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Famous Ent.

    • 2 weeks ago

    she is gonna lose it all. the kardasians are on their way out, no way will she be able to afford that…..why dont she buy jlo and bens house for a fraction of the price

    • 2 weeks ago

    What a waste! That’s ridiculous…

    • 2 weeks ago

    LIES 🤥

    • 2 weeks ago

    Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should 😅 no one needs that much space

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

    Its only 15 million dollars…my house cost 4 times that…and she only has a net worth of 700 million…. Elon is 300 times that😂😂😂💯 your a lame for putting fake content 🎯

    • 2 weeks ago

    Skittlz Boys is in the comments! Skittlz Nation Shoutout to: Kara always "fashionable" 💃🏼

    • 2 weeks ago

    When you give a vacuous female that much money…think of what more Elon would do.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

    I never heard of a 1 billion dollar mansion 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • 2 weeks ago

    You can tell we are about to get nuked when all these celebrities are building these bunkers.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

    The new Hidden Hills compound looks gorgeous!! The video mentioned her being near Khloe and Kris…..but failed to mention sister Kim is closest, just down Long Valley road! Hidden Hills is an incredible area, extremely private (no public access), and very quiet. Her Holmby Hills compound is incredible, just off Sunset. …….now she just needs the ultimate Malibu home!!

    • 2 weeks ago

    she had another journey commence at 17…one in which she would become completely unrecognizable by physically altering every inch of her being…

    btw, definitely not a typo or a play on words….you have a quality channel and solid following….no need to use clickbait in this manner…it's off-putting…. billion dollar mansion…hard to believe a house is worth more than she is,…

    • 2 weeks ago

    I think all these kardashian/ Jenner sister’s are in competition who can have the bigger better house built. You’re not a billionaire but you keep spending like you are. They all do. Why do you need so many houses and now 15 bed rooms. I think it’s nuts we all made them so rich buying their stuff (crap) watching their tv shows and some of us buying their sex tapes etc. just nuts

    • 2 weeks ago

    I only sane one is Kendal Jenner all the others and mom are insane.

    • 2 weeks ago

    lol who makes these stupid videos??????????????, AI???????????????????, 1 billion $ mansion???? Really???? LOL THINK before you post this BS!

    • 2 weeks ago

    Kinda gross to be honest- unnecessary and overindulgent

    • 2 weeks ago

    The Kardashians might have beautiful mansions but they are all unlucky with MEN!

    • 2 weeks ago

    Instead of worshiping these dish bags why not ask questions why people like her paid millions of dollars when hard working honest people are paid so little next to nothing we are deliberately kept poor.

    • 2 weeks ago

    The witches won't hide from Christ. He already knows where the bunkers are!

    • 2 weeks ago

    People could be living with you and you wouldn’t know it. Such excess. And to be fair so many celebs have giant homes.

    • 2 weeks ago

    ⬇️what a bunch of haters lol 😂 ⬇️

    • 2 weeks ago

    What vulgarity. The rich just get richer while the poor and even the middle class are losing ground.

    • 2 weeks ago

    It won’t be a billion dollars that’s for sure….100 million maybe!

    • 2 weeks ago

    The exterior of the house is all Wood, WTF

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