom, this is your best video EVER! The perfect explanation. Concise. Thank you x100. 🎉

    • 4 weeks ago

    Tom, congratulations 🎊🎉 on your cert! You look great, glowing. Man, what can I say about this video, the is The Master of Master Classes. Watched it twice and downloaded it as this one says it all. Clear and concise and yet profound and powerful. Sent this one to everyone I know as well. Thank you so much.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Tom, I know you are familiar with Abraham Hicks teachings – "choosing" is another way of "changing the pipes"? I also would like you to talk more about Intuition . Thanks for your being so didatic – you are a great Teacher!

    • 4 weeks ago

    I want to manifest perfect eyesight. For past few days i accepted that as my reality and i am affirmimg and choosing thoughts of perfect eyesight only, letting go of all other thoughts that says otherwise. But as days are passing by and 3D has not reflected that my eyesight is perfect. Is there anything I am missing, or I just keep on affirmimg and choosing my desired reality. Any answers will be much appreciated!!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Today, on Be Something Wonderful… 🎉❤😊

    • 4 weeks ago

    Beautifully explained!! loads of love and gratitude 💗💞

    • 4 weeks ago

    @9:00 choosing 🙏🏻💛✨

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you Tom

    • 4 weeks ago

    Dude, you are the bomb💥💥💥. I watched your videos for the very first time today after asking for deeper guidance ( you popped up) , and then went on Reddit where someone mentioned your name and channel! I only signed up for Reddit days ago. Your teaching is on a different level and is so beyond the surface… I totally see Neville in you!🎯🎯🎯🎯 Based on your videos that I've watched thusfar, I see clearly now.

    • 4 weeks ago

    This video literally popped up after I did ACIM Lesson 61 – I am the light of the world! Thank you for your videos. This is my third one as I only found you the other day and I've had such "ah-ha" moments in each of them!

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