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    • 4 hours ago

    It looks like the DNC bought ALL the balloons in Illinois!!!

    • 4 hours ago

    Madcow goes nuts for appointed Queen Kamala of Scamala killing Democracy. Steal to win campaign

    • 4 hours ago

    Liar #2 doesn’t have a brain cell in that dome

    • 4 hours ago

    When America is strong, the entire world is strong.

    • 4 hours ago

    watch a ww2 documentary about the Normandy beach landing that was sacrifice ON FULL DISPLAY

    • 4 hours ago

    he hates the Military but will play a song paying respect to the fallen soldiers who without their sacrifice America may have fallen during world ww2

    • 4 hours ago

    then again Trump the pathetic liar has already used it the vile human to live in my lifetime and that's saying a lot when I am 52

    • 4 hours ago

    You know Kamala should reach out to Lee Greenwood and ask can she play his song while she during her stops across the country don't be like Trump just steals music from artist. Get his Permission and hopefully his support. He wrote a song years ago that now today is this climate we can all get behind

    • 4 hours ago

    Who voted for her? Not the people, I know this is true! I didn't hear what she is yet today?

    • 4 hours ago

    Looks like Beyonce don't think too much about Camilla or the DNV🤣 hahahahaha………

    • 4 hours ago

    Democrats are more concerned with the production value rather than actual values 😂

    • 4 hours ago

    He Admits Coup, Says He’ll Pardon Jan. 6 Rioters if He Wins in 2024: A …
    Late Night with Seth Meyers

    • 4 hours ago

    YouTube · OK! Magazine
    Trump to Host Award Gala Honoring 20 January 6 Capitol Riot …

    • 4 hours ago

    Watch: 5 Republicans who spoke out against Trump, endorsed Kamala …
    YouTube · Face the Nation

    • 4 hours ago

    Did Kamala Harris tell Joe Biden that withdrawing from Afghanistan and leaving soldiers to die was a bad idea? I believe that would be important to know before the election

    • 4 hours ago

    जय भीम बाबा जी भारत बाबा जी जय ❤जय भीम बाबा जी भारत बाबा जी जय ❤जय भीम बाबा जी भारत बाबा जी जय ❤जय भीम बाबा जी भारत बाबा जी जय ❤जय जय जय जय जय जय जय

    • 4 hours ago

    Just $5 could help both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. No, not to run campaign ads or attend rallies. They both need serious help, as they suffer from a rare disorder known as Hysterical Half-wit Syndrome HHS. HHS typically afflicts those who swim near the bottom of the gene pool. For those unfamiliar with Hysterical Half-Wit Syndrome, it manifests as uncontrollable laughter at inappropriate times often without any discernible cause. Now we all know that both Harris and Walz aren't the brightest crayons in the box, but their severe cases of HHS and incessant cackling exacerbate their perceived lack of intelligence. Yet there is hope. With just $5 you can provide them with the Pepto Bismal suppositories and Tampons they so desperately need to alleviate this debilitating cackling disorder. We are acutely aware that these are challenging times. Bidenomics has lowered the standard of living for many. But ask yourself, do you really want to endure an HHS administration's incessant laughter for the next 4 years? In this moment your $5 amount that buys so little these days, could make a world of difference. So, we implore you contribute that $5 and ease the suffering of both Harris, Walz and those who must endure their laughter. – Presidential Reviews

    • 4 hours ago

    ❤❤❤❤❤Love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Kamala

    • 4 hours ago

    Fans and supporters of president Biden… those ten people don’t exist any longer.

    • 4 hours ago

    Nomination speech! She has as much chance as Hillary. Lu Ron did. Hillary probably has a better chance. Four years to prove she had the ability to do the job. She chose to do nothing. Now she thinks someone would vote for her?!?!?!

    • 4 hours ago


    • 4 hours ago

    Big CROWDS ,represented the HOURLY Rate of DEADLY Migrants Crossing the BORDER ? .

    • 4 hours ago

    Understand some things. Lets start with the military. Men are required to register for the draft. More men volunteer for military service. More men come home in body bags, are maimed and come home with PSTD.

    More women are registered to vote. 

    Per Statista. As of July 1, 2022, there were 165.28 million males and 168 million females living in the United States. The overall population of the United States has remained steady since 2010. 70% of women are registered to vote vs men 68.2%.

    A few members of the Supreme Court just pulled women don't have to vote.

    Women think emotionally. They vote for gun control. They vote overwhelmingly for DEMOCRATS who want Communism.

    If women were required to register for the draft, or our illustrious "Punk-a-Ticians" required that both women and men were required to register for the draft, and in order to maintain our military numbers at a steady number and all able body citizens were kept in the Individual Ready Reserve, there would be EQUALITY! No there wouldn't be!

    Dumb women are given a break on the ASVAB and put in easy jobs behind the line.
    The USA should be the first to have ALL FEMALE INFANTRY BATTALIONS LED BY ALL FEMALE OFFICERS. Let them also fight in the next war. 50/50 all male and all female Infantry Battalions.

    Nothing hits home like knowing a bullet will get you in war.

    Let women earn their right to vote.

    After all, Democrats want to lower the population. Give women the right to abort in every state.

    Put it to the test. In a Time of war will more women have babies so they don't have to serve or deploy. Many women already in the military get pregnant so they don't have to deploy.

    • 4 hours ago

    She was NOT nominated she was installed there is a huge difference! Nominated please tell me how many primary votes she got please. Yeah that's what I thought!

    • 4 hours ago

    Full of Love ❤️ ❤❤
    We must Safeguard our

    • 4 hours ago


    • 4 hours ago

    She was never nominated but thrown into the race. She will destroy the country and Americans. She’s nothing but a communist

    • 4 hours ago

    This woman is very dangerous and will go the same way as the previous Democrats

    • 4 hours ago

    I shake my head sometimes with Trump and Twitter, BUT
    To all those who say…"I'd vote for anyone but TRUMP… I can't stand him!!" or "I can't believe you're voting for Trump!" Well, folks, listen up! This is not a jr high or high school popularity/personality election!! I'm not just voting for the person, I'm voting for the platform! I'm voting for the Second Amendment. I'm voting for the next Supreme Court justice. I'm voting for the electoral college and the Republic we live in. I'm voting for the Police, and law and order. I'm voting for the military and the veterans who fought for and died for this country. I'm voting for the flag. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for the right to praise my God without fear. I’m voting for every unborn soul. I’m voting for freedom and the American Dream. I’m voting for good and against evil. I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my country and our constitution, which was written based on Biblical values and protects our freedoms under God! What are you voting for?
    God bless 🇺🇸 of America.
    Copy and paste, vote for our country, vote Donald John Trump.

    • 4 hours ago

    It’s amazing how all the 81 million idiots who elected Joe "bite me" now got smarter to reject her…yes, there is a God

    • 4 hours ago

    Bias coverage going on

    • 4 hours ago

    Vote blue💙💙💙💙💙💙

    • 4 hours ago


    • 4 hours ago


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