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Also, dualism is a heresy condemned by The Church. Roman Catholicism never promoted dualism.
There is mystery in the Catholic faith. Prayer to the Saints isn’t superstition, I might add. There are definite problems with the Orthodox Church as well
Thank you for this thoughtful presentation! "Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrines of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as the dews from heaven. The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever." – Joseph Smith, D&C121:45-46
Absolutely brilliant! Thank God I am not alone. Having a high IQ, artistic and scholarly temperaments, that God saw fit to bless-afflict me with, have put me in/outside any church or synagogue. But enough of me. More of the real God, please. More beauty, inspiration, virtue, and most of all Love for my sad, dull, angry neighbors thru me while I still can.
If I cal love my cat so much, how much more does god Love me.
See also, The Figure of Beatrice by Charles Williams a central member of the Inklings, w JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis.
I love your calm delivery. Many SOF researchers seem to rush through their presentations.
You opened a window into my belief in Edward Oxenford as the writer that I did not realize was closed!
Well spoken and thoroughly considered! Thank you for the elevated discourse. deVere deserves as much.
If the lens is caused to focus on a limited field or purpose there can only be that which is within its scope revealed.
A very favourite professor once said that "Science is a light in the dark and that which is beneath the light can be more fully considered. But there's still a whole hell of a lot of dark." You will have then been able to see but partially & much yet as though through a crystal darkly.The Christian scope and the field of Christ alone is bereft of its full foil. The Hellenistic overe of Christs life is an integrated syncretic view.
Seemingly wholistic but yet brutally limited. More importantly looking at deVere as a world within himself as opposed to his being a product of a process gives him short shrift* in the final analysis. Certainly the claim of the supremacy of the Bible in literary reference being that which informed and registered all in the mindset of the 16th century Anglo-Norman intellect, like a three legged stool sits true on the rudest of floor. Yet not any Bible as much as in the vernacular from whence Shakespeare drew many Castilian draughts to satiate his muse of fire tis fair. T'was not Mystery that pricked him on rather the esoteric faculty of Wisdom Antient, distilled and pure which with Strength & Beauty were alloyed in making his philosophy impenetrable. So a little adjustment to reach further to the mark where virtue lies. Without Wisdom to rule over Strength destruction will eventually prevail, but when melded with Wisdom is then Beauty made of power thus expertly wielded to great effect. Equally so the trivium of text and not the bifurcated is where, as Solan admonished that "knowledge white with age" taught at Khemet is best sought, to temper the circlet encompassing of an age. When have added two the final corner of the trilogy of texts, that predicator of KJV (Oxfords Geneva), Shakespeares' 1stFo. – "The Work" will yield the "Trivium within the Quadrivium" which John Dee spoke of and taught in his School of Night, like an high 12 equatorial Obelisk otherworldly without shadow thus fully revealed.
Look to Cosimo and not the Cosmos for the Tris Magistus!*
Thank you for this lovely talk!
Bess, Diana, Gloriana, b. O' Mordha, the Virtuous Vestal Virgin–no woman before or after her existed, at such a synchronous moment in time…her parentage, her mates, her children and grands, her money, her substances, her stature, her vision, her beauty (forehead), her impeccably manicured mind, her access to all the inks, papers and presses under the Sun and yet not one symbol remains, but the Earth yet ABOUNDS WITH HER ETERNAL WORDS OF LOVE, she has settled the score, from shore unto shore, she has proven millions of times, who loved who Moore.
Well done.